Where do you go?


Registered Member
To the athiests out there, i was wondering, what do you believe happens to you when you die? If you believe that you simply stop living, "that's it", then doesnt Christianity seem like a viable alternative?
Originally posted by nick_h
If you believe that you simply stop living, "that's it", then doesnt Christianity seem like a viable alternative?

Why would that simple fact make Christianty a "viable alternative"?

Because it is the path that is easier to have faith in because it make one feel more comforted?

Are you suggesting that people should choose their faith system as a matter of convenience, comfort or what the want to believe over what they feel is right to believe based on their knowledge and acquired wisdom?

I prefer hard truth over comforting fantasy.
Which do you prefer?
If you believe that you simply stop living, "that's it", then doesnt Christianity seem like a viable alternative?

......and this squeaked by a higly probable tightassed little Baptist who has no fucking clue there are hundreds of other religions just like his means what to me?

I'm not an atheist but-
prefer hard truth over comforting fantasy

Give it to me hard. The brushed-on sparkly 'stuff' is for those that let shadows do all their thinking.
Re: Re: Where do you go?

Originally posted by one_raven
Why would that simple fact make Christianty a "viable alternative"?

Because it is the path that is easier to have faith in because it make one feel more comforted?

Are you suggesting that people should choose their faith system as a matter of convenience, comfort or what the want to believe over what they feel is right to believe based on their knowledge and acquired wisdom?

I prefer hard truth over comforting fantasy.
Which do you prefer?

The hard truth is that there is a God, and if you have faith in him, you will go somewhere other than a cold hole in the ground when you die. Maybe the reason people turn to God is because they need to be comforted, and want something to fill the gaping hole in their life, but when they start to learn, and grow as a Christian, they realise that it is hard truth... not just a comforting fantasy, and thats what keeps them there.
Maybe the reason people turn to God is because they need to be comforted, and want something to fill the gaping hole in their life

"Maybe", no. "Absolutely, unquestionably because of", yes.

but when they start to learn, and grow as a Christian

But not as a Buddhist, or a Hindu, or a Muslim, Catholic, Jew, or Vodun right?
Re: Re: Re: Where do you go?

Originally posted by nick_h
The hard truth is that there is a God, and if you have faith in him, you will go somewhere other than a cold hole in the ground when you die.
Is that so?
It must be awfully convenient to have such faith, huh?
Originally posted by nick_h
Maybe the reason people turn to God is because they need to be comforted, and want something to fill the gaping hole in their life
I'm with you 100% with this part...
Originally posted by nick_h
but when they start to learn, and grow as a Christian, they realise that it is hard truth... not just a comforting fantasy, and thats what keeps them there.
What exactly have you "learned" that makes you so cock sure that Christianity is correct?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Where do you go?

Originally posted by one_raven
What exactly have you "learned" that makes you so cock sure that Christianity is correct?

I've learned that well i ask God for help. he gives it to me... I heard countless other people give talk, make speechs, etc.... At a well publicised Atheism vs Chrisitanity Debate in Sydney (in which Christianity won), i was even more convinced of this... All my friends which encourage me... The bible (which, even if u dont believe all of it, you will know that historical records prove at least some of it accurate)....those are just a few of the things which make me so 'cock' sure that Christianity is correct.

Welcome to sciforums.

The hard truth is that there is a God,
What’s your proof? The hard truth is that the concept of God is only a human imaginative fantasy.

and if you have faith in him, you will go somewhere other than a cold hole in the ground when you die.
And your proof is?

Maybe the reason people turn to God is because they need to be comforted,
Correction: No one turns to God, they turn to the idea of God. One can’t turn to something that doesn’t exist.

and want something to fill the gaping hole in their life,
Most people have gaping holes because they have never been taught to think clearly and have little to no education in philosophical issues. Without knowledge and education people turn to anything and what they find easily are the widespread superstitions in the form of religions like Christianity that readily prey on such uneducated or confused minds.

but when they start to learn, and grow as a Christian, they realise that it is hard truth...
Yes I know, I have been there: It is called indoctrination and brainwashing, but of truth there is nothing to be found, only mythology and deception.

not just a comforting fantasy, and thats what keeps them there.
The human mind is easily duped and usually tends to take the easiest and most comfortable option whether true or not. It takes effort to think for oneself and Christians are specifically taught not to think for themselves.

There is every reason to conclude that when we die we cease to exist. Perhaps the best evidence is that of the billions of dead people not one has ever been seen alive again after dying.
Originally posted by Cris
Perhaps the best evidence is that of the billions of dead people not one has ever been seen alive again after dying.

His name's Jesus, that's the point

I've learned that well i ask God for help. he gives it to me...
For example?

I heard countless other people give talk, make speechs, etc....
Have you considered doing your own research rather than depend on the opinions of others?

At a well publicised Atheism vs Chrisitanity Debate in Sydney (in which Christianity won), i was even more convinced of this...
Do you have a link to this publication, so we can judge for ourselves?

All my friends which encourage me...
That is peer pressure and is probably the most common reason people follow a religion.

The bible (which, even if u dont believe all of it, you will know that historical records prove at least some of it accurate)....
Minor aspects have historical usefulness, but the more significant issues like the existence of Jesus, his life, and the statements he is alleged to have said, have no reliable historical support.

those are just a few of the things which make me so 'cock' sure that Christianity is correct.
It sounds like you are new to Christianity.

His name's Jesus, that's the point.
That a religious figure came back to life is an old myth found in religions that pre-date Christianity. Christianity simply plagiarized those earlier fantasies. Now if you can show proof that Jesus actually existed and died and rose again then that would be a good trick.

The fact that you have been pressured into believing it true doesn’t come near to making it true.
I think the key to happiness while remaining in touch with reality is to realise how insignificant you are.
I don't care about my death because there are things I consider far more important than myself.
Whenever I'm feeling down, I remember that one day I will die, and one day the earth will die, all that happened on earth will be forgotten and existence will continue as it has forever.
This would depress most people, but for some reason it fills me with a real sense of comfort and content. Actually it puts me in an almost blissfull state. I'm fairly certain I know how faith makes theists feel because of this. And I reached what they yearn so hard for through realistic and honest means.

Well, i cant help you, if you've already made the decision to push God as far away as possible, than thats your problem. It's really sad that i wont see you in heaven though, you seem like a really nice person.

Good bye,


Well, i cant help you,
That’s OK, I didn’t ask for any help.

if you've already made the decision to push God as far away as possible,
There is nothing to push away.

than thats your problem.
No, it isn’t a problem.

It's really sad that i wont see you in heaven though
Take care with that approach. Condescension is one of the most pitiful and offensive traits of Christians.

I guess you couldn't answer any of my questions then. Perhaps at some point you will find time to answer them for yourself, perhaps when you start to think for yourself.

Have fun whatever.

Sounds like you plan on dying some time.

I expect immortality without dying.
hi chris..touche

gospel....if man not raised then jesus not been raised.
and to be more precise...what does booking plot in heaven got to do with dying?

what does booking plot in heaven got to do with dying?
I guess this depends if you believe a heaven is in a supernatural realm or is here in the physical world. However, if any transition is to occur then is appears that you must die first.

From Webster: dying: - to pass from physical life.

as u see, chris, maths ain't the answer to sound reason. it's just a brainwash.
Where did math come into the discussion?