Where will you go when you die...?

Despite any the lack of any solid descriptions of heaven, one agreement between both philosophers of lore, and modern Hollywood for that matter is that Heaven is BORING.

Heaven must be an awfully dull place if the poor in spirit live there.
I cannot conceive of what one could 'do' in heaven for eternity that would keep me interested - I feel that without the prospect some element of novelty, life would eventually lose its savour, ie become ultimately boring, especially if are talking about eternity.
duendy said:
hmmmmmthat sounds good. let me try understand tho......you say some 'there' instead of 'where'

expplain. what do you mean?
Marken nicht! "There" or "where" or whatever flavor you choose. Where is your "there" or "where", Christian heaven, Islam paradise, or maybe just reincarnation so you can have another chance.....
Mythbuster said:
I cannot conceive of what one could 'do' in heaven for eternity that would keep me interested - I feel that without the prospect some element of novelty, life would eventually lose its savour, ie become ultimately boring, especially if are talking about eternity.

Not trying to be lascivious here, but I honestly don't think I would ever get tired of having sex with beautiful women. If every day I was faced with the choice of having sex with Catherine Zeta-Jones or dying, I think I'd choose the former. Evolution has wired me that way. Similarly I don't see myself getting tired of reading great books, hearing great music, or seeing the beauty of nature. I think there must be practically infinite varieties of ways to experience just these few things - why would I ever get tired of them?

I like the idea of being able to live until you've decideded you have had enough. Maybe after a billion years I would get bored. But I know I wouldn't be bored after 200. I have way too much I want to do. That is why I will never understand those people that are not only resigned about death but don't really seem to care. Don't they have enough interests in their life? Are they bored? What? I have way more I want to do in the next 30-40 years than I will possibly be able to do, and that fact sucks.
"Where will you go when you die...? "

I have come to understand that it does not matter. My life now is still my life, regardless whether I am eternal, or not.
"Where will you go when you die...?"

No where. My molecules will return to the Earth in some form or another whether I'm cremated or buried. In the tomorrow of death, I might be a tree, a bit of algae, a bird, or the lettuce in your salad. "I may even find myself in a single drop of rain, but I will remain. And I'll be back again, and again, and again...."
"Where will I go when you die...?"
I believe that my physical body will die but my spirit is transcended or whatever it is called, will move into a body of the child I and my wife gave birth to. The only thing that will be different is that I will not remember what has happened nor will I know who I was before. Most importantly the more love I felt towards my life and my wife in my previous life, will mean I will have more control over this source. What is amazing about this transcending process is that my wife and I will become one in spirit, sort of like the feeling of love. The choices that this new child will make in the life will be based on the choices I would have made but something new is incorporated, genes pass on from me and my wife, and these genes code for the baby, the genes are the codes that make my wife and me choose, the genes determine the soul. Since these genes get passed on to a new being, that being has that soul to the greatest extent because he got the genes from both the mother and the father, however during this process we also have evolution, and that is where a new code is added...more adenines...cytisones...thymines....this process allows both the mother experience a new life without knowing she ever lived before, allows the father to experience a new life without knowing he ever lived before, and a new child to be born, a child with a new entity but based on his parents.
Lerxst said:
Not trying to be lascivious here, but I honestly don't think I would ever get tired of having sex with beautiful women.
But these are Arab women. Why do you think the Arab men want to keep them hidden?...
Lerxst said:
I like the idea of being able to live until you've decideded you have had enough. Maybe after a billion years I would get bored. But I know I wouldn't be bored after 200.
Probably not, since, by current and near future technology, you'll be either senile or suffering from alzheimers. Hmmmmm, maybe you won't be bored after 999,999,800 years after all!...
marv said:
But these are Arab women. Why do you think the Arab men want to keep them hidden?...
Probably not, since, by current and near future technology, you'll be either senile or suffering from alzheimers. Hmmmmm, maybe you won't be bored after 999,999,800 years after all!...

The only reason that majority of arab women are not as pritty as all other women is because they do not allow formation of vitamin D in their body because they do not get enough sunlight on their body, thus all the deformations...Free Arab women and in the second or third generation you will see lotuses bloom in the desert
Lerxst said:
I sincerely hope that this is not the case, and some sort of afterlife awaits. I certainly don't have faith in any such thing, or evidence for it, but I hope it is the case anyway. If my hope is mistaken, then I cannot possibly be disappointed. I'll just be dead. So not only is there no harm in hoping, it adds positive value to my life here and now, because it helps me stop from dwelling on dark and morbid thoughts about mortality, as I am otherwise wont to do.
faith and hope are synonyms you cant lack faith in something and still have hope or vice versa.
so if you hope it's real, then you have faith in it.
ghost7584 said:
The King Jamed version New Testament speaks with certainty.

