Where are the Aliens ?

Dont have much to say about this.. just wanted to be poster #100.. :p

Just waiting for my peabrain to boot into English :\
Well, i do actually. I have just read all 100 posts here, *pheew* and i have to say that this is a really good discussion, hope it lives a little longer.

About Aliens.. I have an idea. They are here, but those people who know and have the proof just keep their mouths shut. Until....

Until what? only time will tell us i guess.

I do believe there are aliens visiting us, and have done so for a long time. One thing i am curious about is that it seems like most of the recent sightings occured after Hiroshima, and Nagasaki melted in 1945. Didnt it all start with Roswell NM in 1948?

So why arent they landing and make themselves known? I would think that is because of the chaos that would follow such a thing. So they did it the other way. Spoke to the world leaders about their agenda, and whom they were. But the leaders of planet earth decided that the public wasnt ready for it.. .until....

Is there someone who wants to continue on that one?

Just waiting for my peabrain to boot into English :\
Ha ha Boris

I didn’t realise that we held such opposing views on everything. I'm sure I thought our opinions on a number of things had been quite similar. I must check back and see. Anyway, regarding the apparently rare point we’ve agreed upon (about aliens not necessarily having to be thousands of years in advance of us). You asked why should they want to study us if we are so primitive? Don’t we study the most primitive life forms on Earth ourselves or is that too simplistic an answer? I suppose it probably is. There is however, another more sinister possibility here. What if these aliens want something either from the human race, other animal species, or from Earth itself? Could this be what the abduction thing is about? Or even the cattle mutilations (as discussed elswhere)? Or are we into the realms of pure ridiculous fantasy here? Before you all get mad with me for suggesting such utter nonsense, I will remind you that I’m only speculating.


Glad you liked the Monkey Puzzle Tree idea! Yes, Von Danniken was utterly demolished a long time ago. I still think that his basic concept is quite reasonable but the ‘evidence’ he used to back up his theory was at best flawed and at worst downright lies. Personally, I could never understand why he thought the Nazca lines were evidence of some gigantic spaceport. Would the aliens need runways this long? On your other point regarding the Antonio Villas Boas case, if that’s what alien abduction is really like, I don’t know why all these male abductees are complaining…..snigger… But seriously, I have to admit that I’m highly sceptical of that particular case.


I too am hoping that this discussion has more too offer us yet. Yes, you are quite correct to say that the modern wave of UFO sightings began after World War 2. However, Roswell was not the first case to capture the public’s imagination. This was Kenneth Arnold’s famous 1947 sighting over Mount Rainier, Washington. It was in this case that the term flying saucer was first used.

With regards to your point on an alien presence here on Earth. I have to say that I lean towards the idea some people in governments know that UFOs are real, but they don’t know the truth about what is behind them.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited July 06, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited July 06, 1999).]
Granted, the extraterrestrials might have their motives to keep us guessing.

But the non-interference idea seems a bit bogus to me. I have mentioned it before myself in this discussion, but only as a joke.

The reason I don't think it's so credible is because our civilization has indeed faced grave turmoil before (recall WWII?) So, if we could get through <u>that</u>, then why wouldn't we be able to get through an ET visit?

Besides, stark non-interference, as in Star Trek's "first directive", is unreasonable. It would imply that if a great catastrophy were to wipe out all life on a planet, an advanced civilization wouldn't interfere to prevent it. But, any highly evolved species that managed to survive long enough to reach its present heights, would certainly possess a certain degree of compassion and rationality -- enough not to let such a disaster happen.

So, these are some of my reasons for disbelieving the viability of absolute non-interference. But, as I mentioned, they still might have their motives. Like the saying goes, "God(s?) work(s?) in mysterious ways". (Hey, I'm not claiming they are Gods, give me a break! Actually, I'm not even claiming they are for real. But the phenomenon deserves systematic study...)


Oh, I forgot about Spadge.

What I was saying is not that we are too simple to be of interest, but that a really advanced civilization would have seen enough examples of our equivalents, that we would pose no further questions for them. The reasons <u>we</u> study 'simple' life are manyfold. For one, 'simple' life is not simple at all. But more importantly, we don't have a comprehensive knowledge of biochemistry, nor of life in general -- therefore we study those subjects. A far more advanced civilization would possess such knowledge, however, and would find no particular interest in us. They would probably have other things in mind, far too esoteric for us to even imagine. That's why I claim that if any alien civilization is putting us under a microscope, they are not all that much more advanced than we are (on geological timescales, that is).

