When will the world end?

Godless said:
The world will end; the day you die.

Ahh... that's almost sweet!

The world will not end the day I die.
MY world might but the rest of you and your offspring will still be running about, therefore the world wont have ended!

Actually, I wish I'd never started this thread now-- can't get a straight answer out of anyone!!!
The Flemster said:
Ahh... that's almost sweet!

The world will not end the day I die.
MY world might but the rest of you and your offspring will still be running about, therefore the world wont have ended!

Actually, I wish I'd never started this thread now-- can't get a straight answer out of anyone!!!
M*W: Perhaps no one gave you the answer you wanted to hear, but I'll give you one. Our universe was created by the warmth of the sun that thawed out this frozen rock upon which we sit. When an optimum temperature appeared, natural life was formed in the warming seas. Then life crawled upon the dry lands and became acclimated to different ecosystems. Our tenure on this melting rock has been a process of adaptation to our environs. Therefore life is constantly in the process of 'changing' or, shall I say, 'improving' our viability to survive in our ever-changing ecosystems.

The sun came to be known as "the creator of all." The Sun then came to be known as "God" by the ancient humans whose first words described their fear and awe of the unreachable sun.

The sun has been with us always, and will be with us always, even to the end of the "Age." Jesus had no "Earthly father," it's been said. Jesus was "eternally begotten" of the sun. He became known as the Sun of God, "light from light, begotten not made, one in being" with the Sun. Jesus, the "Alpha and Omega," represented the sun, the "first and the last." It is said that Jesus' grandfather was "Heli" (another name for the sun). It was ancient man's way of reaching for the sun and bringing it to Earth in human form. It was ancient man's way of having power and control over the enigmas of the universe... or so the patriarchs thought.

While the universe is expanding, our frozen rock continues to thaw, and we continue to "change" or evolve to optimally co-habit within our life support ecosystems.

To answer your question, "when will the world end?," the answer I submit is "never." Can we truthfully say, "the world will end when I die?" No. You world may end when you die, as mine will, but the rest of the world is still very much alive and kicking. Even our short time on Earth is a process rather than an event. We can spread our DNA, or we can spread our thoughts, memories, ideas and dreams.
Alright, okay.
I maybe didn't make myself clear.
I'm fully aware of the lifespan of our solar system and all related theories (of which I subscribe to), I was just wondering what different religions interpret as to the end of the world. When, if at all, it is mentioned in their respective religious texts, etc.
And yes- I'm far too lazy and set in my ways to read all the different books on the subject!!!

The Flemster.
The Flemster said:
Ahh... that's almost sweet!

The world will not end the day I die.
MY world might but the rest of you and your offspring will still be running about, therefore the world wont have ended!

Actually, I wish I'd never started this thread now-- can't get a straight answer out of anyone!!!

Whats not straight about this one?

I don't know if this world is going to ever come to an end physically. But it is sure going to come to an end as it currently is. Date? God Knows.

The straight answer is no human knows. The Christian scriptures give no definite date.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Whats not straight about this one?

The straight answer is no human knows. The Christian scriptures give no definite date.
M*W: You're right. No human knows. Since there is "nothing new under the Sun," everything that was, is, and will be, is already stored in our genetic memory. We only "become aware of it" when the time is right and when we are ready as a society/culture for this knowledge to emerge.

This also leads me back to the hidden cosmology of the bible. "There is nothing new under the Sun" also reminds us that we live in a cyclic universe as we spin around the Sun... the Alpha and the Omega theory, or Aries through Pisces, through the complete universal cycle of some 25,800 years. There really is "nothing new under the Sun."
what's all this crap about asteroids hitting the earth, do the maths, you have more chance of winning the lottery. in england it's 14 million to one, in outer space the probabilty is much much higher, something like to one we are more likely to kill ourselves before anything hits us.
A asteroid will either hit the earth or it will not Hit the earth it depends on the trajectory of the asteroid. talking about probability is irrelevant. If one is going to hit it is going to hit on the day that it is going to hit. No probability calculation will change that.

Just adding something to my last post. No human knows, but we can have fun speculating. I have my own favorite speculated year.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
A asteroid will either hit the earth or it will not Hit the earth it depends on the trajectory of the asteroid. talking about probability is irrelevant. If one is going to hit it is going to hit on the day that it is going to hit. No probability calculation will change that.

