Where are the Aliens ?



If Aliens are coming to our planet, why don't they just land in the middle of a city like Brussels, next to the European parlement while it is in session and make contact to us ?

I'm afraid that is about what it will take to actually convince stubborn critics like me... Now I'm sure there are lot's of reasons you all can think of so, let me have them, make me doubt !
I agree with Plato, this Alien thing has gotten out of hand. Aliens are not here and haven't came here any time lately. I say this because they would have left some EVIDENCE for cryin' out loud!

Oh sure, you say people see UFO's, just because you see something in the sky you can't explain doesn't mean it is a freakin' alien spaceship.

Frankly, I don't see why we litter a great site like exosci.com with this stupid stuff about ET!

We live, we die, WHO CARES!
-Double Overdrive

Turn this argument around for a minute. If you were travelling to a distant planet to investigate, would you set your craft down in the center of town at high noon? Don't you think this was a strategic blunder? Or would you reason that you must do this for the benefit of all the little alien children who watch their own ET movies and dream of humans who will one day show themselves in public, and who will confirm their suspicions that there are aliens out there in the universe.

Think man. If a creature is capable of space flight, it must also have a good defense mechanism, and exposing itself to potentially hostile planetary inhabitants may be a high risk - at least for the first close encounter.

Better to wait for the politicos to get involved.

This is not to say that aliens exist or do not exist, but merely that you need not see one double-parked in New York to prove the point. Do you fail to believe that it rains outside your house because you are never home to witness it? Or could you determine that it rains by simply examining the grass which grows as a result of that rain?

There is more to observation than the sense of sight.
One more thing:

They probably would not set down in a place like Brussels at first, because they would be afraid that they would get sprayed by the pissing boy (or whatever that fountain is called), and also, that would mean that they would have to eat their french fries with mayonnaise (no offense to the Belgians, just the way things are).
Skepticus!!!!!!!!! hey, man :)

Good to see you back at the site...and
great response!!!
Since aliens haven't been spotten in Brussels it is safe to say that aliens don't want to make a big scene. I was just wondering why those damn aliens hafta be so sneaky. I thought I saw one in my underpants last night...

Or did I see one while I was shopping at Wal-mart? Oh, nevermind, that was just someone dressed up as that obi-wan-kanobie guy...

(Yeah it makes alot of sense to do what our aliens are doing.)

On a more serious note: It would be likely that aliens would try to find our learder (as plato inclined). If any of you thought this subject out, you would find that it would be more likely for an alien race to contact us in some way. I sure as hell would hate to go to an alien world and go sneaking around...

We live, we die, WHO CARES!
-Double Overdrive
Ok Double Overdrive... Question:
Have you even read up on this? Because
there is much more to this than what you
are assuming...
"Take Me To Your Leader"

This is a good point. Would the aliens seek out the leader of a civilization? I don't necessarily agree. Again, use the reverse scenario and ponder - would you seek out an alien leader, one who might have it in his/her/its mind to eradicate you simply because you were an alien to that planet? Or maybe that leader would like to imprison or control you as some bio-weapon.

I think the real approach would be as the aliens are allegedly using on Earth. Namely - try to infiltrate the minds of the normal people. Try to get to individuals and affect them. This was already tried by countries on our very own planet. Remember Communism? Control the mind and the body will follow?


Whatever Skepticus, I don't really care... This all seems kinda foolish to me. Why are we even afraid if an alien will present itself or sneak around?

We live, we die, WHO CARES!
-Double Overdrive

you seem to go out from the notion that the Aliens who are visiting us are for the first time encountering an other spiecies. I mean, if you have two different intelligent species then you might as well have a billion of them (the universe is large enough). Wouldn't they know every possible way a new race would react when where they introduced to an other intelligent species ?

And if we are dealing with freshmen in the interstellar travel business woudn't they be just delighted in having discovered that they to aren't alone ? How long by the way have these sightings been going on ? It's not as if they just arrived yesterday.

This gets me to an other point. Why is it that ufo's go hand in hand with the invention of flight ? Was that some trigger that opened up a near by wormhole or something where they come pouring through ?

we are midgets standing on the backs of giants,
Good arguments, but you are also assuming that they would even think like us.

Bev :)
We are capable of thinking - and indeed conversing - like you. Same goes for looking like you. You are not alone.

You have us.

a personal question if you don't mind. First there was an alien Chuckles who was writing to this board. Was that just a spelling mistake or do you have a brother or sister or clone or whatever walking around ?

I guess what I'm saying is, is there a ChucklesB as well ? ;)

we are midgets standing on the backs of giants,
To believe in Aliens visiting us I don't need a first hand experience. I haven't been on the moon either but that doesn't mean I don't believe man has set foot on the moon.

Any way, and I think believers in Aliens have to agree on this, it's not like humanity (and I mean every layer of society in every country) is dealing with aliens. Why is that, given the time that they supposedly are observing us ?

we are midgets standing on the backs of giants,
Plato, sorry my brain is kinda running slow this morning.

Are you saying that some countries do not have to deal with the alien problem because it doesn't exist in their country or are you saying that it exist but only at certain levels in their society?

(I'm not sure if I have made any sense :))

Bev :eek:

In regards to comments about aliens out there who might know about other civilizations you write, "Wouldn't they know every possible way a new race would react when where they introduced to an other intelligent species ?"

