Where is the ACLU?


The lesson began with the striking of a Tibetan singing bowl to induce mindful awareness.

With the sound of their new school bell, the fifth graders at Piedmont Avenue Elementary School here closed their eyes and focused on their breathing, as they tried to imagine “loving kindness” on the playground.

This is what is known as mindfulness training, in which stress-reducing techniques drawn from Buddhist meditation are wedged between reading and spelling tests.


I'm guessing since it's Buddhism and not Christianity, the ACLU is staying out of it. And as long as they don’t say ‘God bless America’ anything goes.:(
The lesson began with the striking of a Tibetan singing bowl to induce mindful awareness.

With the sound of their new school bell, the fifth graders at Piedmont Avenue Elementary School here closed their eyes and focused on their breathing, as they tried to imagine “loving kindness” on the playground.

This is what is known as mindfulness training, in which stress-reducing techniques drawn from Buddhist meditation are wedged between reading and spelling tests.


I'm guessing since it's Buddhism and not Christianity, the ACLU is staying out of it. And as long as they don’t say ‘God bless America’ anything goes.:(

Buddhism is about experiencing things for yourself, you should try it someday (=.

Jesus used to meditate, he went 40 days and nights without food or water. I mean, this is pretty buddhist of him.
I'm guessing since it's Buddhism and not Christianity, the ACLU is staying out of it. And as long as they don’t say ‘God bless America’ anything goes.:(

It's not Buddhsim, it has nothing to do with religion AT ALL.
It is simply about relaxing the mind and focusing.

My finacee works for a not-for-profit organization that is a driving force behind bringing a lot of this practice to schools.

Does it matter to you that they are showing consistently positive results?
Of course not, you'd rather have good, little Christian boys and girls on Ritalin, like God intended, right?
It's not Buddhsim, it has nothing to do with religion AT ALL.
It is simply about relaxing the mind and focusing.

My finacee works for a not-for-profit organization that is a driving force behind bringing a lot of this practice to schools.

Does it matter to you that they are showing consistently positive results?
Of course not, you'd rather have good, little Christian boys and girls on Ritalin, like God intended, right?

Raven is right you know
Public schools will teach Buddhism, Hinduism, or Islam. Just not Christianity or Judaism. No surprises here...:rolleyes:
Public schools will teach Buddhism, Hinduism, or Islam. Just not Christianity or Judaism. No surprises here...:rolleyes:

How trying to be honest, then perhaps we can have a discussion.

First of all, public schools "teach" about many different religions - Christianity being the most prevalent - what is not allowed is public school "preaching" ANY religion, and for good reason... You know, Democracy, Freedom, all that stuff Republicans are all shouting about during election season?

Secondly, as I said, this has nothing at all to do with religion, or the ACLU would have jumped on it.
They are not praising Buddha - they are not praying - they are not partaking in any religious ceremony - nothing religious at all.

If you disagree, show me where I'm wrong.
Public schools will teach Buddhism, Hinduism, or Islam. Just not Christianity or Judaism. No surprises here...:rolleyes:

Meditation is a common practice ammong all buddhist and hindu raminifications.

They are not telling you to praise any God, they are not telling you to praise any man. They are only showing you natural practices that help reducing your stress, control your emotions and increase your self-awareness.

"A recent study out of Massachussetts General Hospital found that meditating actually increases the thickness of the brain in areas involved in attention and sensory processing.
Interestingly, the study also found evidence that meditation may slow down shrinkage of the brain due to aging."


Notice the link: Harvard news, not "Buddhist_New_Age_shit.com"

This is good, how can you see that as a bad thing?
Meditation is a common practice ammong all buddhist and hindu raminifications.

It's also common practice among many other types of people - Atheist and Christians included.
Those who consider meditation itself a religious act, know nothng of meditation or religion.
Yes, you can UTILIZE meditation during religious acts - you could also use singing, but singing itself is not a religious act.
It's also common practice among many other types of people - Atheist and Christians included.
Those who consider meditation itself a religious act, know nothng of meditation or religion.
Yes, you can UTILIZE meditation during religious acts - you could also use singing, but singing itself is not a religious act.

Yes yes, I stand corrected, even I practice meditation and I´m not from any religion. Even atheists can practice meditation, nobody is imposing a belief here.
I personally can't stand the ACLU, and if they did get involved here, I would be pissed, because nothing wrong or illegal is being done.
It's not Buddhsim, it has nothing to do with religion AT ALL.
It is simply about relaxing the mind and focusing.

Focusing on what? Why is 'relaxing' in this way differant than sleep?

Seems to me that it is...well, couldnt it be argued that sleep IS no differant at all? natures way. I am curious, about this now.
Secondly, as I said, this has nothing at all to do with religion, or the ACLU would have jumped on it.
They are not praising Buddha - they are not praying - they are not partaking in any religious ceremony - nothing religious at all.

If you disagree, show me where I'm wrong.
I kind of agree. BUT, if a child is positively influenced by Buddhist meditation then there is a chance that later in life they
a) may become a happy productive member of society and, thinking back on their childhood experience, visit a Buddhist Temple and become Buddhist.
b) become depressed later in life and thinking back on their positive childhood experience, visit a Buddhist Temple and become Buddhist.
c) realize mediation, something traditionally thought of as religious, can be secualr and thus remain secular,
d) learn something about positive about Buddhism and thus be open-minded enough to question their Xian upbringing and maybe even become Buddhist or at the very least tell the church to get stuffed.


you see there is always a religous element to everything.

That said, I'm all for it. I wish I had had such an experience when I was a kid.
The ACLU is fucking awesome, and if Buddhism is forced on students, they should get involved and stop it. Meditation is the worst, most foolish thing you can do to yourself.
I think they suck. They don't care about American's security. They have tunnel vision for their causes. They don't see the big picture.

And I wonder if they will represent those 700 perverts busted for internet child pedophilia. :(
They are concerned with our rights, the things we are supposedly fighting for, remember?
Public schools will teach Buddhism, Hinduism, or Islam. Just not Christianity or Judaism. No surprises here...:rolleyes:

No. They were teaching the little blighters some calming techniques so that they did not go outside into the playground and be violent against others.

It is not religious. Just trying to get them to react to circumstances in the playground calmly and without violence.