Which Religion is the One True Religion?


Registered Member
Put Your thinking caps on for this!

Lets say a person comes and ask the following. How would you respond?

Why do you believe in your religion or your way of life? Why are you so convinced your way is the right way? Is it because you happened to be born into it? Did you examine all the possibilities, and come to the conclusion this path is best for you? Did you read some book and decide it must be true? Did you have a vision? Were you visited by a supernatural being? Was your path the most convenient way out? Did you get tired of searching? Social/family pressure? Fear? Or?

I was raised with no particular religious training or leaning. While that is good on....

The rest of the story is here.
I would like to seee some responses please.
Why do you believe in your religion or your way of life?
I don't. My religion doesn't require belief.

Why are you so convinced your way is the right way?
I'm not. I have no way, which is the best way.

Is it because you happened to be born into it?
No, my parents are something else.

Did you examine all the possibilities, and come to the conclusion this path is best for you?
No, I have come to no conclusions. I mean not to. Examination of the possibilities is an ongoing thing.

Did you read some book and decide it must be true?
I have read many books, some truer than others.

Did you have a vision?
Yes, several.

Were you visited by a supernatural being?
I visit them.

Was your path the most convenient way out?
I would hope so.

Did you get tired of searching?
Not tired, just realized when you search, you only get farther away.
I agree with spidergoat. In religion if you go too deep then you realize that your faith is only decreasing. Investigating religion is a bad idea. I did it and now I am an atheist.
Since they all seem to disagree with each other, that makes, say, 99 wrong to, at most, one right. Statistically thats close enough to say that all of them are wrong. BUT are some less wrong than others?
The religion of the Earth. Though it is not the 'on true religion' as patriarchy would interpret A one true religion (and by patriarchy i am including Eastern mysticism, where Nature is said to be illusion ('Maya').

For example, polytheism, which apparently developed in some cases from anmism.

So you can have diverse interpretations, that all are 'earthed'. Nature is central. It is where we ARE. we ARE Nature

And Nature is both 'matter' and 'spirit'. when patriarchy split these two abstract concepts is when the trouble begins. then you get 'one true religion' versus 'one true religion' etcetera.
the laws of physics is the right religion. It can be proved and dissproved. I can prove that gravity exists can any prove that god exists or doesnt exist.
TheHeretic said:
the laws of physics is the right religion. It can be proved and dissproved. I can prove that gravity exists can any prove that god exists or doesnt exist.

OMFG... physics is no religion, just knowledge... interpretation of the world.

Why do you believe in your religion or your way of life?

I don't. My religion doesn't require belief.

What religion is that then?

“ Did you examine all the possibilities, and come to the conclusion this path is best for you? ”

No, I have come to no conclusions. I mean not to. Examination of the possibilities is an ongoing thing.

Possibility of what?

“ Did you read some book and decide it must be true? ”

I have read many books, some truer than others.

What do you regard as truth?


In religion if you go too deep then you realize that your faith is only decreasing. Investigating religion is a bad idea. I did it and now I am an atheist.

Now you believe God doesn't exist, which requires the greatest faith of all because you anything.


Since they all seem to disagree with each other, that makes, say, 99 wrong to, at most, one right. Statistically thats close enough to say that all of them are wrong. BUT are some less wrong than others?

Religions don't disagree with each other, humans do.


the laws of physics is the right religion. It can be proved and dissproved. I can prove that gravity exists can any prove that god exists or doesnt exist.

Prove to me that gravity exists, without me having to use my intelligence to understand the evidence. That's a different matter.

Jan Ardena.
Jan Ardena said:
What religion is that then?

The religions of no religion, Taoism and Buddhism

Jan Ardena said:
Possibility of what?
Possible responses to the situation we find ourselves in.

What do you regard as truth?
Statements that reflect the way things are, or at least seem to be. The truest statement I've ever read was the first line in the Tao Te Ching-
The truth that can be told is not the eternal truth.
or alternatively translated,
The way that can be followed is not the way.

I am certain that Truth with a capitol T cannot be contained in any religious dogma, only a kind of lesser, symbolic truth.
DwaneM: > Why do you believe in your religion or your way of life?"

battig1370:> because it's the only way for peace

DwaneM: > Why are you so convinced your way is the right way?

battig1370:> because All the religions, All the money, All the Knowledge’s, and All the freedom in the world cannot bring about Peace without LOVE. Only when LOVE REIGNS first will there be FREEDOM and PEACE. Only when the people of LOVE rule the nations, will there be FREEDOM and PEACE

DwaneM: > Is it because you happened to be born into it?

battig1370:> No!

DwaneM: > Did you examine all the possibilities, and come to the conclusion this path is best for you?

battig1370:> Yes!

DwaneM: > Did you read some book and decide it must be true?

battig1370:> Yes!

DwaneM: > Did you have a vision?

battig1370:> Yes!

DwaneM: > Were you visited by a supernatural being?

battig1370:> Yes!

DwaneM: > Was your path the most convenient way out?

battig1370:> No!

DwaneM: > Did you get tired of searching? Social/family pressure? Fear? Or?

battig1370:> Explain.

