Which Religion is the One True Religion?


When you have discovered the beginning you have discovered the end. First there is nothing, then you can recognize him, then not, then you can recognize him again, with new eyes, and when you do understand, then you become it again.

Clearly deranged minds grasp the concept of god<sup>&reg;</sup> very well also.
audible said:
yes it certainly does, because gaining wisdom, means clear and free thought, no longer held captive as a slave of fantasy/mysticism, to live in the real world.

To live in the so called 'real world' isn't hard at all, at least not for me. I have never been able to believe in fantasies, it's just impossible. But what is probably even harder, is to really understand a fantasy so that it becomes reality. It's hard because it means that you have to fight against yourself and your beliefs, but this is the way to gain more understanding. When there are no fantasies or mysteries anymore, we know that we have reached the highest level.

I knew that God was non-existent and I knew that religions were fantasies. But when I read various religious texts I started to understand what they (things like God) represent in the real world and now they are no longer fantasies. The thing which religions refer to as God is merely a higher self within us, so the word God is meaningless except in discussion with people who only understand the truth subconsciously by the word God.
The thing which religions refer to as God is merely a higher self within us...

What 'higher self?' Please define.
superluminal said:
Prove it, genius.
I'm not a genius and I don't believe in genii. Religion is written in the Bible. And the very origin of the word is contained in the books of Jewish religious people from which Paul belonged when he was not yet made into a christian man. Paul did mention in parts of his epistles that he was once a member of the Jewish religion being a pharisee.

So... why use the term "religion" if you have not acknowledged that "there exists one true religion?
(Q) said:
What 'higher self?' Please define.

Your goal. What you want to become. What you really are. Happiness. Your opinions will change along times, but you will always be trying to reach something and this is the higher self, or the real you. Sometimes when we are about to do a bad thing, we hear this higher self (the voice of God) which says that we shouldn't do that.

The self is also the thing which makes everything move. What is it that moves your body? It is "you", even if you may not exactly understand what this self is. Humans recognize the power which moves everything, including "themselves", as the "self" - the center of all things.

When the "self" is in a less advanced body, like in a rock, it cannot be conscious, and it probably shouldn't be called "self", even though it is the same "will-power" which moves the particles in the rock. Magnetic energy makes everything move, magnetic energy comes from separation between the negative and positive, but what is it that separates them? The mind is what separates "heaven and earth" (meaning inner and outer world, consciousness and the material world)

In many places of the Bible, something like this is said: God kills 100000 people or so. "God" is not a personal conscious entity. It can feel no responsibility, except if it is in a more advanced body, like the human body. Another perspective could be that "nature" killed 100000 people. The powers which control nature are not conscious like religious people often think, refering to God.

This is a broad subject, it's hard to define it just like that.
Yorda_7 said:
Good and you were able to mention happiness. But as for me and the rest of the Christians internationally speaking, we don't worship nor acknowledge happiness being God. Well, biblically speaking, God did plant happiness in the hearts of men. But sad to note, others have not come to notice it biblically speaking.
Yorda_7 said:
Your goal. What you want to become. What you really are. Happiness. .

Well said fellow human being. This religion is called hedonism. Personaly I don't have any reason to idolize or believe in anything. I am a narcissistic hedonist.
enton said:
But as for me and the rest of the Christians internationally speaking, we don't worship nor acknowledge happiness being God.
Like I don't know that. Neither the religious or the atheists can never agree with me because I am neither.

Besides, you didn't understand what I meant. I was just saying that happiness is our goal. You just read the words, you don't read between the lines. Your God can never be similar to what I call the "self". We're not talking about the same thing. You are talking about a personal entity, I'm not.

The religious say: "I have found God" "I hope God can forgive me" "God has forsaken me"

Ordinary people say: "I have found myself" "I hope I can forgive myself" "I have lost my self"

It's easy to see that they both talk about the same thing.