Oh, and concerning that agreement/disagreement thing. I didn't mean you personally, Spadge; sorry it came out that way. It was a sort of a self-derogatory joke, as I rarely tend to come into agreement with anybody on these boards ;)

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited July 06, 1999).]
I read earlier in this thread that Lori said:
I do have proof, Corporal. I have a friend who's being abducted. She told me so, and I believe her. How can you have physical evidence of mind control? What about all of the implants that they're pulling out of people lately? There are other physical manifestations, scars, and injuries. You can't just ignore people's testimonies; these people aren't crazy. Ok, maybe a few, but not most, and there are so many. But what about that lack of hard cold metal machinery and little green men? Good question...You're thinking that they are like us, only little and green. They are not like us; not at all.

Excuse me..
(Hysterical laughter)
You aren't serious are you?

Let me tell you something. Several thousand mentally disturbed people herald the end of the world by UFO invasion every year. Yet I feel safe in saying that every single one of their impassioned stories will prove to be false. First of all because their stories are so illogical and secondly because they have not a scrap of evidence. (Although they make claims that, if they were true, would necessitate the presence of some sort of evidence. For an example an alien crash.) You can easily dismiss these because a simple experiment (ie.Waiting to the date specified ;)) can prove them wrong. Because such experiments are not always easily available for abduction claims, we have to rely on other sources. These sources invariably indicate a lack of credibility, evidence, or both.

Although your friend may be mentally divergent, or, not unlikely, a hard hearted person who is taking advantage of your naivete for a few laughs.* I myself knew a whole family that sincerely believe that they were abducted. Everyone in the family was extremely sensitive about the topic, and would become confrontational, (I daresay violent) when their belief was challenged. No matter how vehement they are or how much you want to believe them, it just isn't true. I know actually a lot of people who believe "paranormal" phenomenon happened to them. Everyone of them has several gaping flaws in their stories. Oh, I forgot, there are a lot of them, the must be true.

"What about all of the implants that they're pulling out of people lately?"
Oh, it’s THEY again is it? This is, I assume, the same THEY that found the cure for cancer, poverty, disease, war, suffering, and even death. Do you know where I can find THEM? And where do these implants go? Oh yea, the MIB take them away right?

"There are other physical manifestations, scars, and injuries."

An injury is not proof. I may even go so far as to say it is not even, unto itself, evidence. But I won't.

"You can't just ignore people's testimonies;"
Ahh, but you can. If the testimonies in question have no credibility or evidence, the detail or number of them is irrelevant.

"these people aren't crazy. Ok, maybe a few,** but not most, and there are so many."
I’d say they are not all totally insane, but most of them have problems. (Or an ax to grind.) Everyone in the middle ages believed witches were eating their children, but that didn't make it true, did it?

"But what about that lack of hard cold metal machinery and little green men? Good question...You're thinking that they are like us, only little and green. They are not like us; not at all."

Ahh, you have answered the question. It is now established fact that aliens abduct humans, give them anal probes, eat cow, and damnit, they have my Elvis. No proof? We don't need any. they are little and green and "They are not like us; not at all." Heck why would we need evidence if they are little and green?

*A Joke.

**Heh heh, yea, depending on how you define "a few". ;)
(Please let me know if there are any odd characters in this text. My word processor had a nasty propensity to change quotation marks to Ò and Ô type marks.
but then again, maybe it's the MIB again.)

[This message has been edited by Blacktubby (edited July 07, 1999).]
H-Kon wrote:
"Dont have much to say about this.. just wanted to be poster #100.."

Man, you are so hilariously funny that this keeps me coming back for more! H-Kon, hats off to ya....and thanks for the laugh!

PS: Hope you weren't serious (were you?..duh...)

PPS: About the Hiroshima idea you propose, well, you know H-Kon, in this sort of debate anything goes. Sure, maybe this woke "them" up...whatever :)

Aliens have always been here. You can read documented reports from every culture on the planet going back 3,000yrs or more. I have provided a link below with video clips. All of the clips labled STS are from space shuttle missions. The 2 most notable are
Sts-80 3.09mb RP and Sts-48 1.84mb qt. Both of these were shown in a interview on TNT by Story Musgrave who is Nasa's #1 shuttle pilot. Sts-48 1.84mb is quite unique because it shows a weapon of some type fired from the earth at one of the alien craft. Which means our goverment can track them to some extent and tries to knock them down. You will also note that there are a lot of alien craft moving about not just 1 or 2. In the interview on TNT Story also showed clips of alien craft sighted during the moon landings in the 1960. I'm still trying to locate a site that has these.


Well.. I was just trying to side-track the conversation here which i have to say is a very good one.. Man.. what resources and "knowledge" this board has. I am happy to be here :)

This is what i have read that i want to question a little ( I am gonna get flamed)
Here goes.

This is what i have read about people who have been "told" the "truth" about them ..

There are about 70 different rases out there, some are independent, some are involved in parties much the same as NATO and such.

