Where will you go when you die...?

There is a place, six feet beneath the surface of the earth, where many have been observed to 'go' after death...
Some have been observed to go, after being 'transformed', into special 'receptacles' upon certain mantlepieces...
Woody said:
Jesus supposedly returned from the other side and was witnessed by more than 500 people after his death according to the bible.

That's almost as many people as Steven Greer claims has seen UFOs. You know what, none of those assholes can prove shit either. Still, I'd like to see the 500 names of the people that supposedly "witnessed" the alleged christ's alleged resurrection. Otherwise, its more circular bullshit evidence.
People don't get punished for not believing in something. Let's make an example for a moment here. At times I question wether he really exists or not, and did I die or something horrible happen to me? I don't think so. But since you claim to be 100% sure that you're right, humor me for a moment here. Show me real proof that actually backs up those statements you are making here.
duendy said:
the idea of the 'soul' as being individualized and kinda cut off from Nature is Christian one. this is why the misionaries had much trouble trying to convert many Indigenous peoples to thier belief. cause for the anilist Indigenous understanding 'soul' is deeply connected with ALL of Nature---its not in A specific 'place' as it were
Do christain preists eat nonveg food ?
SkinWalker said:
That's almost as many people as Steven Greer claims has seen UFOs. You know what, none of those assholes can prove shit either. Still, I'd like to see the 500 names of the people that supposedly "witnessed" the alleged christ's alleged resurrection. Otherwise, its more circular bullshit evidence.
shit skin, you have issues with this subject don't up. ie., Greer. bringin it here, and slaggin off people you've never even met or know.....witout wanting to derial i'll ask. tho i knows ya sulkin....whys they 'assholes'...??
Mythbuster said:
People don't get punished for not believing in something. Let's make an example for a moment here. At times I question wether he really exists or not, and did I die or something horrible happen to me? I don't think so.

Christians believe that God created the Earth. They also believe that the only thing that God asks in return is that they believe in Jesus Christ. God give mankind every opportunity to believe in Him. If God created the world for mankind only for us to turn our back to Him, can you blame him for being a little pissed?
Where will you go when you die...?
I will not go anywhere.
I will merely cease to be.

My body might get buried or cremated - I dunno. But nor will I be around to actually care. That is for those left behind to concern themselves with.

"Why fear Death when you and He can never be in the same place at the same time.

It is DYING that you should fear."
I fear the knowledge that should I die an untimey death, my loved ones will grieve and suffer pain. I won't be aware of it at the time, if I am simply dead, but I'm aware of it now, and I can still say right now that the idea is horrible, horrible.

This is why I'd rather die suddenly and with no warning at some ripe old age. I cannot imagine lying in a hospital bed and dying from cancer at age 50 and having to endure tearful goodbyes and know just how miserable the whole situation is.
marv said:
You can say that you hope, or that you think, or that you believe that you'll go the heaven or paradise or some other pleasant place. But nobody can say that they know that they will. The catch is that nobody has ever returned from wherever the "other side" is to prove it exists.

Given that, nobody can be absolutely sure that they have chosen the right path to take them to this marvelous yet mythical place.

So why do you think something is waiting for you?

I'm going wherever Jesus is. I place my eternity on him.

If he never existed then I will not exist when I die. (I am no worse off than an atheist)

If he is in heaven then I will be in heaven. (Then I am far better off ).

If he is dead and in the ground, that is where I will be. (I'm no worse off than an atheist).

If he is in hell then that is where I'll be. (Hell wouldn't be so bad with Jesus there).

What have I got to lose?
Woody said:
I'm going wherever Jesus is. I place my eternity on him.

If he never existed then I will not exist when I die. (I am no worse off than an atheist)

If he is in heaven then I will be in heaven. (Then I am far better off ).

If he is dead and in the ground, that is where I will be. (I'm no worse off than an atheist).

If he is in hell then that is where I'll be. (Hell wouldn't be so bad with Jesus there).

What have I got to lose?
You're not called Pascal, by any chance? :D
Woody said:
I'm going wherever Jesus is. I place my eternity on him.

If he never existed then I will not exist when I die. (I am no worse off than an atheist)

If he is in heaven then I will be in heaven. (Then I am far better off ).