Just adding something to my last post. No human knows, but we can have fun speculating. I have my own favorite speculated year.
M*W: But why 'speculate' on something as deathly and devastating happening to our Mother Earth? How patriarchal of you.
Because i believe it could and probably will happen. And therefore i keep an eye out for signs. i believe great destruction will befall earth soon. Not destruction that will destroy the earth but destruction that will end the earth as it is now.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Because i believe it could and probably will happen. And therefore i keep an eye out for signs. i believe great destruction will befall earth soon. Not destruction that will destroy the earth but destruction that will end the earth as it is now.
M*W: And you're a fatalist. Keep your eyes out, my friend, because they will be blinded. You are a sicko xian.
Cris said:

Yup I have to agree with you on this. We are bombarded daily by meteors of varying sizes. It appears to be inevitable that a large one will hit and cause significant global destruction.

http://www.thekeyboard.org.uk/Earth impact.htm

Good page Cris. I suppose MW would call the scientists who study and look out for this event "sickos". Of course they spent years running their calculations through their computer simulators and taking core samples showing the impact on the earth of earlier impacts.

It was an interesting read:

thekeyboard said:
So what happens when the Earth is hit by a large chunk of rock? A one kilometre asteroid striking the Earth at a typical speed of 25 to 30 kilometres per second would have a devastating effect. On impact the enormous kinetic energy of the body will instantaneously be dumped into target rock in an explosion equivalent to 300,000 megatons of TNT - the largest man-made nuclear weapon had a yield of 60 megatons. Flash and blast from the impact will destroy an area the size of Belgium. A 20 kilometre wide crater will be excavated in seconds,

Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood.

and debris will be ejected into sub orbital trajectories.

Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place.

This debris will later re-enter the atmosphere like a massive meteor shower all over the planet creating an intense global heat pulse, raising fires that will destroy a significant proportion of the biomass.

The first angel sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.

Well 1 third of the biomass.

The ozone layer will be obliterated.

Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.

Major volcanism and seismic activity will occur as the shock wave from the impact ripples through the planet.

I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood.

and again

And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth.

Intense acid rain resulting from the ionisation of the air as the impactor entered the atmosphere, and large quantities of pyrotoxins produced by global fires will fall world-wide.

The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.

If only those scientists had the read the book of revelations they could have saved millions in research grants. But maybe if they did then they would have done themselves out of a lifetime gravy train? :D

Well this is where i am going to throw a bit of speculation into the Mix. There is a space mountain that is coming our way and it is due here on friday the 13th of April 2029. Oh friday the 13th such a lucky day. And Just guess what the rational minded scientific community has called this space mountain?

Apopis. It is named after an egyptian god. Now guess what Apopis is the god off?

Apophis: the Destroyer.

Patron of: evil and darkness

What a name to give to meteor, do you think they are trying to get a message out without getting a message out???

Another bit of speculation for you cris. It is the consensus of many learned Christians ( Oh we are not all neanderthals like the athiest propaganda states, i assure you) That Jesus was born not in 1 AD but in 4BC and we know that Jesus was executed when he was 33. So Jesus died in the year 29 AD.

Now hear is the thing 2029 - 29 = 2000. So Apophis the Destroyer patron of evil and darkness will reach earth 2000 years after the execution of the Messiah Jesus. Hey remember how some of the prophesy buffs where all excited about the year 2000? Some of them got really excited because they thought it was 2000 years after the birth of the Messiah Jesus. Well the thing is it was not 2000 years after the birth of Jesus and as far as i am concerned the start to the age of grace began the day Jesus was executed. So 2000 years after the Atoning sacrifice of Jesus is by far the more significant date.

I suppose you are thinking what is the significance of the 2000 anniversary. Well another guy did a pretty good right up on the wilderness temple they built for the Ark of the Covenant. He claims that within the dimensions of the structure there is a dimension calculation related to the time of the 3 ages before the final judgement.