Chatha said:
Well said fellow human being. This religion is called hedonism. Personaly I don't have any reason to idolize or believe in anything. I am a narcissistic hedonist.
No. I don't believe in anything either, nor do I idolize anything, but you have the free will to categorize me whatever way you want if you have the need. I personally never categorize me. It means to limit yourself. But I don't have any reasons.

I am annoyed by people who misinterpret the true meaning of my words. Everyone who says they know anything about me are wrong, because even I don't know anything about myself.
"Well said". You probably mean "I agree with that". My view is not more true than any other view. Besides, it's not my view since I will change my views.
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What is the difference between a man walking to the shops to buy the latest electronic gear in pursuit of happiness compared to religion? None. Happiness through relation whether falsely advertised or written in holy manuscripts is the reason we do many things I guess. This is why and the only reason why I am still and always be agnostic, though I think christianity and Islam are too beaurucratic and ceremonial for me to believe in anymore. If happiness is real why not anything that makes you happy like religion, people get their high from different ways. People flock to the church down my street every sunday and I know they are just as skeptic as I am, but in the end I guess we are all after the same thing. This topic is well mundane because there is no end to it.
Okay. I'll bite. For the purpose of my post, suppose that I believe in norse (I am an athiest in reality, however).
DwaneM said:
Why do you believe in your religion or your way of life?
Swords are cool. So is pillaging.
Why are you so convinced your way is the right way?
Because I'm the guy with the sword and the throwing axe.
Is it because you happened to be born into it?
Did you examine all the possibilities, and come to the conclusion this path is best for you?
Did you read some book and decide it must be true?
Did you have a vision?
As far as I know, I have not consumed hallucinogens.
Were you visited by a supernatural being?
I wish. Then I could steal his divine beer, the beer of beers.
Was your path the most convenient way out? Did you get tired of searching? Social/family pressure? Fear? Or?
Not really. Just gods with large weapons sound cool to me.

Now, in reality, I'm a staunch athiest. But, norse is cool sounding, so I used to answer the thread questions.
Your goal. What you want to become. What you really are. Happiness.

That is the 'self,' the person, the animate object, which thinks and reasons.

Sometimes when we are about to do a bad thing, we hear this higher self (the voice of God) which says that we shouldn't do that.

No, that is simply our ability to reason. Theists do bad things all the time, while someone who has never heard of god can reason whether or not they are harming another. Voices in your head is a medical problem.

It is "you", even if you may not exactly understand what this self is.

There is enough evidence and information to know that the 'self' is understood to move without any supernatural tendencies. In fact, no such tendencies have ever been found, much to the chagrin of theists.

When the "self" is in a less advanced body, like in a rock, it cannot be conscious, and it probably shouldn't be called "self", even though it is the same "will-power" which moves the particles in the rock.

Rocks are inanimate objects and their particles are governed by the laws of physics. Are you saying that the laws of physics is another term for god?

Magnetic energy makes everything move, magnetic energy comes from separation between the negative and positive, but what is it that separates them?

Their are a number of forms of energy besides magnetic, which govern the motion of objects. What about them?

The mind is what separates "heaven and earth"

Don't you mean the imagination?

This is a broad subject, it's hard to define it just like that.

You've not defined anything relating to a 'higher self.' Suffice it to say, it cannot be defined simply because a 'higher self' does not exist, outside of the imagination, which is what you have loosely defined, in a round about way.
(Q) said:
No, that is simply our ability to reason.

Of course it is. Everything is so clear to you. You know everything. No wonder you never learn anything.

But actually, I agree with you.

There is enough evidence and information to know that the 'self' is understood to move without any supernatural tendencies.

There is no such thing as supernatural, just lack of understanding.

Rocks are inanimate objects and their particles are governed by the laws of physics. Are you saying that the laws of physics is another term for god?

In what way is a rock more "inanimate" than a human? They're made of the same things. Define animate and inanimate.

I'm definitely not saying that the laws of physics is another term for god. But gods have been used as representations of physical and psychological laws.

