where is god?

Originally posted by yinyinwang
find out before worship.

Hi, yinyin, welcome to the religion forum. You've made a very prophetic statement. Where do you think God is?
Where is God

In the imaginations of those who believe in him.
God is One. The One Spirit of God dwells within the soul of the human race. "The kingdom of God is within," so nobody had to die to give us this life force.
God is One. The One Spirit of God dwells within the soul of the human race. "The kingdom of God is within," so nobody had to die to give us this life force.
MW, you've got it all wrong. God is a real person who lives in heaven. He thinks, he feels, he has a personality. He is not some kind of ethereal lifeforce that dwells within humans.
God is in everything. Sound like a meaningless answer, but that's what I actually think. In exactly everything from the smallest particle to the biggest, in our imagination, in our doubt, in what we even don't know exists. God is the essence of energy.
But I don't worship God, just acknowledge Gods existance.
God is a real person who lives in heaven. He thinks, he feels, he has a personality
Why limit God to our limits? Surely God, by definition, must be limitless.
Originally posted by Yes
God is in everything. Sound like a meaningless answer, but that's what I actually think. In exactly everything from the smallest particle to the biggest, in our imagination, in our doubt, in what we even don't know exists. God is the essence of energy.
But I don't worship God, just acknowledge Gods existance.

Yes, you are right. To worship God means to deny the gift of life we have. God IS the essence of energy as you said. Worship the life you have been given by God. Otherwise, your existence is meaningless.
Originally posted by dagaz
Why limit God to our limits? Surely God, by definition, must be limitless.

Welcome to sciforums, dagaz. I agree with you. As human beings, we are limited, but when we realize that the One Spirit of God dwells with us all and we are One, the boundaries of our human potential are limitless.
Originally posted by Laser Eyes
MW, you've got it all wrong. God is a real person who lives in heaven. He thinks, he feels, he has a personality. He is not some kind of ethereal lifeforce that dwells within humans.

"God is a real person who lives in heaven." Hmmm....

What's God's address?
Does God live in an upscale neighborhood?
What size shoe does God wear? (or is it sandal?)
Does God have a wife and kids?
Do God's kids attend to school in heaven?
What kind of car does God drive? (I'm looking for a new car.)
Where does God buy gasoline in heaven?
Does God have an office where he does his God work?

"He thinks, he feels, he has a personality." Okay....

Does God kick back in a chair & watch TV when he gets home from work?
What kind of food does God like?
Does his wife make God take out the garbage?
Does God mow his own lawn or do angels mow it for him?
Does God get weekends off?
Where does God go on vacation if heaven is the best place to be?
What religion is God?
Does God have his own church in heaven, or does he go elsewhere?
Can God get hemmorrhoids in heaven?

"He is not some kind of ethereal lifeforce that dwells within humans."

Then why are we here?
Where does our soul come from?
What is the purpose of our life?
What happens to us when we die?
Does God have a preference for certain human beings?
Does God have a long white beard and wear a white toga?
Is God a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or Catholic?
Who is God's best friend?
Does God like any particular humans?
Does God visit earth?
How does God get here when he visits?
Does God just visit churches or does he visit people?
When God visits churches, does he put money in the collection plate?
What does God's wife call him?
Does God believe human beings are spiritually dead?
Why is God and Lucifer both called "the Morningstar?

You seem to know God on a personal basis. I think we'd all like to hear your answers.
If God = Infinity, then there are several possibilities. God could be the entire universe , which is spatialy flat or infinite according to mathematical models. Or God could be all of consciousness which is also infinite.
Spatially flat? Is that some new theory? Because what I've read it's certainly not flat, and not infinite either. It's bulgy and finite. What lies beyond the universe nobody knows, so probably nothing, the BIG NOTHING.
Originally posted by VitalOne
If God = Infinity, then there are several possibilities. God could be the entire universe , which is spatialy flat or infinite according to mathematical models. Or God could be all of consciousness which is also infinite.

Yes, God=Infinity. God=Universe. I don't know about "spatially flat" whatever that is. I see God as the upward spiral of consciousness=reality.
He shares a flat with Santa Claus, and both of them get to bonk the tooth fairy at weekends.
Originally posted by dagaz
Why limit God to our limits? Surely God, by definition, must be limitless.
Saying that God is a real person, that he thinks and feels and has a personality is not to limit him to human abilities. God himself tells us that he thinks but not like a human: "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." - Isaiah 55:9 God himself tells us that he feels emotions. Before the flood the wickedness of man caused God to feel regret that he had created us: "And the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and he was grieved in his heart." - Genesis 6:6 God can get angry: "So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses ..." - Exodus 4:14; "But the children of Israel committed a trespass regarding the accursed things; ... so the anger of the Lord burned against the children of Israel." - Joshua 7:1 Although he can grow angry God does say that he is slow to anger: "But you are God, ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abundant in loving kindness." - Nehemiah 9:17 God also says he can hate: "You hate all workers of iniquity. You shall destroy those who speak falsehood. The Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man." - Psalm 5:5-6 But above all else God says his primary motivation is love: "He who does not love does not know God, for God is love." - 1 John 4:8 God need not by definition be limitless. Indeed there is at least one thing that God can not do. God says he can not lie: Titus 1:2

I'll get back to you about your questions MW.
If god is a person, how can a person control the universe? To control the movement of a tiny particle? Or is the particle out of God's control?
Apparently god likes to hang around in churches and mosques, because that is where the religious people gather in copious quantities.
If god is a person, how can a person control the universe? To control the movement of a tiny particle? Or is the particle out of God's control?
God is not a person like us. God is a spirit, invisible to us. He has great power and energy, so much that if we looked at God we would die. The Bible says that no man has seen God. Every little thing in the universe is under God's control, from the farthest star to the air you are breathing right now. The food you ate today was given to you by God. The spinning of the earth and the gravity that keeps you from flying off into space is maintained constantly by God. We live right now only by God's will.