Interesting dimensions of the Levitical tent temple

'Tabernacle in the Wilderness'

When reading the Old Testament, many of the details seem to be obscure at best - and at worst laborious. The precise details of Leviticus, for example, can be difficult to exegete 3500 years after the fact and half a world away. If we take the time to search these truths out, however, while being careful not to make the Bible a cosmic scavenger hunt, the result can be quite rewarding.

Take, for example, the dimensions of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. The outer wall was 100 cubits in length, 50 cubits in width, and 5 cubits in height (Exodus 27:18). This is a place where we as Bible Scholars are tempted to continue on without investigating any further. But if we add the two longer walls (100+100) to the two shorter walls (50+50), then we find that the Tabernacle Courtyard was 300 cubits around. Further, if you multiply 300 cubits by 5 cubits (the wall height), we find that the wall was 1500 square cubits. Keep this number in mind.

Next we proceed to the Holy Place. According to my NIV Study Bible, the Holy Place was 20 cubits long, 10 cubits wide, and 10 cubits high. This is tough discern from the details of Exodus 26, but these dimensions are uniform from every account that I have seen. Notice though that in Exodus 26:7 the Tabernacle is covered with goat hair. More on that later, but for now just note that 20x10x10 is 2000 - the Holy Place was 2000 cubic cubits.

Finally there is the Most Holy Place, which was also covered. Its dimensions were 10x10x10, or 1000 cubic cubits. So what, you may be asking, what of all these numbers?

The Courtyard had the Bronze Basin and the Bronze Altar. This is where, under the law, Jews brought their ritual sacrifices to offer to God. In other words, the Courtyard represents the Age of the Law and Prophets. From Moses receiving the Law on Mount Sinai to the resurrection of Christ was approximately 1500 years. If you recall, the Courtyard wall was 1500 square cubits!

The Holy Place contained the Table of Showbread (the Lord's Supper), the Alter of Incense (the prayer of the saints), and the seven branched Lampstand (typifies the Church in the book of Revelation). The Holy Place therefore represents the Church Age! And because the Holy Place was 2000 cubic cubits in size, we can infer that the Church age will be approximately 2000 years in duration.

The Most Holy Place contained the Ark of the Covenant, which itself contained a vile of Manna, the Stone Tablets, and Moses' rod. Resting on top of the Arc was the Mercy Seat. When we put all of this together we find that the Most Holy Place, 1000 cubic cubits, represents the Millenniel Kingdom of Christ which will of course will last a thousand years. During this time, Jesus Christ, the living bread from Heaven will rule and reign from the Mercy Seat in Jerusalem with a rod of iron. He will write His Law on our hearts and the lion will lay down with the lamb.

One other detail here. Notice that the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place were covered, whereas the Courtyard was open air. To me the implications here are obvious. The Age of the Law and Prophets knew about God the Father and the Holy Spirit, but the revelation of Jesus Christ remained concealed. During the Church Age and in the Millennium to come, Christ is and will be revealed. Hence the two dimensions (square cubits) on the outside and the three dimensions (cubic cubits) on the inside. The distinction between the Church Age and the Millennium are twofold. First and most obviously, Christ will be on Earth in person and fully revealed. Second, during the Millennium the Jews will recognize Christ as Messiah, which by and large they have yet to do.

It's going to be Heaven on Earth and it's almost here!


Well maybe.

All Praise the Ancient Of Days
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Well, I just saw today at CNN Europe , that the iranian president says it is the "God given right of Iran to be a nuclear power" and have nuclear weapons.....

The reason why, was also given at CNN : according to muslim beliefs; after the final war against the infidels, some dead iranian mufti will come back alive and make the whole world muslim.....

This might be the iranian version of end of the world as we know it .....
Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that
you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the
end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning;
he will know the end and will not experience death.

Jesus, Gospel of Thomas Vs. 18
Adstar said:
Good page Cris. I suppose MW would call the scientists who study and look out for this event "sickos". Of course they spent years running their calculations through their computer simulators and taking core samples showing the impact on the earth of earlier impacts.
M*W: No, I wouldn't waste my time calling the scientists 'sickos.' They get paid to know more about meteorology than I do. Their knowledge or what I may call them has nothing to do with your negativity. Scientists at NASA has been doing research on meteor-busting. My point was why dwell on something so cataclysmic when you can't do anything about it anyway. You can run, but you just can't hide. Well, I take that back... you could pray that it misses you, I guess. As for me, I don't worry about such things. I in no way said it was impossible for such a cataclysm to occur, that is what you misread as you always do.