When you say "things are governed by the laws of physics", it's as though you would say "things are governed by god". Just because you give things a name doesn't mean that you have explained them.

If things are controlled by the "laws of physics" what are the laws of physics governed by? Why are they the way they are?

Without a deep "will" within matter, it is impossible to explain anything. Things want to unite. Males love females. Everything tries to become more whole, closer to the "higher self". Everything wants to unite, because everything in the material world is separated.

Their are a number of forms of energy besides magnetic, which govern the motion of objects. What about them?

They are just parts of the spectrum of the magnetic energy, and this one energy produces such and such a behavior, to which physicists give special names.

Don't you mean the imagination?


You've not defined anything relating to a 'higher self.'

Of course not since you have no understanding about it :rolleyes:

But let fantasies merge together with reality and you will understand :rolleyes:
There is no such thing as supernatural, just lack of understanding.

Lack of understanding of what? You're going around in circles.

Define animate and inanimate.

What, no dictionary?

But gods have been used as representations of physical and psychological laws

True, but there is nothing to substantiate those representations other than what can be conjured from the imagination.

When you say "things are governed by the laws of physics", it's as though you would say "things are governed by god".

No, theists would say things are governed by god. The problem with that is theists cannot explain the inconsistencies and contradictions with that statement, many of which are debated ad nauseum here.

If things are controlled by the "laws of physics" what are the laws of physics governed by? Why are they the way they are?

That is just the way in which observed phenomenae are explained, how things work. If you wish, you might say that the laws of physics are governed by the properties of the universe.

Asking why is irrelavent - that is a question of a philosophical nature and would beg the question of purpose. I doubt there is a purpose.

Without a deep "will" within matter, it is impossible to explain anything. Things want to unite. Males love females. Everything tries to become more whole, closer to the "higher self". Everything wants to unite, because everything in the material world is separated.

Sorry, I see that as a lot of mumbo-jumbo. You haven't said anything. Males love males. Females love females. So what?

They are just parts of the spectrum of the magnetic energy, and this one energy produces such and such a behavior, to which physicists give special names.



So, that fact that we are aware of ourselves is reason to believe in gods?

Of course not since you have no understanding about it

You've not explained anything to understand.

But let fantasies merge together with reality and you will understand

I can fantasize as well as you, better perhaps, but that does not mean fantasies are reality, nor does it mean they can be merged to form reality. They are mutually exclusive and nary shall meet.
Godless said:
Lack of understanding of what? You're going around in circles.

You're going around in circles.

Lack of knowledge and understanding about reality makes us think that there is something "supernatural".

There are no such thing as contradictions.

What, no dictionary?

I have never seen a dictionary that gives an explanation what is animate and inanimate, since they are both the same.

True, but there is nothing to substantiate those representations other than what can be conjured from the imagination.

You seem to think that "imagination" is something bad. Imagination is a powerful thing. There are no good or evil powers, only good and evil use of powers.

No, theists would say things are governed by god. The problem with that is theists cannot explain the inconsistencies and contradictions with that statement, many of which are debated ad nauseum here.

Debates exists because both sides are partly right and wrong.

I doubt there is a purpose.

If there is no purpose with anything, there is no right and wrong, and fantasy and reality merge together.

Sorry, I see that as a lot of mumbo-jumbo. You haven't said anything. Males love males. Females love females. So what?

Males and females are just imitations of the two poles, they're not actual completions except on physical level. Since they're both made of matter, they repell. If a male is born, the female side exists in the male, but invisible. Otherwise, the male couldn't be visible. So if a body is male, it doesn't mean that he is male. For example, I am neither man nor woman. Only matter and spirit (consciousness) can merge together. When they merge together you'll realize that you are you.


So, that fact that we are aware of ourselves is reason to believe in gods?

There are no "fucking" gods the way you imagine them. You think they are some kind of "skyfairies" so of course you can't "believe" in them.

