where is the evidence for alien visitation?

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give me liberty
Registered Senior Member
i do not belive earth has been visited by aliens.

i have never seen any credible evidence that has held up to scrutiny.

a few lights and few cookie cutter abduction stories are flimsy at best.

where is the hard core proof if they really are here?
where is the hard core proof if they really are here?

I don't think I need to explain my presense here to anyone.
The problem is: everybody thinks that ufos are aliens. First we need to explore the phenomenon. It can be anything...climatic strange (and rare) phenomenon, USA experiments (secrete weapons, planes, etc), electricity (from magnetic field), spirits, humans from the future...anything. Lets just observe it and study it. The real problem are the hoaxs and stupid people trying to make ufos being so "credible" like witchs....
people claim aliens are visiting us. i say they are not.

i want the pro-alien people to put forth their evidence to support aliens.

i have never seen any credible evidence .
mars13 said:
people claim aliens are visiting us. i say they are not.

i want the pro-alien people to put forth their evidence to support aliens.

i have never seen any credible evidence .

And you never will. Simply because there isn't any.

Yes, it's true that many people have seen things in the sky that they weren't able to identify. And some of those people even believe that they are alien in orgin. Why? Just because they want to . That's all.

Pretty much everyone likes a good mystery and when things currently going on aren't of the type/kind to hold their interest, they go looking for other stuff that IS interesting to them. UFOs and aliens fit that requirement very well for a lot of people.

Parallel to that, though, is another group that are wasting away their lives even faster: the conspiracy-theory nuts. They see demons in every shadow and behind every closed door. So perhaps the "alien believers" aren't quite so bad after all - except for the ones who are also conspiracy nuts and think the various world governments are hiding the "real truth." Bleah!
kazbadan said:
The problem is: everybody thinks that ufos are aliens. First we need to explore the phenomenon. It can be anything...climatic strange (and rare) phenomenon, USA experiments (secrete weapons, planes, etc), electricity (from magnetic field), spirits, ...

Nope. UFO. Unidentified FLYING Object. People shout UFO when they see an object which does not display controlled flight. That is the first problem. Static lights get reported as a UFO. Planets and satellites get reported as UFOs. None of these things display flight characteristics.

'UFO' has become a meaningless term, and I dislike it's use.
I remember watching a program about UFO's over Phoenix. There were several different videos and many eye witnesses and when I seen it myself I didn't think it could be easily explained.

Then of course as the program went on, it showed a similar video which showed flares released by the military and the result was almost identical to the numerous lights seen in the sky on the night people seen the UFO's. It further explained evidence to show that it was infact flares.

But this program had me thinking that even if I was rather taken in by the origional footage which turned out to be rather mundane in the end, then there isn't a great deal to be said about the whole UFO phenomena.

But I still wonder... It's a big universe, and if they are aware of our blue planet and our existence, they just might be interested in us. It will be difficult to get concrete proof though, especially if they wish their presence to be unknown to us.
KennyJC said:
But I still wonder... It's a big universe,

Yep, very big, and if FTL travel isn't possible, the distances are rather unsurmountable.

and if they are aware of our blue planet and our existence,

Well, the only way we have announced our existence is by broadcasting radio waves, which travelling at the speed of light, haven't really gone very far in the great scale of things. To have been visited by speculation from further afield, requires such awesome technology it's hard to comprehend. BUT, if they did have such technology, it's hard to imagine that other fields wouldn't have advanced in parallel, such as medical science, stealth, etc, and so the need to abduct and anally probe humans, and if they did, not being able to get away with it, is questionable to say the least!

they just might be interested in us. It will be difficult to get concrete proof though, especially if they wish their presence to be unknown to us.

Ah, there you go. When we observe animals in the wild, we try to not disturb them. We build camouflaged hides, and observe using long lenses. I'm sure aliens would be interested in us, but would they meddle? Perhaps not, they would perhaps let us make our own mistakes, and learn from our own growing pains. After all, a wasteful exploiting culture, who pillage and rape planets for their resources, and make them uninhabitable, is not one you want to help survive long enough for them to develop space travel and spread their disease. If they gave us their technology, we wouldn't appreciate it, we'd still be wasteful and exploitative. I think we would have to prove ourselves if they were watching.

Not that I think they are. I'd love it to be true, but I think we return to the first point. That space is big, very, very big, and while I think it's unlikely we are alone in the Universe, I think it is equally unlikely we'll ever meet, which really is the saddest thing.
craterchains (Norval said:
UFO's have been in our sky's long before mankind learned to build aircraft.
Yes man has been seeing lights in the sky and misinterpreting them for thousands for years. It still happens today.

As kazbadan said earlier in the thread - "The problem is: everybody thinks that ufos are aliens." Unidentified does not necessarily mean alien.
Hey! My dog told me he was visited by an alien in my backyard. Are you guys trying to suggest to me that my faithful, loyal, trusted companion is a liar?
Evidence of the existence of UFO's falls into two general categories - eyewitness statements and photographic/instrumental recordings of anomalies.

Both types are subjected to a wide range of misinterpretation, and outright deception. Neither is adequate to a prove that there is a basis behind the hysteria - all eyewitnesses can seen as either lying or misguided, all evidence is either not an alien artifact, or was fabricated.

Any proof out there must lurk within the careful analysis of all available, public evidence compiled to date. The problem with a "yea" verdict is that it seems hollow - a very weighty conclusion reached via indirect means. The problem with a "nay" vote is that there is a hardcore of eyewitness testimony that stems from either observers whom were properly trained, or those of a psychological profile which virtually precludes deception.