Other things I don't worry about:

Mark of the Beast

Things I do worry about:

Waking up tomorrow morning and still be breathing
My grandchildren
My children
My patients
What's for dinner
. My point was why dwell on something so cataclysmic when you can't do anything about it anyway. You can run, but you just can't hide. Well, I take that back... you could pray that it misses you, I guess.

I do not seek to prevent it. I do not seek to run or hide. what has been prophesised to happen will happen i accept whatever comes.

I in no way said it was impossible for such a cataclysm to occur, that is what you misread as you always do.

In no way did i comment on your belief or otherwise in meteor inpacts. Talk about misreading posts. You read things that have never been stated. I was commenting on your observation that i was a sicko for my interest in meteor impacts an interst held by many in the scientific community. Many of them are interested in it because they want to prevent it. See they care about their Pairents their Childeren and their Grandchilderens and societies future. Just in the same way i am interested in their eternal future. Thats why i am interested in meteor inpacts.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
I do not seek to prevent it. I do not seek to run or hide. what has been prophesised to happen will happen i accept whatever comes.
M*W: Interestingly, I accept whatever is out of my personal control, such as a meteor or a terrorist bomb, because I refuse to stop living my life to the fullest while I can.
In no way did i comment on your belief or otherwise in meteor inpacts. Talk about misreading posts. You read things that have never been stated.
M*W: What does "my belief" have to do with meteor impacts?
I was commenting on your observation that i was a sicko for my interest in meteor impacts an interst held by many in the scientific community.
M*W: No, you have misunderstood me. (Why am I not surprised?). My "observation" of you being a "sicko" is because you dwell on the negative such as meteors crashing into the Earth causing a major cataclysm where many people will die. I was not saying you were "sicko" because you believed the meteor might strike. I believe this is a possibility, it's just that I don't worry about it. What would be the point of worrying about it? There's nothing I could do to stop it if it did happen. I rest assured that the powers that be (NASA, US government, whomever), have studied it and will do everything within their powers to stop it.
Many of them are interested in it because they want to prevent it. See they care about their Pairents their Childeren and their Grandchilderens and societies future. Just in the same way i am interested in their eternal future. Thats why i am interested in meteor inpacts.
M*W: Well, of course, I would hope that my children, grandchildren, and the human race as a whole, would be able to avoid such a cataclysm. All I'm saying is, leave the 'worrying' to the scientists to figure all this out, and try to enjoy the life you have before anything cataclysmic happens.

There is a lot to be said for the power of positive thinking. Thoughts are 'things.' Thoughts become actions. Actions become deeds. Deeds become realities. Realities become truths.

Negative thoughts are also 'things.' Negative thoughts become actions. Negative actions become negative deeds. Negative deeds become realities. Negative realities become truths.

The ultimate reality is peace in the world, but the world will never attain this ultimate reality when people like you are so negative.

That's what I am saying.
You’re so illogical MW. As if our negative thoughts can bring about a meteor impact or our positive outlook will somehow put us a force field of some kind to deflect an incoming meteor. You’re so full of pride and hate you cannot bring yourself to admit when you have made such an illogical statement about me. No wonder i avoid commenting on your posts.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
You’re so illogical MW. As if our negative thoughts can bring about a meteor impact or our positive outlook will somehow put us a force field of some kind to deflect an incoming meteor. You’re so full of pride and hate you cannot bring yourself to admit when you have made such an illogical statement about me. No wonder i avoid commenting on your posts.
M*W: I am flattered that YOU would think I'm illogical. However, negativity is deadly. If shit's gonna happen, it will happen, but STILL, why must you dwell on the negative? How is that helping humanity? How is that helping even you?

Yes, I understand that xians see me as prideful, but that's their problem, not mine. If you really knew me, which you don't and never will, you would know that I am not a prideful or hateful person... but that's me, not Medicine*Woman. Medicine*Woman speaks her mind on the forum and never bows to the limitations of political correctness nor any religion.

You, on the other hand, need to learn the difference between fantasy and reality.