Where is the ACLU?

If anybody needs the ACLU its those poor kids. I can't get over the 10 year old boy who tells some other kid that he was saved at the age of 6. Does Pastor Betty look like the female version of Jack Nicholson in The Shining?
The bottom line is that the ACLU condones anything anti-Christian or anit-Jew. They support anything that is anti-American security or not in our best interest. They are about as "American" as the taliban.:(
It's not Buddhsim, it has nothing to do with religion AT ALL.
It is simply about relaxing the mind and focusing.

My finacee works for a not-for-profit organization that is a driving force behind bringing a lot of this practice to schools.

Does it matter to you that they are showing consistently positive results?
Of course not, you'd rather have good, little Christian boys and girls on Ritalin, like God intended, right?
Studies have shown positive results from prayer. Can we bring it back into the schools now too?
Oh hell no. Not prayer. Not anything that has to do with God. Only if it has to do with everything else. The ACLU especially likes the free speech to teach grade-schoolers about condoms and homosexuality.:mad:
Studies have shown positive results from prayer. Can we bring it back into the schools now too?

I think perhaps that Christians should be allowed to have their prayers, but Non-Christian students should have the option to refrain from this. I think the main problem is that Non-Christians feel uncomfortable being forced by peer pressure to pray in their school. Maybe we should allow silent prayer so that every student can pray to whoever they wish to pray to?

Also, do you think that schools should provide Muslim students time from class and an available empty room available, one time a day, to pray their Zuhr prayer?

Should schools give holidays for Muslims on Eid ul Adha and Eid ul Fitr as they allow for Jews, even though there are as much Jews as Muslims in America (7 million)?

Do Muslim girls have the right to wear headscarves in schools? Do you support it?

I would like to hear a response to my questions if possible, thanks for your time.
The bottom line is that the ACLU condones anything anti-Christian or anit-Jew. They support anything that is anti-American security or not in our best interest. They are about as "American" as the taliban.:(

So how is teaching children to remain calm and not be violent somehow "anti-American"?

They do not support religion in State schools. A fair enough position since State schools are a veritable melting pot of people from different cultures and religions. This way, if a parent wishes to teach their children religion, they can either send their children to a school of the religion of their choice or they can teach their children religion outside of the school.

Oh hell no. Not prayer. Not anything that has to do with God. Only if it has to do with everything else. The ACLU especially likes the free speech to teach grade-schoolers about condoms and homosexuality.
Yes. How dare anyone teach the future generation about the practice of safe sex (kids in grade school are also having sex) and homosexuality (some children in grade school are also homosexual) thereby trying to instill a culture of tolerance.

madanthonywayne said:
Studies have shown positive results from prayer. Can we bring it back into the schools now too?
Teaching children about non-violence has nothing to do with religion. Prayer does. Big difference.

Religion and prayer is a matter of choice. Parents who send their children to a State school should not have religion being forced down their children's throats, especially if they are not of the same religion taught at the school. If it were a Christian school and prayer was the norm, then yes, the parents of other religious faiths or those who are atheists would have no right of complaint about said prayers. But we are talking about State schools.
I think perhaps that Christians should be allowed to have their prayers, but Non-Christian students should have the option to refrain from this.
Sounds good to me.
Also, do you think that schools should provide Muslim students time from class and an available empty room available, one time a day, to pray their Zuhr prayer?
I don't know what a Zuhr prayer is, is this the praying five times a day facing meca thing? I would support providing space for religious clubs or Christians, Muslims, or whatever.
Should schools give holidays for Muslims on Eid ul Adha and Eid ul Fitr as they allow for Jews, even though there are as much Jews as Muslims in America (7 million)?
I suppose there's no problem with making it an excused absense.
Do Muslim girls have the right to wear headscarves in schools? Do you support it?
America isn't France. At most schools, you can wear whatever you want. So of course Muslim girls have the right to wear headscarves.

I don't hate Muslims, I do hate Islamofascists. I hate anyone who seeks to destroy my nation.

When I see videos of the President of Iran screaming death to America, it seriously pisses me off. When I saw Palistinians cheering and dancing in the streets on September 11, it filled me with rage.

I live and work with Muslims. Many of them are my patients. I find them to be good people. Upstanding. Respectable.

Conservative Christians and Muslims have much in common. It's not right that we are at each other's throats.
Studies have shown positive results from prayer. Can we bring it back into the schools now too?

Sure. Everyday the kids can pray to a different deity. On atheist day, you could have everyone read works such as Why I Am Not A Christian, by Bertrand Russell As they are all equal in the eyes of the state, and you have a state run school, this would be the only fair way.
Sure. Everyday the kids can pray to a different deity. On atheist day, you could have everyone read works such as Why I Am Not A Christian, by Bertrand Russell As they are all equal in the eyes of the state, and you have a state run school, this would be the only fair way.
That would be better than what we have now. Now, every day is atheist/pagan day.
That is a ridiculous strawman. Silence on religious matters does not equal atheism. If the official position held by all teachers and administrators was that there is no god, and that all religion is just dark superstition held over from a more ignorant age, you might have a case. But that is not the situation (or even close to it) in any public school I'm aware of anywhere in the U.S.

