Which one is more scientific: Allopathy or Homeopathy?

It's wrong to supress the disease further depper in to the body. It will come bak afte some time, this time with greater intensity.

By ultra dilution, you get rid of side (bad) effects of medicine, and you did not torure your body to undergo high material/crude doses of drugs

By ultra dilution, you also get no delivery. This is absurd beyond absurdity. Reduce allopathic (fine choice of terms by the homeopathic industry, BTW) dosage and hey! presto! Less drugs.
According to a 1970 edition of Webster’s New World dictionary, the word comes from the Latin sciens, present participle of scire, to know. The dictionary says: 1. originally, knowledge. 2. systematized knowledge derived from observation, study and experimentation. 3. a branch of knowledge, especially one concerned with establishing and systematizing facts, principles and methods. 4. a). the systematized knowledge of nature. b). any branch of this.

Homeopathy, for example, is a science because all knowledge pertaining to homeopathic medicines is derived from observation, study and experimentation

Thank you for defining science for me. Now all you have to do is proce your poinbt as any scientist would be expected to do. For a start, explain how it has been determined that water has a memory.
Yup, myself. I had chronic anemia and took iron supplements for 6 years to correct it. Did not work. Took a homeopathy course for 6 months. That was 20 years ago. Haven't taken supplements since and have a hemoglobin of over 13 for all that time, or at least when I have had occasion to measure it. According to this doctor [he was a military doctor], the efficacy of homeopathy depends on the ability of the homeopath to correctly diagnose the underlying disorder.

A correct diagnosis is essential in any form of treatment. I hope the vital informtion was passed on to other doctors who failed to diagnose the disorder.

As for your " cure", I believe it would be irresponsibleto treat someone with any medical condition without the treatment having been shown to be effective in double-blind trials. I would make an exception in the case of anyone who had a terminal illness and who was willingto be a guinea pig.
Has Dr. Nancy Malik dissolved into thin air so that she can come back with stronger, more convincing arguments ?
I have a patient, a lady whose Hb has fallen to 4, and a very low iron reserves. By the time she reached her 7th month of pregnancy her Hb was above 12. The treatment started two months before getting pregnant. There are no dearth of medicines in homeopathy.
I have a patient, a lady whose Hb has fallen to 4, and a very low iron reserves. By the time she reached her 7th month of pregnancy her Hb was above 12. The treatment started two months before getting pregnant. There are no dearth of medicines in homeopathy.
I sprained my ankle badly in college. I spent the next couple of days avoiding classes and playing video games and in about 3 days I was healthy again. It is obvious that playing video games heals sprained ankles.

A correct diagnosis is essential in any form of treatment. I hope the vital informtion was passed on to other doctors who failed to diagnose the disorder.

As for your " cure", I believe it would be irresponsibleto treat someone with any medical condition without the treatment having been shown to be effective in double-blind trials. I would make an exception in the case of anyone who had a terminal illness and who was willingto be a guinea pig.

My "cure" is real regardless of your emphasis. I am curious, if you compare homeopathy and mainstream medicine, which one has a higher ratio of misdiagnosis, deaths and malpractice vs cures?
My "cure" is real regardless of your emphasis. I am curious, if you compare homeopathy and mainstream medicine, which one has a higher ratio of misdiagnosis, deaths and malpractice vs cures?
Interesting consideration.

EBM (let's be really off the charts and give it a 50/50 chance) = 1/2
Homeopathy (we'll ignore for the moment that it can't diagnose anything, of course it can't cure anything either) = 0/0

Any questions?

Interesting consideration.

EBM (let's be really off the charts and give it a 50/50 chance) = 1/2
Homeopathy (we'll ignore for the moment that it can't diagnose anything, of course it can't cure anything either) = 0/0

Any questions?


Lets see some statistics.
My "cure" is real regardless of your emphasis. I am curious, if you compare homeopathy and mainstream medicine, which one has a higher ratio of misdiagnosis, deaths and malpractice vs cures?

Think statistics and you will have your answer.
I have a patient, a lady whose Hb has fallen to 4, and a very low iron reserves. By the time she reached her 7th month of pregnancy her Hb was above 12. The treatment started two months before getting pregnant. There are no dearth of medicines in homeopathy.

Can you please answer my question concerning how it has been scientifically established that water has a memory. You remember saying homeopathe is a science ?

All you are offering at the moment is anecdoital evidence. How many people have been " treated" who did not respond. How do you explain in scientific terms the response you claim you got ? The chemistry involved ?

There is no dearth of herbs and whatnots. So what ? What is your point.

Please stop avoiding the issue and answer my questions if you wish to be taken seriously. You are the one claiming homeopathy has a scientific basis. Les's have some evidence !
I sprained my ankle badly in college. I spent the next couple of days avoiding classes and playing video games and in about 3 days I was healthy again. It is obvious that playing video games heals sprained ankles.


I don't agree. I KNOW that whiskey works wonders, even when it's diluted with water.
My "cure" is real regardless of your emphasis. I am curious, if you compare homeopathy and mainstream medicine, which one has a higher ratio of misdiagnosis, deaths and malpractice vs cures?

Your results may seem quite real (and obviously I wish you well in your own quest for wellness), but on average homeopathy represents placebo medication, for the obvious reasons:

A kind of magic?

Time after time, properly conducted scientific studies have proved that homeopathic remedies work no better than simple placebos. So why do so many sensible people swear by them? And why do homeopaths
believe they are victims of a smear campaign? Ben Goldacre follows a
trail of fudged statistics, bogus surveys and widespread self-deception

SAM, I would prefer to confine my discussion to exchanges woth Dr (?) Malik who , after all, is an expert and a practitioner. I shall read your posts with interest but I shall not respond. As far as I'm concerned the ball is in Nancy Malik's court.

So, let's hear from you Nancy !
Your results may seem quite real (and obviously I wish you well in your own quest for wellness), but on average homeopathy represents placebo medication, for the obvious reasons:

Or does it? Does statistically significant equal biologically significant? A 5% increase in muscle mass for example may not be statistically significant, but you'd have to take steroids and pump iron to attain it. Most people get so wound up in the tools of the trade that they forget that the tools are limited. And this is a weird approach to take in clinical trials where intra and inter individual variation is so high as to mask many effects. I've seen scientists talk about a 40 point difference in blood glucose as "negligible" because they cannot comprehend that biology is not statistics. Its also a reflection of their restricted worldview. To give an example: I know a research student who was testing the possible therapeutic effects of a compound in a cancer model. His results showed that although there was a trend, the effects were not statistically significant. Now because this was a smart Chinese boy, he went on to examine why some of the subjects did not show a treatment effect. And found a mutation that makes the subjects unresponsive to the treatment. But this kind of thinking is very rare among scientists.