Where are the Aliens ?

Aliens won't let this earth see their existance because we have traits like anger, rage and jealousy and these traits would carry, like the disease they are.
Someone with a cold put into a room with other people would pass on his/her bacteria.
Bit like us really. Stick a human in a peaceful colony and it'll show it's traits sooner or later.
We aint got much credit, an' om givin' non.


Although I agree with you that the vast majority of these sightings and other UFO phenomena are not real, I still think that there are myriad reasons why an advanced or semi-advanced alien culture would want to be very careful about making contact with us.

Maybe in the course of these aliens' cultural development, wars were fought over energy sources or power and control. Maybe they feel that simply revealing themselves at the wrong time might induce the same kind of problem with us.

Or maybe they are not so advanced and simply made some discoveries in insterstellar propulsion and are afraid of what we might do with their technology.

Or maybe they do not think like us at all, it is difficult to understand an alien mind.


Maybe you should shed some light on the subject for us. Why would an alien species not make contact and reveal themselves if they are and have been here?
It could be as simple as:

Alien code of conduct when discovering a new inhabited planet:
Rule 1. Observe only.

Mind you, we'd need a few rules for each species that is visiting us, like:

Grey alien code of conduct:
Rule 1. Find out how we tick.
e.g. take samples, experiment, study, conduct tests, poke, jab, track, implant, slice, cut, abuse..probe..whoooaaa!!!...(just don't let them know your doing this, they might get upset! It might pay to wipe their memory, because we don't want to incite them now, do we?)
Flash, cool down man ! I'm not telling you made everything up, you saw what you saw. All I'm saying is that if you would have lived two hundred years ago, you might have thought you saw angels coming from the sky (oh, oh, mayby I shouldn't have said that... Lori, easy now !)
That is just a natural reation of trying to controll the unknown. We do the same thing with death and other 'supernatural' things. What I would like you to admit though is that you are stating your personal opinion about these things because they are very personal experiences. If your explanation make sense to you, fine but as long as I haven't had the same experience I just can't make a judgement now can I ? This is the difference between personal theories and scientific theories. The first ones try to explain the universe as experienced by one brain, the other tries to make general statements about this universe as it is percieved by every possible observer.

ah, General, how would you say diseases like anger and jalousy get spread ? Just by watching us ? If that is the case, then it is already to late for the aliens. Now that might be a good explanation for the lack of aliens : they came, they saw, they exterminated themselves.

we are midgets standing on the backs of giants,
Ok... sorry about that.
I understand that you have not experienced
these things...I know where you are coming from. Do you think I just happened to bite..
and was lured in? Flash used to be a big
skeptic of things like this... that is all
I have to say..
In response to the post about the aliens having visited this planet since the time of the pyramids, but wondering why they would still be here for 5000 years:

I wonder why we must place a limit on this "visiting time". Suppose aliens have been here since the age of pyramids, why would it be difficult to accept that they would still be here? For one thing, we do not know their purpose, nor where they came from, and it is possible that they have some extended reason for just hanging out on the Nile or now at Area 51 (or wherever they are these days). We don't even know if they were around prior to the pyramids, although anything is possible.

Plato, your assumptions are worth considering, but I also speculate on the notion of what we would do if we suddenly developed a warp drive which enabled us to visit a distant star system, set down on a new planet and found some civilization equivalent to our cavemen of the past. Would we be in such a hurry to sit down and sing songs with them around their campfires? Or would be engage in some extended observation period (as Dave has suggested)? If we followed scientific protocol, I suppose we would be less inclined to make physical contact with them.
Yeah, but if I were going to a planet with alien life, I wouldn't sit there for 5,000 years. I would want to go down there and meet them...

Referring to Dave's protocols:

Those aliens are interfering in our evolution just by being here. Can't you tell how much of a stir they have made in our culture. Maybe good for religion, maybe not. Everything around us interfers with our evolution, because evolution suits us to our enviroment (EVERYTHING pretty much refers to our enviroment).

So, the aliens (if any) would have some interaction, even if they just zip through our skies... They sure have gone through my mind alot when I try to contemplate the meaning of life. So those protocols of yours, Dave, need a little adjusting... :)

We live, we die, WHO CARES!
-Double Overdrive
I don't know what their protocols are.....
but I would like to know, I was just having a guess.
I have heard a rumour that aliens don't have a sense of humour ( like us earthlings ) so if any of the posts seem to lack humourous understanding, let's give ém an anal probe and see if their one of us!!!

[This message has been edited by Flash (edited June 05, 1999).]
I was referring to the fact that many people who argue the same points you are also believe that aliens have been here since the time of the ancient egyptians, mayans, romans, etc.

If that is the truth, then why would they have not revealed themselves by now? Do not use the argument that they are still studying our culture, because that culture is dynamic, and they would accomplish no more in 10,000 years then they would in 100.

Search for the
truth, not your
Our definition of time is very limited to OUR 3-dimensional world. Because of the existence of hyper-dimensional levels, our concept of time is probably irrelevant to those visitors from beyond.

Strange things are happening whether we can prove them or not. But we can not deny the existence of these things based on our level of inteligence.
What about seeing this "invasion" or whatever from a different angle, and that is...What is the BEST way to control humans? We seem to be looking for some physical interaction, or attack, or observation, or revelation. What if it is not physical most of the time? What if the physicality (is that a word? LOL!) is an illusion of sorts? What if they are accomplishing things THROUGH us most of the time, rather than with us?

God loves you and so do I!

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited June 06, 1999).]
Heres the deal. Before coming up with fancy theories about aliens using mind control, and subliminally implanted messages on us, you have to do one thing. What is that thing? Glad you asked. Prove the existence of extra terrestrial life on earth.

