Where is the ACLU?

Public schools get more funding than private schools and do much less with it. Funding is not the issue. The issue is discipline.

At many schools, teachers have no power to enforce the rules and so have no control of the classroom. You can't spank the kids, you can't flunk the kids, you can't even mark their anwers wrong with a red pen! This allows a few hooligans to disrupt the entire class and prevents everyone from learning.

At my son's public school, the parents are behind the teachers and they don't tolerate crap. There are no fights, no drugs, no profanity. At a first offence, your child is sent to reform school for a day. Repeated infractions result in increased sentences up to permanent expulsion.

My son even got sent there for a day for going on an internet forum much like this one at the school library. Someone monitors what's on all the screens and saw a thread where someone made reference to a "gay nigger". I was informed he was in trouble for circumventing their internet filter and going on an inappropriate discussion board (It was yourthemannowdog.com or maybe ytmnd.com).

Anyway, the school is consistently ranked as one of the ten best in the state.

Meanwhile, Washington DC spends way more per pupil then our school district and has one of the worst schools in the country.

The schools need more discipline and better teachers, not more money.

She is definitely right.

My wife used to teach for Baltimore City elementary (5th grade) and she would cry over the stuff she had to witness. These kids were only in 5th grade and they would discuss things like having "sex", showing interest in drugs, talking about being molested, etc...

Although the school was in a poor neighborhood with poor children attending, the school itself wasn't underfunded. Her discipline wasn't a problem as she disciplined them as well as she could, but there's only so much one can do.

These kids had no fear of punishment from a teacher or a principal. Their real punishment was being at home, outside of school, which is where they would end up once then got into enough trouble. So in that scenario, everyone loses.

The root of the problem is the family life. Ghetto losers have kids, the kids grow up being treated like trash and they become ghetto losers themselves who have more kids. It's an endless cycle. The best hope is you get a few kids who are smart enough not to get sucked into the shit.
The root of the problem happens before family life. A good family life is predicated on the parents (or at least one of them) being able to provide for their children with a good job.
I agree to an extent, but being able to provide for a family doesn't guarantee that a kids needs will be met. It doesn't matter if the parent has a job or money, if they don't have an education or aren't smart enough to make good decisions for themselves and their children, there isn't much of a point how much they can provide.
John Hagee just called the ACLU "the Anti-Christ's Lawyers Union".

Yes. Look at some of these instance of Christian-bashing by the ACLU

Rhode Island ACLU (2006) filed an appeal in federal court on behalf of an inmate who was barred from preaching during Christian religious services, something he had done for the past seven years under the supervision and support of prison clergy. The prisoner, Wesley Spratt, believes his preaching is a calling from God. Prison officials cited vague and unsubstantiated security reasons for imposing the preaching ban on Mr. Spratt. The ACLU argued that the ban violates Mr. Spratt's religious freedoms guaranteed to prisoners under federal law. www.riaclu.org/20060111.html

The ACLU of Nevada (2005) defended the free exercise rights and free speech rights of evangelical Christians to preach on the sidewalks of the Strip in Las Vegas. www.kvbc.com/Global/story.asp?S=3379553&nav=15MVaB2T

The ACLU of New Mexico (2005) joined forces with the American Family Association to succeed in freeing a preacher, Shawn Miller, from the Roosevelt County jail, where he was held for 109 days for street preaching. The ACLU became involved at the request of Miller's wife, Theresa. www.stcynic.com/blog/ archives/2005/08/aclu_defends_another_street_pr.php; www.aclu.org/religion/gen/19918prs20050804.html

The ACLU of New Jersey (2005) filed a a motion to submit a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of Olivia Turton, a second-grade student who was forbidden from singing "Awesome God" in a voluntary, after-school talent show. The only restriction on the student's selection for the talent show was that it be "G-rated." The case, filed in federal court, is Turton, et al. v. Frenchtown Elementary School, et al. www.aclu.org/religion/schools/20174prs20050920.html

