Where will you go when you die...?


Just a dumb hillbilly...
Registered Senior Member
You can say that you hope, or that you think, or that you believe that you'll go the heaven or paradise or some other pleasant place. But nobody can say that they know that they will. The catch is that nobody has ever returned from wherever the "other side" is to prove it exists.

Given that, nobody can be absolutely sure that they have chosen the right path to take them to this marvelous yet mythical place.

So why do you think something is waiting for you?
i think i'll be born in another body. but i hope i will become non-existent.

there are people... like small children... who have been able to remember and prove their past lives. since we switch bodies, we generally forget.
c7ityi_ said:
i think i'll be born in another body. but i hope i will become non-existent.

there are people... like small children... who have been able to remember and prove their past lives. since we switch bodies, we generally forget.

No there aren't.
I think I might stay where I am, where-ever that may be, but without being connected to this brain I have at the moment which I use to control this body but which also keeps my thinking totally separate from the greater mind which is the real me; you know, the one that creeps through occasionally and prompts people to think they have been spoken to by God. I think it might be wrapped up in some of those other dimensions postulated in M-theory. Or somewhere else!
c7ityi_ said:
i think i'll be born in another body. but i hope i will become non-existent.

there are people... like small children... who have been able to remember and prove their past lives. since we switch bodies, we generally forget.

No. Actually there are devils and evil spirits that know about the past lives of people that they were associated with and they can give that knowledge to children to make it look like they had past lives. Devils want to deceive men so that they won't believe the bible and they will end up in hell to suffer like the devils will. Misery loves company.
Devils: disembodied evil spirits, that exist in a spiritual dimension, and have telepathic contact to the mind of men.
No, actually there are no spirits or devils or hell or anything of the sort. My only regret is that consciousness truly ends at death and people like ghost will never know how wrong they were. Shit.
marv said:
You can say that you hope, or that you think, or that you believe that you'll go the heaven or paradise or some other pleasant place. But nobody can say that they know that they will. The catch is that nobody has ever returned from wherever the "other side" is to prove it exists.

Given that, nobody can be absolutely sure that they have chosen the right path to take them to this marvelous yet mythical place.

So why do you think something is waiting for you?

The King Jamed version New Testament speaks with certainty.
Real christians have undergone a change in their personality called being born again of the Spirit. If you really believe in Jesus and repent of sin, and are trying to serve God according to the New Testament, then God will send His Holy Spirit to live with you and guide you into the truth. It makes a very big change in your personality; you take on what is called the fruit of the spirit in galatians; love joy peace patience kindness goodness meekness self control.-- You become changed to be more like Jesus.
Real Christians that have undergone this change know the way they were and they know the way they are now, and it is evidence that they are different and that they got right with God.
When I went through this it was actually like a new personality was coming into me and I would feel great joy at times which I called smiling on the inside.

2 Corinthians 1:21 Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, [is] God;

2 Corinthians 1:22 Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.

1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Like other christians have said. I know the way I was, and I know the way I am now, after becoming a christian, and it is a big difference. It is like I was blind, but now I see.
ghost7584 said:
The King Jamed version New Testament speaks with certainty.
...now does it? How do you know? Or do you really just hope it does in order to alay your fear of death and finality?
like Marv says, what we KNOWfor sure is we do NOT know. that is te first. all else is conjecture....so we HAVEthen to infer.....

Nature's WAY giv es hints. things seem to be spherical and cyclic, dont they?

so is process of life itself cyclic. we are living now and what do we actually see? don't we 'see' people dying and bables being born? so whats tthat tell us? that there seems to be some form of continuity going on with the process life

now if i ten ask you: what happenes to 'you' when 'you' die. i wonder what 'you' means, and/or 'me'.
what is 'you'? if i asked you who you are, what would you say? would yu fist tell me your name, how old you are, and what you do-------then there --asi got to knowyou, you'd let me in on more about 'you'---about where you live, likes. dislikes, what you wanna d in life. then een morepersonal you might share about your past, both good times and bad times.........now all that is 'you'. isthere more than 'you'?
well thereis the unconscious isn't there?
this means that stuff that's happend in the pst may have been forgotten, AND when it happened you weren't aware of othe stuff. and also that things that happen NOW you may only be aware of a small part of what's happening. and you also have your own unique interpretation,,,,which may evolve as you go thru changes in life

so what i m explorin is that there is more to you than you may realize. do yo agree?

one tingis sure. what is same between me and you is AWARENESS. we are both aware. the tree, animals, insect, water, air ALL of Nature,all matter-energy,i am saying IS aware.....do you agree wit that. i not maybe say why not

so if so, what does it mean to die knowing that? is it samefeeling of dying when you think al matter-energy is dead and only 'you' are conscious, as materialists do. and the fundamentalist religionists think that 'you' are gonna go to heave or hell dont they?
I suspect, quite strongly, that death will amount to the utter and complete destruction of my consciousness forever.

However I sincerely hope that this is not the case, and some sort of afterlife awaits. I certainly don't have faith in any such thing, or evidence for it, but I hope it is the case anyway. If my hope is mistaken, then I cannot possibly be disappointed. I'll just be dead. So not only is there no harm in hoping, it adds positive value to my life here and now, because it helps me stop from dwelling on dark and morbid thoughts about mortality, as I am otherwise wont to do.
He who believes in himself will never die, because the self has never been born, only bodies and persons die, not the existence, consciousness, the self.

superluminal said:
No there aren't.

Shanti Devi and Swarnlata Mishra for example.
Itseemstome said:
I think I might stay where I am, where-ever that may be, but without being connected to this brain I have at the moment which I use to control this body but which also keeps my thinking totally separate from the greater mind which is the real me; you know, the one that creeps through occasionally and prompts people to think they have been spoken to by God. I think it might be wrapped up in some of those other dimensions postulated in M-theory. Or somewhere else!

or maybe its your intuition,

If I wasn't in some "there" before I was born, why should I expect to be in some "there" after I die.....
Singularity said:
The question is no longer when but If I will die.

why because you believe that the singularity or science will make you immortal?.

i think many modern people may seceretly think that and place there hopes into science like a religion, "the quest for immortality".

if im wrong im sorry :).

marv said:
If I wasn't in some "there" before I was born, why should I expect to be in some "there" after I die.....
hmmmmmthat sounds good. let me try understand tho......you say some 'there' instead of 'where'

expplain. what do you mean?
Mythbuster said:
Is there such thing as sperm souls ? Cause when your masturbate, you kill millions of them.
the idea of the 'soul' as being individualized and kinda cut off from Nature is Christian one. this is why the misionaries had much trouble trying to convert many Indigenous peoples to thier belief. cause for the anilist Indigenous understanding 'soul' is deeply connected with ALL of Nature---its not in A specific 'place' as it were