You can't (at least not coherently) have theories about the motives and transportation methods of something you cannot prove the existence of. Period.

P.S.-Although it sounds like I do not, I do believe in E.T. visits of earth :)
I do have proof, Corporal. I have a friend who's being abducted. She told me so, and I believe her. How can you have physical evidence of mind control? What about all of the implants that they're pulling out of people lately? There are other physical manifestations, scars, and injuries. You can't just ignore people's testimonies; these people aren't crazy. Ok, maybe a few, but not most, and there are so many. But what about that lack of hard cold metal machinery and little green men? Good question...You're thinking that they are like us, only little and green. They are not like us; not at all.
Hello citizens.
It is amazing to see how many theories there are. We have theories on the lot really when you think about it, theories on evolution, theories on god, theories on aliens. Life's a total theory.
Patience, in time all shall be revealed.
Why would the aliens have not revealed themselves by now?

Good question. I question the whole notion of "aliens revealing themselves", and how it should be done to suit the humans on this planet.

We sit around saying, "well, the aliens don't exist because they haven't exposed themselves the way we say they should." This is funny to me, because we don't even know enough about our own species, and here we sit concluding (some of us anyway) that aliens do not exist because they don't do interviews on Oprah (actually, maybe they could help her with her ratings).
If the implants that people keep finding have any truth to them, then this would be a physical contact. I like to think this is akin to how we tag animals for our own study (whales, cows, etc.). Notice though, that we are not able to hear any protest in written or verbal form.

But what also about some mental manipulation? Consider that the aliens might not have the ability (or desire) to communicate with us on our own terms (like speaking to us using a recognized language). Lori brought up an interesting point which is: why must all alien manifestations be physical? Why not entertain the idea of some mental influence or communication by the aliens? Sure. Why indeed. Again, this relates back to how we think we understand any alien presence, and assumes we have the knowledge or ability to explain their complete motive for visiting us. For all we know, they could be zapping us with some radiation from outside the ozone layer, and we would never know it. If this sounds preposterous, just think of all the chemical garbage we are exposed to by our own corporations and government while we numbingly go about our daily routines.

Corp Hudson, why must one prove the existence of aliens before coming up with theories of why they are here? Is this how science treats black holes? Or wormholes? Or anything else it cannot physically see? Look at how much speculation goes on about the universe. Do we have the whole universe nailed down, so we can explain it in science class? Or do we engage in conjecture and participate in hypothetical scenarios in order to try to learn more about the cosmos?

I do not agree with your suggestion on how to approach the subject at hand (or any other for that matter). If the ancient mariners, who at one time believed the world was flat, said, "we will not set sail until we have established that the world is or is not flat", then it would be a smaller global village than at present. There is nothing wrong with discussing or trying to develop a theory on a subject where there is controversial physical proof. Not every discussion forum is a courtroom, where we must simply give the facts.

[This message has been edited by Skepticus (edited June 07, 1999).]
Hubba, hubba!!

You know, this debate would be a lot easier if we knew what their agenda was. Their agenda would determine their presentation. It could vary greatly. I think that it's pretty clear that this planet is approaching the Millenium; not the year 2000, but...a spiritual enlightenment. They are either here to help, or here to distract us from what is really going on. I tend to think it is the latter. What are the other possible scenarios, and how do they fit into "the schedule"?

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited June 07, 1999).]
Haven't you guys watched any Star Trek? :D

It's the prime directive's what it is, I tell ya.

So actually, they are out there cloacked on orbit and totally undetectable. What we are getting distracted with are some natural phenomena we can't explain. So, Dave, you had it all along...

Oh yeah, one more thing. Lori:
Why are their only two choices helping us or distracting us? Can't they just observe? Or maybe Earth is only a transit point on some interstellar highway, and all we are seeing are some of their exhausts? :) Read some sci-fi, it'll help you get out of this mental lockup. The possibilities are actually endless!!

Like, maybe, they are actually not even aware of planet Earth, exist in alternate dimensions at about the same global coordinates, and eventually get strange things in *their* sky that kinda look like airplanes, only they don't know that?

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited June 07, 1999).]
No One Is Arguing That Aliens Do Not Exist Because We Have Not Seen Them. I am arguing that you cannot have a discussion about their propulsion methods, or the motives behind their actions. Not a single one of you could have an intelligent, informed discussion on the motives or transportation methods of our own species. SO how can you have one about aliens? I have to go to bed, early football tommorow.
Now this is what i call a good debate..

First of all to "Skepticus" that pissing man you mentioned is located in Oslo, Norway. He is called "Sinnataggen" and just 100 miles north of it at a place called the horseshoe, which is a mountanous "meadow" so to speak. there are a lot of sightings, and strange things happening. but to the things i was thinking.

Why wouldn't aliens interact with us? I remember years back when an oil tanker crashed outside the UK on a reef, the oil almost wiped out all living things there. But when a Norwegian TV crew in a chopper went by, they saw a "green ball of light" in the sea, sucking up all the oil around it.
This was also showed on Nor national TV.
Someone explain that to me, but to me it looks like they ARE here, and watching our every move.

It would make sence that they didnt land on the WH lawn and say " Hey guys" i would believe since humans in nature is afraid of the unknown, we would have military trying to blow the thing up, and take the beings as prisoners in the sake of technology.

I somewhat believe in Lori ( thats my first btw) when she says that the interaction mostly is on the mental level, maybe without us knowing it.. I come to think of it. Since many of us are believing in E.T's maybe they woke us up? Just a thought, but i do not believe that they are evil in nature, why didnt they come down here 200 years ago when there were no nukes and pollution, and took over what then could have been a paradise.

just my $0.2 worth

I doubt, then i might be