There are 2 organized NATO's out there. One consisting of 12 members, one of 6-8. The larger one are pretty much the good guys who dont walk right in without knocking on our door,. They are somewhat active, but they cant let themselves known before we are asking them to.

The second ones are not the bad guys, but rather more self centered. They help out mankind and planet earth in general, but not without helping themselves. Many of them are here now in underground bases (7 of them) more or less know by the major factions and nations of Earth which are all over the world.

This is something that i have read from people who had access to the "libraries" of the Munks in Tibet.

This all sounds crazy when you think about it. Believe me I know, but If you think about a less violent version of "Men in Black
this could all make some sence.

I remember when there was the oil-tanker that crashed outside the "Shetland Islands" not that many years ago. Cant remember the exact year ( much less what i did last week ) but when the catastrophe was a fact, and the birds died and all, we didnt know what to do about it.
About a week later , a BBC newshelicopter was flying out there to document all of this, when they saw a green shining ball of light under water, functioning like a vaccum cleaner for the Oil.. 4 weeks later, the catastrophe that could have been the
Exxon Valdez of the north sea, didnt happen.. Much damage occured, but one could actually clean the place up a bit .

So with all of my yada yada yada, which problaby doesnt make any sence, I am gonna let you more intelligent guys take over..


Jis tri'n t git by

Yes, the shuttle film you are talking about was briefly mentioned by Bev and I on the first couple of postings on the previous page.


If them pesky aliens are cleaning up our oil spills then I for one am happy. Lets hope they can do something about global warming.
Where did you get the Alien Races information from? I ask because I have heard "<u>basically</u>" the same scenario but all the numbers you gave were larger quantities and the tale was more grandios. My info source was from Europe ( I live in Australia ).

The site you posted is fabulous! There is enough there to keep a man studying for another 100 years. Really want to thank you a million for the great effort. Please tell us how you became involved in the phenomena. Are you currently a researcher? Are you a firm believer or on the edge? Do you actively investigate reports?

Thank you very much for the clarification. But i want you to know that you WERE VERY FUNNY!!! I agree with you about the quality of thinkers on this board. Aren't we lucky?

About what you wrote, if i were you i wouldn't care at all if i got flamed a little. It's to be expected due to the fact that we are all unique beings with our own views. I think you're entitled to yours, right? Oh, and about that bit concerning "us" intelligent guys: don't let that fool you! Your views are as valid as anybody else's :)

I wonder, H-Kon, where did you get all the info on the 70 different races and so on? Sounds interesting.

When you say that "there are 2 organized NATO's out there," are you refering to organizations formed by men in black? Just asking.

I've heard other people mentioning underground bases. As a matter of fact, let me tell you about a girl (she was 22) who for several nights stayed at her aunt's and uncle's cottage up in the mountains of La Tuque, Quebec, Canada, before she decided the mountains weren't safe. One evening she went down to the lake and a saucer-shaped flying object flew out of the water with a big splash and disappeared into space. Of course, you can imagine how scared she was. The next day, she stayed inside but couldn't take her mind off of the experience and so she watched the lake from the porch of the cottage. It was afternoon and sunny when she saw the same object suddenly appear and plunge into the lake never to come back up again. When she told her relatives about this, they just laughed and said they had never seen anything of the kind themselves. They reasoned that it was probably just the reflection of the sun on the water at the same time that a big fish jumped up!!
The fact is that i knew this girl very well and i also knew that she was not the type to exaggerate or lie. And when she told me about the experience she was white in the face. Underwater base? Hmmmm. It would be interesting to go there and explore. But who has the submarine? :)

The oil tanker incident you write about is extremely interesting. Wish we could get our hands on a newspaper report of the incident where the light is mentioned. You think this is possible?

Nice talking to you

Dave. I guess we must have been on the same page somewhere :)

I have read books ( Charles Berlitz, Atlantis) just browsed through the net, asked people who have had experiences. One familly that i feel have had many experiences have told me many of these things.
I cannot remember all the books i have read which were people having access to the "libraries" of Tibet. I was roaming the library without a library card :(


I also have another source which have confirmed many of the things that i have read which will remain anonymous for the time being. I will only say that this person is a doctor in Quantmechanic, Enzymatic studies, Nanotech, chemistry, biochemistry, and has met with government officials of many countries, and i feel this source of mine is highly credible. Maybe more information will be revealed in the future for me to share with you guys.


"All i say is keep looking".
Hi all -

Here is another site that has a good article about UFO acceleration.

Bruce S. Maccabee, Ph.D.
Visual and photographic sighting of UFOs carrying out "impossible" high speed maneuvers are presented for study. For the first time we are able to quantify the amazing acceleration of these craft.