Peace be with you, Paul from The Peace Country
Yordo my statement wasnt literal you shit,
Jan Ardena, prove to you that gravity exist without letting use your intelligence? Thats the dumbest request I've ever heard. If you have no intellegence how the F could you even understand what im saying to you. You throw a ball in the air, while in the air the earth is attracted to the ball and the ball is attracted to the earth. Because the earth is many times more massive the ball moves a lot faster untill it hits the earth. Thats gravity. When i throw a ball in the air it comes down because of gravity not because god threw it back down. Instead of trying not to use you intellegence to prove that gravity does not exist. WHy dont you forget your conditioning and use your intelligence to realize god doesnt exist.
If you could prove god existed then there wouldn't be a reason to live on this earth. It's all a test...one day u will realize the truth.
Put Your thinking caps on for this!
Duly put on and fitted snugly.

Why do you believe in your religion or your way of life?
Because to me it is logical and common-sense.

Why are you so convinced your way is the right way?
Because it works for me, and is logically consistent with everything I know, including all the laws of the universe that govern my existence.

Is it because you happened to be born into it?
Nope - raised as a Roman Catholic.

Did you examine all the possibilities, and come to the conclusion this path is best for you?
All the possibilities? No - I don't know about all the "religions" in the world and what they preach, but I know I couldn't follow a theist religion.
A non-theist religion and non-spiritual religion would then be nothing more than common-sense, though - which is what I think I follow anyway.

Did you read some book and decide it must be true?
It is illogical to read a book and decide that it must be true - unless it is a book of logic / mathematics.
To read one that tells stories of 2,000 years or more ago and believe that to be true without any other evidence to support it is like believing "The Lord of the Rings" to be true.

Did you have a vision?
No - other than what I dream.

Were you visited by a supernatural being?
They don't exist.

Was your path the most convenient way out?
No - far easier to carry on in religious circles without questioning and thinking about it. Far less pain for those around me who are devoutly religious.

Did you get tired of searching?
Nope - I found.

Social/family pressure? Fear?
Nope - other than to remain religious
DwaneM said:
Put Your thinking caps on for this!

Lets say a person comes and ask the following. How would you respond?

Why do you believe in your way of life?
because I live in the real world.
DwaneM said:
Why are you so convinced your way is the right way?
it's the only way to obtain peace.
DwaneM said:
Is it because you happened to be born into it?
no, brought up born again xian.
DwaneM said:
Did you examine all the possibilities, and come to the conclusion this path is best for you?
yes for about eight years.
DwaneM said:
Did you read some book and decide it must be true?no the opposite, I read the books until I was blue in the face, and found them to wrong.
DwaneM said:
Did you have a vision?
no,I live in the real world.
DwaneM said:
Were you visited by a supernatural being?
no, I live in the real world.
DwaneM said:
Was your path the most convenient way out?
no, it took a long time to come to my conclusions, so it was not a convenient path
DwaneM said:
Did you get tired of searching?
was'nt searching just studying, and I concluded religion to be wrong.
DwaneM said:
Social/family pressure? Fear? Or?

DwaneM said:
was raised with no particular religious training or leaning.
but I was xian.
DwaneM said:
Put Your thinking caps on for this!

Lets say a person comes and ask the following. How would you respond?

Why do you believe in your religion or your way of life? (Because the Bible provides, Read James 1:27) Why are you so convinced your way is the right way? (Since my God told me to do so, Read Jeremiah 6:16) Is it because you happened to be born into it? ( I chose to become a christian.) Did you examine all the possibilities, and come to the conclusion this path is best for you? (yes no other path, except the old path, which Elipaz wanted to destroy, Job 22:15) Did you read some book and decide it must be true? (Yes, science books, archaeology and history books and the Bible.) Did you have a vision? (Too much) Were you visited by a supernatural being? (As I had perceived) Was your path the most convenient way out? (According to me) Did you get tired of searching? (Search yours, 1 John 4:1) Social/family pressure? (1 Timothy 3:15) Fear? Or?

I was raised with no particular religious training or leaning. While that is good on....

The rest of the story is here.
http://www.findingyours.com/main/modules.php? name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=52
I would like to seee some responses please.
Lets say a person comes and ask the following. How would you respond?

Why do you believe in your religion or your way of life? (Because the Bible provides, Read James 1:27) Why are you so convinced your way is the right way? (Since my God told me to do so, Read Jeremiah 6:16) Is it because you happened to be born into it? ( I chose to become a christian.) Did you examine all the possibilities, and come to the conclusion this path is best for you? (yes no other path, except the old path, which Elipaz wanted to destroy, Job 22:15) Did you read some book and decide it must be true? (Yes, science books, archaeology and history books and the Bible.) Did you have a vision? (Too much) Were you visited by a supernatural being? (As I had perceived) Was your path the most convenient way out? (According to me) Did you get tired of searching? (Search yours, 1 John 4:1) Social/family pressure? (1 Timothy 3:15) Fear? Or?
I'm not gonna go into mine as Spidergoat was pretty damn close to my own inclinations.


Battiq1370 wrote,

Only when the people of LOVE rule the nations, will there be FREEDOM and PEACE

Which I have to disagree with. When people of 'love' rule the nations, there will be wholesale persecution of any other faith. The nature of religion never ever instilled tolerance, any who believe otherwise are dillusioned.

and qwerasdfzxcv wrote,

If you could prove god existed then there wouldn't be a reason to live on this earth. It's all a test...one day u will realize the truth.

Amazing circular logic. I hope you escape it one day.

The religion that is the one true religion?

Logic. Reason. Truth. Rationality. There are lots of names for it.
JohnGalt said:
The religion that is the one true religion?

Logic. Reason. Truth. Rationality. There are lots of names for it.
Did you mean true philosophy? Logic. Reason. Truth. Rationality.