Arguments from authority are falacious, especially when the authorities knew nothing of the world around them and were wrought with superstitions.

When I went through this it was actually like a new personality was coming into me and I would feel great joy at times which I called smiling on the inside.

Like other christians have said. I know the way I was, and I know the way I am now, after becoming a christian, and it is a big difference. It is like I was blind, but now I see.

Reality doth preclude wishful thinking and delusion.
With respect to religion...
  1. "I think..." means that it might be true, I just don't know. It's the precursor to "I hope...".
  2. "I hope..." means that I want it to be true, please don't prove otherwise to me. It's the precursor to "I believe...".
  3. "I believe..." means that I don't care what you think, I've made up my mind without regard to any real evidence.
SkinWalker said:
"Where will you go when you die...?"

No where. My molecules will return to the Earth in some form or another whether I'm cremated or buried. In the tomorrow of death, I might be a tree, a bit of algae, a bird, or the lettuce in your salad. "I may even find myself in a single drop of rain, but I will remain. And I'll be back again, and again, and again...."
haha...yu dog
we agree, as sureal as tis may mean. but.......whereas you see 'molecules' as random and 'dead' i seem them conscious, as is all matter-energy. there lies the 'chasm' be tween me and yu doooog
geeser said:
faith and hope are synonyms you cant lack faith in something and still have hope or vice versa.
so if you hope it's real, then you have faith in it.

I disagree completely. Faith would be firm belief in something for which there is no proof. Hope is merely having an emotional preference for a potential outcome that cannot be conclusively determined ahead of time. It is not a belief.

If I buy a lottery ticket, I have absolutely no faith that I will win. That would be equivalent to believing I was going to win. There is no evidence to support such a positive belief. Moreover, I could not make myself believe "I'm going to win." I cannot "will myself" to believe in any old arbitrary concept.

But if I buy a ticket, I certainly hope it will be the winning one. Why else would I buy it? I hold no positive belief that it will be the winner, I rather tell myself "it is unlikely, but possible that I shall win. I hope I will, although the odds are infinitesimal."

Imagine Alice and Bob each buy a lottery ticket. Alice says "I hope I win." Bob says "I know I am going to win. Faith tells me so." You and I and anyone else with a brain would roll our eyes at Bob and consider him a nut. But we would not roll our eyes at Alice. It is totally naturally to hope to win. It is the same as wanting to win. It is not faith at all.

Apples and oranges.

Heck, I don't even have to know exactly what x is to hope for x. Suppose my wife buys me a birthday present. It would not be insincere, or illogical for that matter, to state "I hope it is a complete surprise - something I could never have predicted she would buy, or something that I've never, ever seen or heard of."
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c7ityi_ said:
marv, i think 'believe' and 'think' are the same thing.
I don't think so...
think v. To examine in the mind; meditate upon, or to determine by reasoning.

be-lieve v. To accept as the truth or actuality of anything without certain proof; mental conviction.​
marv said:
I don't think so...
think v. To examine in the mind; meditate upon, or to determine by reasoning.

be-lieve v. To accept as the truth or actuality of anything without certain proof; mental conviction.​
see that thinking can form a mindSET--a closed circuit/ a belief
for all you know your 'reason' may be mere interpretation--NOTreality as u may think it is
Of course, how stupid of me...

I think that I have a red SUV. Now, I may be wrong, but at least I think it's red.

And I firmly believe that I only get 12.5mpg because the interior is beige. I must accept that because others have told me so.

JEEZE! mind-set n. Opinion; sentiment; a way or state of thinking.
marv said:
You can say that you hope, or that you think, or that you believe that you'll go the heaven or paradise or some other pleasant place. But nobody can say that they know that they will. The catch is that nobody has ever returned from wherever the "other side" is to prove it exists.

Given that, nobody can be absolutely sure that they have chosen the right path to take them to this marvelous yet mythical place.

So why do you think something is waiting for you?

Jesus supposedly returned from the other side and was witnessed by more than 500 people after his death according to the bible.

So the question becomes, do you believe Jesus existed, and the bible is a true account of what happened?