Which is more important: Secular or Religious education

Which is more important: Secular or Religous education

  • Secular education

    Votes: 26 92.9%
  • Religious education

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters
Institutions are crap. Institutions are our ever present scapegoat. Community is what is important.


yes, I can't but help be amused by this question. I do tend to be verbose in my answer. this is essentially what i was getting at. children will always learn best from their parents, their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and the community around them. those they trust and love and that have an interest in making sure they aren't ignorant little dolts. i have done more to make sure my son is a decent reading than his school has i believe. they have done a lot, i give them credit, but i carefully monitor. as all good parents do. those that don't? it's a crap shoot, those kids don't get good educations.

if you were to ask this same question to an original American tribe, they would look at you like. . . :bugeye: um. . . the tribe educates the children, it's one and the same. neither and both. but then, in such a culture, there is no such thing as "religion" now is there? lol

read, "God is Red" by Vine Deloria Jr. the whole question becomes moot, senseless, with out meaning. LIFE and the elders instruct your spirit and give you the lessons you will need. It's all about the place and the time you are at.

I don't know WHOSE definition of "institution" you are using, but by almost anyone's, community is certainly NOT an institution. You can have many types of communities w/o necessarily using their institutions to educate.

in·sti·tu·tion (nst-tshn, -ty-)
1. The act of instituting.
a. A custom, practice, relationship, or behavioral pattern of importance in the life of a community or society: the institutions of marriage and the family.
b. Informal One long associated with a specified place, position, or function.
a. An established organization or foundation, especially one dedicated to education, public service, or culture.
b. The building or buildings housing such an organization.
c. A place for the care of persons who are destitute, disabled, or mentally ill.
Thank you esotericist. Communities are most definitely not institutions, but groups of INDIVIDUALS sharing and caring for themselves and each other, ideally for the benefit of the greater good, otherwise the community is not likely to survive.

Now I don't know what planet you're beaming this in from glaucon, but on this planet our institutions govern and control our every move. Anarchy is the absence of such control.
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Which is more important: Secular or Religious education?

Teaching religious "education" isn't important at all. In fact, it's a huge waste of time.

If it were to be taught, it should be lumped together with all other myths and superstitions throughout human history.

Perhaps it could be an elective, but it certainly shouldn't be part of the main curriculum.
If it were to be taught, it should be lumped together with all other myths and superstitions throughout human history.

and to combine them offers the equality to all of the religions

so then the students can see, that all four colors of mankind are seeking the same damn things!
Well, I suppose one could say we're quibbling semantics here but...

I fail to see how this:

Communities are ... groups of INDIVIDUALS sharing and caring for themselves and each other, ideally for the benefit of the greater good, otherwise the community is not likely to survive.

is in any significant way different from this:

in·sti·tu·tion (nst-tshn, -ty-)

a. An established organization or foundation, especially one dedicated to education, public service, or culture.


... but on this planet our institutions govern and control our every move.

Ridiculous on two points:

1) and individual always has a choice.
2) those institutions are themselves nothing but a group of individuals themselves.

The point being that you are controlled by these institutions exactly to the degree with with which you let them do so...

Anarchy is the absence of such control.

Not quite correct. Anarchy is the freedom to self-direct.
listen glaucon,

the federal reserve OWNS your ass.

our kids are raised by day care centers.

they are taught in schools.

you are told what's right or wrong by either the government, or by religion, and both institutions will punish you in some fashion for not conforming.

the government has control of our fresh water supply, energy supply, and food supply to a large degree, and regulates pollution.

insurance companies steal your money like the fucking mafia.

and the fda pretty much makes sure everybody's sick.

while the doctors and pharmaceutical companies make money hand over fist keeping us all dependent on drugs.

not to mention all the mind-numbing pharmaceuticals perscribed to everyone and their mother nowadays because they're all depressed and unfulfilled with being a SLAVE.

and all the while (in my country) singing "land of the free, home of the brave". *jack-off gesture*
Which is more important: Secular or Religious education?

By "important" you can take this to mean important for the individual but also for society.


I think the question is pertinent, this is the sort of question politicians have to ask themselves. They only have so much money and resources to spend on their educational systems.

Religious theory/history should be taught in societal funded schools just as science or math is mandated. Some secular arguments put forth is that their child would be corrupted some how by a bad proctor and or curriculum. Is this not already happening in schools?
When you are preparing to do a project, how much value do you assess to the prep work?
listen glaucon,

the federal reserve OWNS your ass.

..no idea what that is...

our kids are raised by day care centers.

Because the lazy parents choose it to be that way...

they are taught in schools.

As they should be...

you are told what's right or wrong by either the government, or by religion, and both institutions will punish you in some fashion for not conforming.

Yet you have the choice to pay attention to their dictum's, or not..

the government has control of our fresh water supply, energy supply, and food supply to a large degree, and regulates pollution.

So what?

insurance companies steal your money like the fucking mafia.


and the fda pretty much makes sure everybody's sick.

Don't know what that is either...

while the doctors and pharmaceutical companies make money hand over fist keeping us all dependent on drugs.

Only if you choose to be on those drugs...

not to mention all the mind-numbing pharmaceuticals perscribed to everyone and their mother nowadays because they're all depressed and unfulfilled with being a SLAVE.

So choose not to...

and all the while (in my country) singing "land of the free, home of the brave". *jack-off gesture*

Well, with that at least, I agree.
You're describing the American delusion that they're all free, and are the best country in the world.

However, again I have to say....... because they have chosen to be that way.
Religion has no place in the schools, no place in the halls of government, no place in the business world (unless your selling pieces of Vishnu's foreskin to the unsuspectingly duped), no place other than a church or place of worship. The only time religion should be taught is when mythology is your interest.

Religious philosophy on the other hand should never be taught anywhere.... heheheh
religion and religious phylosophy needs to be taught just as all other classes on regular basis, our culture lacks the religious education and the morals are suffering, society is corrupt in many ways, and our goals in life entail egoistical ambitions. Our life on Earth is short, we must do everything there is to help each other and be as socially active for others, not ourselves.
Or, it explains rather why one isn't needed...


if a person thinks an issue has no details there is no need for elaboration

kind of like a person who thinks that any digits higher than what he can count on his fingers are some sort of artificial impediment on thought doesn't really add much to a discussion on advanced mathematics.

if a person thinks an issue has no details there is no need for elaboration

kind of like a person who thinks that any digits higher than what he can count on his fingers are some sort of artificial impediment on thought doesn't really add much to a discussion on advanced mathematics.

oh ye, lord of the strawman...
oh ye, lord of the strawman...
You call this an elaborate critique of theism?

Religion has no place in the schools, no place in the halls of government, no place in the business world (unless your selling pieces of Vishnu's foreskin to the unsuspectingly duped), no place other than a church or place of worship. The only time religion should be taught is when mythology is your interest.

Religious philosophy on the other hand should never be taught anywhere.... heheheh
