When will the world end?

c7ityi_ said:
Heavens doesn't mean "skies", it means within, in consicousness. The same laws work inside as outside. "there's nothing hidden which will not become manifest"

No Christian thinks that he comes to the "sky" when he dies, he thinks he comes to "heaven".

Early people thought that gods were in heaven, but among the early people there were initiates who knew there were no gods and the god everyone referred to was in our minds (heavens) That is the self.

Quran: "He created Seven heavens ,one above the other, do you see any fault in the work of the Merciful?

Those 7 "heavens" are mentioned in many places and they are levels of consciousness, they're also related to the 7 chakras.

"Ancient and Baladi Egyptians believe that the universal energy matrix consists of nine realms, which are commonly classified as seven heavens (metaphysical realms) and two earths (physical realms)."

The negative and positive. Mirror.
M*W: I doubt ancient humans were quite as enlightened as you think. They believed in the sky gods from reading the stars and constellations. They knew nothing about "universal energy."
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I doubt ancient humans were quite as enlightened as you think.

I don't claim they were just enlightened, they were omniscient. But there were two kinds of people, because of the crossbreeding. Primitive people, and descendants of the highly developed people.

I'm talking about the "sons of God", the giant humans, mentioned in Genesis 6.

They believed in the sky gods from reading the stars and constellations. They knew nothing about "universal energy."

Not your ancient humans, they were much more primitive than we are today, but I'm talking about the initiates among them, but you don't understand what I'm talking about. The only universal energy is magnetism. The ancient inca's knew it. Magnetism makes the sun rotate and shine.