If he is dead and in the ground, that is where I will be. (I'm no worse off than an atheist).

If he is in hell then that is where I'll be. (Hell wouldn't be so bad with Jesus there).

What have I got to lose?

Your integrity and sense of self and self-responsibility. But other than that, nothing really.

In my experience, religious people cling to the idea of heaven as a reward for their blind faith. They cling to it so strongly that the good deeds they do are driven by the selfish need to ascend to some mythical place and be amoung the chosen. It's so nice to fit in, isn't it? It is so nice to have visions and promises as a reason to be a good person. Because being good for goodness sake is out of the question and a silly thought. Damn those disbelievers despite the amount of good they do for the world.

Hell is just a fear tactic used to keep you brainwashed and in control.

When we die, we become worm meat. We become earth again, just as animals and others do. The most comforting thing in the world for me is to know that I have done good things to make an impact on humanity, and to make the world a better place... not to make a place off this world for my own personal comfort. I will not be remembered as some idiot who spoke of free will and had none.
One of the best quotes on mortality with a purely non-religious tone that I have ever read is from the brilliant Richard Dawkins:

We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been standing in my place but who will never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Sahara -- more, the atoms in the universe. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Donne, greater scientists than Newton, greater composers than Beethoven. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively outnumbers the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I that are privileged to be here, privileged with eyes to see where we are and brains to wonder why.
I too dont wana be immortal but I do want to die whan I want , Live as long as I want and Live with a young body till I die.
Before I die, I will prefer to transfer all my neural connection information to be copied on a Disk for future reincarnation.
Kotoka said:

(You lost) Your integrity and sense of self and self-responsibility. But other than that, nothing really.

One entry found for integrity.

Main Entry: in·teg·ri·ty
Pronunciation: in-'te-gr&-tE
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English integrite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French integrité, from Latin integritat-, integritas, from integr-, integer entire
1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY
2 : an unimpaired condition : SOUNDNESS
3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : COMPLETENESS
synonym see HONESTY

One entry found for responsibility.

Main Entry: re·spon·si·bil·i·ty
Pronunciation: ri-"spän(t)-s&-'bi-l&-tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
1 : the quality or state of being responsible : as a : moral, legal, or mental accountability b : RELIABILITY, TRUSTWORTHINESS
2 : something for which one is responsible : BURDEN

My employers disagree with your assessment . They tell me I'm one of the most accountable, honest, and ethical people they've met. I am completely trusted with everything including the company's money wherever I work. I am given large capital equipment projects to install.

So what exactly do you mean?
Lerxst said:

We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been standing in my place but who will never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Sahara -- more, the atoms in the universe. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Donne, greater scientists than Newton, greater composers than Beethoven. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively outnumbers the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I that are privileged to be here, privileged with eyes to see where we are and brains to wonder why.

Reminds me of 40 million abortions in the USA.

PS: Richard Dawkins -- wasn't he on Hogan's Heroes and Family Feud?
SkinWalker said:
That's almost as many people as Steven Greer claims has seen UFOs. You know what, none of those assholes can prove shit either. Still, I'd like to see the 500 names of the people that supposedly "witnessed" the alleged christ's alleged resurrection. Otherwise, its more circular bullshit evidence.

I thought you were going to buzz off.

All the disciples said they saw Jesus after he died, and also the apostle Paul. They were all executed because of their faith (except John) so you won't be talking to any of them.

Your calendar says Jesus came. Is it circular?
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I mean that believing in a God or Gods who would condemn others for simply not believing, is a corrupt value system. And the fact that you have to believe makes you an incomplete person who cannot and will not be honest with himself. And people who believe and invest so heavily in heaven, have no real responsibility for their actions. When God will forgive you and let you into heaven if you ask for forgiveness and believe in him, where is your personal responsiblity. We are not talking about your individual personality here, but your entire moral and values system.

What kind of God would stone someone to death for being gay? What kind of God would place so many demands and strict rules on his followers when he cannot and does not follow those rules. What kind of God makes women nameless? What kind of God does not look out for all of mankind but just those who follow him? All religious Gods comes from the same ideal, and it's all crap. Fundementally flawed, illogical and anti-social. Religion will be the death of us all, because of people who allow themselves to be so stupid.

If God so loved the world, why is he so hell bent on dividing it?