Where do they come from?


Valued Senior Member
Well that is just an attention getting title.

My question is this ....

If we are being visited by aliens where may they come from?

Dave you may care to review that question and suggest amendments to meet the high standards of this sub forum.

Where could aliens live?

Underground on the Moon?
Underground on Mars?

On one of the many Moons that offer hints of conditions suitable for life.

OR from another solar system which puts them at over five light years away.

Would they come in person or will they be just as lazy as humans and send robots.

If they come what could be their reasons?
Research? Exploration? Cooking classes?

Please take this seriously because depending on the replies here will help with my next thread and determine whether or not we should be building battle stars to protect the solar system or just the Earth.

Well that is just an attention getting title.

My question is this ....

If we are being visited by aliens where may they come from?

Dave you may care to review that question and suggest amendments to meet the high standards of this sub forum.

Where could aliens live?

Underground on the Moon?
Underground on Mars?

On one of the many Moons that offer hints of conditions suitable for life.

OR from another solar system which puts them at over five light years away.

Would they come in person or will they be just as lazy as humans and send robots.

If they come what could be their reasons?
Research? Exploration? Cooking classes?

Please take this seriously because depending on the replies here will help with my next thread and determine whether or not we should be building battle stars to protect the solar system or just the Earth.

If we listen to river and this Branderburg character, we have had Aliens having a nuclear conflict on the Moon. :D:p
[I kid you not!]
Obviously we do not have any advanced lifeforms anywhere in our solar system, I believe that is beyond question
If we have been visited then it would be from somewhere far off, and we havn't any indication of advanced lifeforms anywhere as yet.
Again, if they have visited us, they would obviously be advanced, and would not really want for anything, and in my opinion, I don't believe they would be agrressive, [Sorry Stephen! :)]
"If they come what could be their reasons?
Research? Exploration? Cooking classes?"
All three. :D

Taking all that into account, if they have visited Earth, I believe we would all know about it in an official capacity.
Taking into account the two great barriers to inter-species contact....time and distance, I'm sure we have not as yet been visited, at least no substantial evidence for that exists.
Please take this seriously because depending on the replies here will help with my next thread and determine whether or not we should be building battle stars to protect the solar system or just the Earth.
My vote goes to Vulcan! :p:D
"Live Long and Prosper", Alex. ;)
we have had Aliens having a nuclear conflict on the Moon. :D:p

No that was Mars a far more realistic proposition.
That explains why after the great war the remaining Martians moved underground where they were able to save their atmosphere and water.
They visit us secretly to work out when we will destroy the planet so as to time their invasion.
I see a book, a movie and numerous speaking tours.
Evidence easy Mars is red the colour of war.
The aliens are a shy ,retiring civilization that shun the spotlight. They are very small and have no need for mechanical transport since they use ley lines to move around telepathically.


They bury their dead at at sea in the vicinity of seep sea hydrothermal vents and have domesticated a few species but apart from that keep themselves to themselves .

They are of course very worried at the course human "civilization" seems to be making and are considering whether to make an intervention in due course .

Needless to say , they have already made provisions for their own well being and continuing survival in the event of a human born catastrophe.

I think they drifted into our solar system as spores, and are now known as fungi.
..."anywhere in our solar system"...??!!??!!

Given how the 2016 US Presidential Election campaign has been... I would concur - the surest sign of advanced intelligent life out there is that none of it has attempted to contact us yet.
No that was Mars a far more realistic proposition.
That explains why after the great war the remaining Martians moved underground where they were able to save their atmosphere and water.
They visit us secretly to work out when we will destroy the planet so as to time their invasion.
I see a book, a movie and numerous speaking tours.
Evidence easy Mars is red the colour of war.
Yes it was Alex...I was still trying to clean the coffee off my computer screen after that doozy!
Please take this seriously because depending on the replies here will help with my next thread and determine whether or not we should be building battle stars to protect the solar system or just the Earth.
Again, with apologies to Professor Stephen Hawking, I don't believe Battle stars will be necessary. :)
I see any sufficiently advanced civilisation, to be placid, peace loving and devoted to science, and the ways of science: Otherwise I would doubt that they could ever achieve such technological advancement.
My question is this ....

If we are being visited by aliens where may they come from?

Assuming that we are being visited by aliens (a big assumption as we all know) my first question would be whether they are extraterrestrials.

If they are, and they are limited to traveling at the speed of light, then arguably they come from somewhere relatively close by. A nearby stellar system. So if the transit between here and there is difficult, they might have hypothetically established a forward base on one of the other bodies in the solar system, or on the Earth's ocean bottom or something.

If they can break the speed of light speed-limit, then they might not need a forward operating base and could potentially come from almost anywhere.

If they aren't extraterrestrials, then what might they be?

Time-travelers is a possibility. If that's the case, they might come from the Earth's own future.

Or maybe visitors from an alternative timeline in a many-worlds cosmology. If that's the case, then they might come from an alternative Earth history.

Where could aliens live?

If they are true extraterrestrials, not visitors from the future or an alternative Earth, they might not have evolved in Earthlike conditions at all. They might not be able to breathe our atmosphere or stand our temperature-pressure conditions. I wouldn't expect them to be humanoid either, if they have a totally unrelated evolutionary history. So they might have to live inside protective artificial environments.

Would they come in person or will they be just as lazy as humans and send robots.

If they are extraterrestrials limited by the speed of light, robots would be a real possibility, depending on how long the transit took and how massive their vehicle was.

If they come what could be their reasons?
Research? Exploration? Cooking classes?

If 1947 is your birthday, you will remember that Outer Limits TV episode 'To Serve Man'. Aliens arrive on Earth and cure all our diseases, bring world peace and all kinds of great stuff. Totally benevolent. Then they start taking thousands of Earthlings to their planet in their saucers. The protagonists are a group of scientists who acquire a book one of the aliens drops. They work out its title 'To Serve Man' and try to de-cypher the rest. Some of the scientists are invited to visit the aliens' planet and are walking up the ramp into the saucer, when another of the scientists comes madly running, 'No! Come back! It's a cook book!

Sheep probably think that the farmer is wonderful and benevolent too, until they are suddenly led to slaughter.

More seriously...

If the aliens are human beings from the future or from an alternative Earth, their interest might be historical. Maybe biological too, depending on how different they are from us.

If they are true extraterrestrials, then their interest would probably mostly be biological, and maybe anthropological. We would be sentient products of an entirely different evolutionary history than theirs.
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If 1947 is your birthday, you will remember that Outer Limits TV episode 'To Serve Man'.
Yes I am that old and I remember.

Frankly the best reason I can think of relates to food....

Why is obesity on the increase.

You know it all adds up.

Well that is just an attention getting title.

My question is this ....

If we are being visited by aliens where may they come from?

Dave you may care to review that question and suggest amendments to meet the high standards of this sub forum.

Where could aliens live?

Underground on the Moon?
Underground on Mars?

On one of the many Moons that offer hints of conditions suitable for life.

OR from another solar system which puts them at over five light years away.

Would they come in person or will they be just as lazy as humans and send robots.

If they come what could be their reasons?
Research? Exploration? Cooking classes?

Please take this seriously because depending on the replies here will help with my next thread and determine whether or not we should be building battle stars to protect the solar system or just the Earth.


Aliens come from everywhere in this Universe
Assuming that we are being visited by aliens (a big assumption as we all know) my first question would be whether they are extraterrestrials.
Huh? You mean as opposed to terrestrials, like immigrants?