Ben Rich (the chief designer of the F-117 Stealth Fighter) is on record as stating that a flying saucer is the "ultimate" shape for defeating radar. One question I'd be interested in addressing is why a great many reports of unexplained objects from the 1950's onwards described or photographed objects exhibiting apparent stealthy features - a technology that did not become public knowledge until the 1980's?
I was once visited by aliens in my sleep.

Their anal probes and groin massages were disturbing and frightening.

The only evidence left over, was a few grams of alien semen excreted from my rectum in the morning.
I’ve saved it in an empty peanut-butter jar in my refrigerator.

I know they were aliens because I distinctly heard them speak Spanish during my…examination.

I still fantasize about them revisiting me again.
Uh…to get a better sample….
If I were a girl, I think I probably would feel privileged to enjoy such a rare scientifically believable encounter. I could probably make a lot of money off of it too, as are the UFO sighters today. Maybe I could have a sex change and borrow your peanut-butter jar?
2Dogswalking said:
http://www.unknowncountry.com/dreamland/?id=256 Interview at Whitlely Streiber's site, discussing Bill Chalker's book, "Hair of the Alien", supposed DNA proof, by an independent lab, of hybrid/alien, with a human abduction involved.

mmmmmm.... This would have been the completely and utterly believable story of the Australian chap whom, after having been taken down with a fever and been confined to his bed as a consequence, experienced an alien "encounter" of the most erotic kind whilst whacked out, purely coincidently y'understand, with the very same fever which put him there in the first place.

If memory serves he was visited by two very fetching yet obviously "not-of-this-world" young ladies bearing a curious mixture of races about the features whom proceeded to make with the wild nookie whilst his wife was out at work.

After the event the gentleman woke with a searing pain in his dick and was horrified to find the source to be a white/blond hair bound tightly around his todger...

One of the "ladies" involved was unreliably described as being Asian in aspect with ash white hair.

As an excuse for a bit of hows-your farther the whole "abduction" aspect certainly ranks up there as being original, but as for the claims regarding the Hair itself - though there are many, many accounts of the said article disclosing all manner of astounding implications, no one other than the UFO researcher the gentleman in question and his wife have ever seen hide nor, pardon the pun, hare of the thing.

Though there's no end to the list of people who say all manner of things otherswise...

Just nothing by way of any actual physical evidence is all.
Just nothing by way of any actual physical evidence is all.

To repeat:

Some of the objects appearing in photographs from the 1950's onwards appear to exibit stealth characteristics. The photographers could not possibly have known anything about the science of radar evasion, or that the shape - flying saucers - would one day be calculated by the Lockheed Skunkworks to be the ultimate shape in defeating radar. Ergo, photographic evidence from the pre-stealth era - examining the basic structure of objects to determine any inherent stealth characteristics, may produce evidence of an alien origin to UFO's
Your reply, Glenn, adds to the preponderance of evidence, including thousands of documented reports, provided by credible witnesses around the world. The '97 COMETA Report, compiled by scientists and militaries from most Western European nations, including some South American countries, is hard evidence for me. Most of the free world, based on scientific and military analysis of 30,000 reports of trace landing's, abductions, and UFO sightings, over 30+ years, have concluded UFO's and alien visitation are real. The famous US Gen.Twinning memo from '52, said "UFO's exist", and that they represent a "real phenomenon". Whatever "hardcore" evidence posters seem to demand here, debunking ufo's, as being man-made and/or alien, is a moot issue. Now, what they are, who they are, and an open disclosure of their technologies remains. It waits behind layers of US secret government files, in hangar bays at Area 51, and in private research laboratories, like Sandia, where alien "technologies" have been re-engineered, so as to be unidentifiable from their origins.

You want proof? You're the debunker's. I have enough evidence for myself. Why don't one of you smart boys go to Sandia Laboraties, in Livermore CA, and ask to see their government-sponsored Special Access Programs for advanced laser systems, and if they show you their "solid light" particle beam, the green one that can hit satellites from the ground, I guess you won't be debunker's anymore, that is, if they'll tell you where the technology came from.
glenn239 said:
To repeat:

Some of the objects appearing in photographs from the 1950's onwards appear to exibit stealth characteristics. The photographers could not possibly have known anything about the science of radar evasion, or that the shape - flying saucers - would one day be calculated by the Lockheed Skunkworks to be the ultimate shape in defeating radar. Ergo, photographic evidence from the pre-stealth era - examining the basic structure of objects to determine any inherent stealth characteristics, may produce evidence of an alien origin to UFO's

Mmmmmmm...... Ben Rich, chief designer of the F-177 went on record publicly stating that the 1950's style Flying Saucer is the "ultimate" shape for defeating radar, eh...?

Well, gosh. How could one possibly argue with so august a person as Ben Rich... Except that, had Mr Rich actually stated anything of the kind we'd know for a fact he was blowing it his arse on account of about the very last shape y'could possibly imagine that would facilitate stealth characteristics in a vehicles airframe would be you classic "Saucer" of the 1950's...

Smooth, curved, aerodynamic shapes refract radar - that's why the B2 is the boxy, flat faced piece of crap it is in form. It's not just aesthetics, its a form that does it's job.

So, I'd be concluding, and not unreasonably here at all, that wherever you read this so called declaration by a "senior" aircraft designer, it wasn't actually a statement written by the gentleman sited in person. Was it?

Nope, I really didn't think it was....

Stealth characteristics my arse.
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