What I was saying is that consciousness separates the negative from the positive, you and the world, and so the world is "created", or more: it is made visible. Similarly like when you draw something: you extract the positive form from the negative background and all this emerges from nothingness, from your self. Whatever you draw on this blank paper, already existed, but it couldn't be seen before you separated it (everything) from "nothing".

Nothing and everything are the same thing. The world exists only because you separate it from yourself. You freeze the illusion of "motion" of nothingness and emulate a "mind" in visible form.

You've not explained anything to understand.

I guess you can't understand it at the moment.

I can fantasize as well as you, better perhaps, but that does not mean fantasies are reality, nor does it mean they can be merged to form reality. They are mutually exclusive and nary shall meet.

This kind of thinking makes you and the rest of the world exist as "reality". If you would never be for or against, heaven and earth would merge together and there would be nothing, and that would be paradise.

Fantasies are real - real fantasies.
Lack of knowledge and understanding about reality makes us think that there is something "supernatural".

You perhaps, but not me.

There are no such thing as contradictions.

Read the bible or the quran.

I have never seen a dictionary that gives an explanation what is animate and inanimate, since they are both the same.

You're being ridiculous.

You seem to think that "imagination" is something bad. Imagination is a powerful thing.

Yes, I know. It rules the minds of theists.

If there is no purpose with anything, there is no right and wrong, and fantasy and reality merge together.

Nonsense. Our universe exists without purpose. Right and wrong are relative concepts.

I am neither man nor woman.


Nothing and everything are the same thing. The world exists only because you separate it from yourself. You freeze the illusion of "motion" of nothingness and emulate a "mind" in visible form.

Major fantasy you have going there.

I guess you can't understand it at the moment.

Or, you can't explain it.

Fantasies are real - real fantasies.

And with that, I take my leave. Since you relate to fantasies only, anything you may conjure from your imagination is credible, for you.
Yorda_7 said:
For example, I am neither man nor woman.
Unless you have no sexual organs, are eunuch, or are a hermaphordite, your statement is pure and utter bullshit.
Hapsburg said:
Unless you have no sexual organs, are eunuch, or are a hermaphordite, your statement is pure and utter bullshit.

Just because the body is male or female, the self doesn't have to reflect and be it. The male became visible because it separated from the female. Speaking is made "visible" only by separating it from silence. If silence didn't exist, there could be no speech. You can't speak and be silent at the same time. Thus, if you are male, you still have your "female" side within you.

Male and female are illusions. Similar to colors. They are just a part of the spectrum of the light, which is both red and green, male and female.

The external form is only the cover of the internal being. If one knows the internal being and is this internal being, one needs the external form only as a tool, but one does not identify with it! The body is only the dress.

(God gave Adam and Eve clothes made of "skin". This of course meant their body)

You also use clothes, but you are not you the clothes. You are your body which male or can be female, but your Self stands above the genders, consequently it is neither a man nor woman. This self is the Creator. The person, the physical, material appearance if is only one half of the true being. The other half is in the unrevealed, remaining in the unconscious. And whether an appearance is manly or female, depends on the fact which half has embodied itself. If somebody has both halves in balance, he has become identical with the Self, and then he carries male like the female principles in perfect balance in itself.

Naturally, the body still remains a male or female. The material appearance can only be one-sided, because where both sides join to the unity, there is no physical existence (reflect it to two opposite colors which you mix together) The union of both complementary halves, of both sides, would mean the destruction of matter, dematerialisation of the body (maybe you could liken this to a great star which collapses into a black hole)

One can be Androgyn only in the mind where there are no physical restrictions. Consciousness can be in your fingers and in your legs at the same time. Later when you come to know more about your true self, you can feel as though you are omnipresent.

The luck which people feel when together with illusional completions is completely transient and cannot give satisfaction to the Immortal Mind.

I really like to talk about opposites.

"You can't speak and be silent at the same time."

But you believe in everything, which means you believe in nothing. I can speak and be silent at the same time. Why can't you?