The majority of political Christians will not be happy until there is full fledged Christian indoctrination in public schools, and you very well know it.

They can brainwash their kids on their own time. Schools are for facts, mathematics, languages and art.

And pagans don't like us atheists any more than any other religion does.
the reason the aclu is not getting involved is because no ones civil liberties are being threanted. unless you consider be intolerent to other people beliefs and forms of spirtuality a civil liberity in which case you have bigger problems
100 Christians screaming about Jesus get a documentary while millions of kids are being brutalised around the world in silence.

I'm guessing since it's Buddhism and not Christianity, the ACLU is staying out of it.

Actually I agree with you to a degree. I would take the tibetan bell out of the process and I would not tell them to focus on compassion. These do come out of Buddhism and, really, there is no need for that in the class. I actually think that the ACLU would act if someone went to them and complained that they felt religious elements were making them uncomfortable. The ACLU has a very complicated history in court and you would be surprised (and better informed) to find out some of the cases they have taken.

There is at least one major difference between Buddhism and Christianity in the states and this may be why no one has complained yet.

1) Christianity has been the dominant religion in the states AND NOT PARTICIPATING IN IT WAS PUNISHED in various ways. Outsiders might not get jobs, get into educational programs, certain jobs, get promotions. Some were killed. There has been a history of both official (state approved) and individual-level discrimination. This is not the case with Buddhism - certainly not in the states.

In other words people are less likely to feel a kind of menacing pressure or an effort to convert.

Nevertheless, however less pressing this makes the issue, as I said. I agree with you. Mindfullness is not religious, we don't need the bell.

Nice to see you reading the liberal media that is bringing this country down.
Do Muslim girls have the right to wear headscarves in schools? Do you support it?

I would like to ask their parents if they have the right not to and to not feel bad about it.

And of course I know that there are girls who want to, but the way you put it in terms of the girls' rights was manipulative and misleading.
The bottom line is that the ACLU condones anything anti-Christian or anit-Jew. They support anything that is anti-American security or not in our best interest. They are about as "American" as the taliban.:(

They have defended Christians many times. Again, you need to study them more. It is clear you do not know much about them. And it would be news to many of the Jews who worked there that they are anti-jewish.

They have defended freedom of speech even so far as to defending the KKK. And while the latter are horrible, the ideal they defend is absolutely american.

Members of dominant groups, like Christians, suddenly feel like victims when anyone questions their special rights that they have gotten used to.
...How dare anyone teach the future generation about the practice of safe sex (kids in grade school are also having sex) and homosexuality (some children in grade school are also homosexual) thereby trying to instill a culture of tolerance....

I think it's disgusting to teach little kids about condoms and perversion. Let their parents teach them when it's appropriate.

I don't want the future generation tolerating vile sexual behavior. I don't want them thinking it's ok to have premarital sex. I don't want them turning out like the losers of the 70s-2000s who think it's ok to be a skank.:(

Let them be children without poisoning their minds with liberal cr@p.:(

I know enough about the ACLU to think they're about as American as alQaeda.

And the sooner we return to the days of Christian behavior in schools, the sooner the schools will rise out of the gutter. When they took God, prayer, and discipline out of schools, the schools became cesspools.
I looked at the article and could not find a mention of the ACLU, Why would they get involved with a technique that is proven to relax the mind and allow it to focus, It doesn't involve chastity belts or head scarves, also, you are just trying to force your own view on the issue.

DiamondHearts, i agree with you, especially when some schools are considered to be semi religious yet academically gifted, often those that aren't religious yet academically gifted feel uncomfortable. Also, religious clubs are a great idea, they exist in schools in Australia, complete with their own spaces
I think it's disgusting to teach little kids about condoms and perversion. Let their parents teach them when it's appropriate.

I don't want the future generation tolerating vile sexual behavior. I don't want them thinking it's ok to have premarital sex. I don't want them turning out like the losers of the 70s-2000s who think it's ok to be a skank.:(

Let them be children without poisoning their minds with liberal cr@p.:(

I know enough about the ACLU to think they're about as American as alQaeda.

And the sooner we return to the days of Christian behavior in schools, the sooner the schools will rise out of the gutter. When they took God, prayer, and discipline out of schools, the schools became cesspools.

so you would rather keep children stupid. we don't give young people enough credit with good info and some guidince they will make the right choices. acting as young people are to stupid to think is only hurting our country. the aclu is more american then you will ever be