How do you figure this? Considering the fact that people on this planet do not know how to act around other humans in other countries cities, or even neighborhoods in the same city? Do you understand all the social mores of a tribe in Africa or South America just because they are humans too? Is a handshake acceptable social contact for all humans in all communities? How can we expect that a species from across the galaxy or universe will "know" every little nuance of the species on the planet they are visiting? I don't know, unless they had some intergalactic travel guide with them.

Would the aliens be delighted to learn they were not alone? Well, maybe so, but I doubt they would be so excited that they would plop down in front of the White House, pop out of their ship, and say, "Here we are Earthlings!" as Hollywood would like us to believe. More likely, they would understand the importance of stealth, and the importance of observation from a distance. Also, assuming they have the technical ability to get to our planet, they could remain obscured for a significant period of time. They should also have the ability to witness much of what goes on on this planet. This means they could view crime, murder, war, torture, suffering just like we do on "Current Affair", albeit with the aid of video.

Now, if you went to a planet and hung in orbit for a while, and watched the denizens of the planet whack each other to death or shoot each other on the streets each day, would you still be eager to run up and shake hands with those in control? Or might you be inclined to carefully select who you made contact with?

I don't think that the aliens are out there cruising the galaxy for sentient beings, and if they are, they certainly won't find them on Earth unless they really look hard. Damn, what do we talk about when we see the posts regarding aliens on this board and others? Most people talk about the greys in a plot to take over the world (with the help of our own governments?) Next it will be jellyfish that are in a conspiracy to rule the seas. The point is that we don't live in Utopia, and neither do the aliens, and I don't think that is what they are looking for.

Your comments about flight and wormholes are beyond me. I am not sure what you are talking about. Are you suggesting that aliens appeared from a wormhole and somehow helped us with this idea of flight? I doubt that we should give them this credit, since the idea of flight has been implanted in our brains much earlier. All primitive man had to do was look at a bird, and he could grok the concept of flight. We don't need to lay that one on the aliens.
Skepticus and Bev,

I'm sorry, that last mail was kind of obscure even to myself when I read it again.
First of all, regarding flight I was trying to argue that people then began to make a mental link with ufos when they saw things they couldn't understand. Kind of like the ancients thought it was Zeus slinging the lightingbolts. By doing this they tried to give the unexplicable a face and by doing that, somehow gain controll over it.

The other post I somewhat clumsily (it was the end of a tiresome day at work) said that there is no major interaction going on between aliens and us. All we have are sitings of individuals or small groups of people which have never been confirmed, I'm sorry to say. I would like to admit though that some of these sightings indeed constitute unexplainable events. Science has never claimed it absolutely understands everything the universe can throw at us, quite the contrary. But in stead of admitting that we just can't explain it, people choose to make up stories around it because we just can't stand the fact that unknown things are happening. That is what makes people so afraid all the time : fear of the unknown.
I just love all that unknown stuff, it makes the universe all the more charming and intreaging...
Now, it is ok to make theories about those unknown things otherwise there wouldn't be any progress in science what so ever. But theory always have to be checked with the harsh reality.

About alien anthropologist and how they would look at mankind. I think you are a bit hard on us humans, Skepticus. Yes we do have wars, we have crime in our cities, we poison our environment and so on, but that is just summing up all the bad qualities man has. If you take a guy from the street and follow him all his life, how many percent of it would he be fighting ? He might have a grudge against someone and not show it but at least he stays civil about it. I thing on a whole the human animal isn't agressive at all. It poisons his nest yes but so does any other animal, only we have the ability to do it on a larger scale.
The alien exobiologist will have seen this behavior on countless other planets. Besides if his science has evolved that far that he can cross the stars then it won't only be their hard sciences who are that far evolved. You really underestimate your aliens if you think they wouldn't know exactly how to handle a primitive civilisation like ours.

Now, let's suppose it was the other way around, at the time that we will have invented a way to go to the stars, have far do you think our psychological research will be ? Or biology ? Or linguistics ? Or computerscience ?

Al these alians who are visiting us are only advanced to us in a few disciplines : physics and engineering. They certainly are nowhere in the field of medicine, just look at the horrible stories of the abducties.
What is the reason for this ? Are they really this primitive in one way and advanced in an other or is it just us that don't have enough imagination to really come up with dazzling stories about them ?

we are midgets standing on the backs of giants,
oh yes..it is just "us"..the ones who
blindly believe in aliens and ufo's...
funny how some of us believe in them
and not god... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
funny how you know that no one on this
earth has experienced anything of the like..
damn, you get around, man... Funny..that
the ones that do come out of the closet
and tell the things that have happened to
them are ALLLLLLLL making this shit up...
thank you Plato for making things clear
with all your wisdom..and all your experience
in this matter... I now see the light!!!!!!!
First off, all hail PLato! Itis about time someone approached this whole debate with a rational, calm, non-confrontational, open mind. :)Second,I would like to point out something here.

Many ufologists and such maintain that aliens have been here since the time of the pyramids (and before). Just look at the Evidence In The Pyramids forum.

Yet you maintain that they are observing our culture still. Does it really take 5,000+ years?

Search for the
truth, not your