The ACLU of Washington (2004) reached a favorable settlement on behalf of Donald Ausderau, a Christian minister, who wanted to preach to the public on Plaza sidewalks. www.aclu-wa.org/detail.cfm?id=57

The ACLU of Virginia (2004) interceded with local authorities on behalf of Baptist preachers who were refused permission to perform baptisms in the river in Falmouth Waterside Park in Stafford County. www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A16839-2004Jun4; www.aclu.org/religion/discrim/16230prs20040603.html

The Indiana Civil Liberties Union (2004) filed suit against the city of Scottsburg for their repeated threats of arrest and/or citation against members of the Old Paths Baptist Church for demonstrating regarding various subjects dealing with their religious beliefs. www.iclu.org/news/news_article.asp?ID=978

These may not count since you may agree that Catholicism and Mormonism and 7th Day Adventism are not Christianity

The ACLU of Michigan (2005) filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Joseph Hanas, a Catholic, who was criminally punished for not completing a drug rehabilitation program run by the Pentecostal group. Part of the program required reading the Bible for seven hours a day, proclaiming one's salvation at the alter, and being tested on Pentecostal principles. Staff confiscated Mr. Hanas's rosary and told him Catholicism was witchcraft. www.aclu.org/religion/govtfunding/22354prs20051206.html

The ACLU of Louisiana (2005) filed suit against the Department of Corrections on behalf of a Mormon inmate, Norman Sanders, who was denied the right to practice his religion by being denied access to religious texts, including The Book of Mormon, and Mormon religious services. "Mormons should receive the same accommodation of their beliefs as do individuals of other faiths," said Joe Cook, Executive Director, ACLU of Louisiana. "Fair and equal treatment means they deserve the right to a place to meet, have a minister and discuss their beliefs like other groups." www.laaclu.org/SandersvCain; www.laaclu.org/News/2005/Aug26SandersvCain.htm

The ACLU of Nevada (2004) represented a Mormon high school student, Kim Jacobs, who school authorities suspended and then attempted to expel for not complying with the school dress code and wearing T-shirts with religious messages. Jacobs won a preliminary victory in court where the judge ruled the school could not expel her for not complying with the dress code. The First Amendment issue of student expression is before the Ninth Circuit. www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/text/2004/sep/09/517482854.html; www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/sun/2004/nov/19/517853141.html

The ACLU of Oregon (2004-05) filed suit on behalf of high school basketball players from an Adventist school against the Oregon School Activities Association, which administers competitive athletic and artistic competitions in Oregon high schools. The ACLU argued that the Adventist basketball players who have made it to the state tournament should not be required to play tournament games on Saturday, their Sabbath. The case, argued in Oregon courts, is Nakashima v. Board Of Education. www.aclu-or.org/litigation/portlandadventacademy/PAA.html

Want some more?

Perhaps you should stop allowing preachers do your thinking for you?
There are at least 10 times as many anti-Christian acts by the ACLU. I stand by my post. They suck.

They try to prevent us from trying to stop terror attacks. They defend criminal aliens. They spit on our troops. They are treasonous traitors. Ugh. :(
Since Sandy really has absolutely no clue as to what the ACLU is about:

The mission of the ACLU is to preserve all of these protections and guarantees:

* Your First Amendment rights - freedom of speech, association and assembly; freedom of the press, and freedom of religion.
* Your right to equal protection under the law - equal treatment regardless of race, sex, religion or national origin.
* Your right to due process - fair treatment by the government whenever the loss of your liberty or property is at stake.
* Your right to privacy - freedom from unwarranted government intrusion into your personal and private affairs.
If Christians do stupid shit to other people, then it is the ACLU's job to fight for those people's rights. Please give us examples of their "anti-Christian acts."
Merely because they are using a meditative process as a part of the class does not mean they are integrating the Buddhist religion. They weren't teaching Buddhist ethics, morality, or beliefs; they were simply using meditation.