Where do they come from?

Why the suggestion ?
You said everywhere and that is not correct.
And I do think it reasonable to think life may exist in many places throughout the universe but that is only my belief as yet unsupported except for all the evidence of aliens MR presents.
Yes that's it River.
I was just trying to be kind and gently point out that wild sweeping generalizations can open one up to being forced to reconsider ones original statement and substitute something less ambitious. But of course you would no doubt understand all of that.

I read many years a ago , SCI-FI book that suggest just that , that living beings live in the Sun .
I read many years a ago , SCI-FI book that suggest just that , that living beings live in the Sun .
Yes I have read something similar.
And why not life seeks energy and the Sun has lots of it.
But just imagining something is possible does not make it so....or does it????

And I do think it reasonable to think life may exist in many places throughout the universe but that is only my belief as yet unsupported except for all the evidence of aliens MR presents.
Of course it is reasonable Alex...and most reputable cosmologists do believe that we are certainly not alone, due to the near infinite extent and content of the universe, and the fact that the stuff of life is everywhere we have looked, but as yet, we are unable to be certain of that and actually have no conclusive evidence supporting it.
Why havn't we net up with some of them as yet? Simply time and distance, the two bariers that need to be overcome.
Of course it is reasonable Alex...and most reputable cosmologists do believe that we are certainly not alone, due to the near infinite extent and content of the universe, and the fact that the stuff of life is everywhere we have looked, but as yet, we are unable to be certain of that and actually have no conclusive evidence supporting it.
Why havn't we net up with some of them as yet? Simply time and distance, the two bariers that need to be overcome.

Simply time and distance, the two bariers that need to be overcome.

Both have been
We exist .
Yes we exist...I'm asking for the evidence that you have that ETL beyond Earth exists?
Again, I believe as do most scientists that it does exist, but as of today, we have no concrete evidence of any other life off this Earth.
So please again, what is this evidence that you claim to have?
Yes we exist...I'm asking for the evidence that you have that ETL beyond Earth exists?
Again, I believe as do most scientists that it does exist, but as of today, we have no concrete evidence of any other life off this Earth.
So please again, what is this evidence that you claim to have?

Simply time and distance, the two bariers that need to be overcome.

Both have been overcome .
To what end Alex ?
To draw attention to the fact you were indeed referring to a science fiction book but nevertheless for my part offering a position that sort not to exclude any possibility which is driven by a determination by me to be respectful of all ideas even those that normally would be disgarded by most with great haste having been considered to be more than unlikely.

Am I really lying pad ?
You can show me as in error if you wish by letting us in on this conclusive evidence that you are supposed to have, that we know we are not alone, if you wish.
Otherwise, the conclusion I have drawn stands.
River may be suggesting that although humans have these barriers that others may have overcome them.
It will be interesting to review any evidence that may be provided.
Yep, Alex, and that is quite possible according to GR....but again what river refuses to acknowledge due to his paranoia re supernatural/paranormal and Alien visitations, is that as yet, we do not have any conclusive evidence of any life off this earth.
I mean I would dearly love for that to be forthcoming before I kick the bucket!
Probably along with putting a man on Mars, that is my greatest wish!