When will the world end?

how sad then.... i would have wanted to know.... because.... i think there is no fantasy.... everything is real....
c7ityi_ said:
how sad then.... i would have wanted to know.... because.... i think there is no fantasy.... everything is real....
M*W: What's sad about it? You pretend to have so much more esoteric wisdom than everyone else, why can't you figure it out for yourself? I don't know about 'everything' being real. To one's own self one may seem real, but fantasies aren't living beings per se, fantasies are thoughts outside of reality. I believe that is where you reside.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: What's sad about it?

Just because I said it was sad doesn't mean that I think it's sad. Only one listener is important. God.

You pretend to have so much more esoteric wisdom than everyone else, why can't you figure it out for yourself?

If I only pretended, of course I couldn't figure it out. But I was just interrested in your thoughts. Of course I know everything, just as you do, since we're the same.

I don't know about 'everything' being real. To one's own self one may seem real, but fantasies aren't living beings per se, fantasies are thoughts outside of reality. I believe that is where you reside.

Thoughts are not outside reality.
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Only one listener is important. God.

Didn't you say in another thread that everything is only in your head, and that there's nothing "outside"? If that's true, then God is only in your head, too, and God is you.
James R said:
Didn't you say in another thread that everything is only in your head, and that there's nothing "outside"? If that's true, then God is only in your head, too, and God is you.

You don't understand. I never meant things exist only in 'my head'. If I thought that, I would be insane. Everything is in THE mind. Indeed, there is no actual outside, only a mental one. There is only mental separation between things. I feel things outside only because I refuse to merge with them, to recognize themselves in me. To accept the outside to be inside is to give up personal existence. It's the role of consciousness to fear nothingness, the cause, goal and the absolute reality. Our real self.

The self is God. My personal self can never be God, only insane people think so. There is only one "self", which is within all people, animals, plants, matter. The self is nothing, where everything comes from.

Before we existed, we created James R and c7ityi_ so that they would help each other to come closer to the goal (infinity) which can never be reached.
If it those miss us it will hit another Planet wat will make us change our planet or worse damage it badly u never underestimate the power of anything untill u see it hapen !!! :p
"when will the world end"

tomorrow night at half past six, now hows that for precise.
however if it dont happen tomorrow night, I got my days wrong, it will be the day after tomorrow, ok.
Lori_7 said:
The world's not going to end, but be transformed, and it says in the Bible that no one knows when or ever will know when except for God Himself. Who cares anyway? What difference does it make? Live everyday like it's your last because it just might be, and like it has been said here already, that day will be the end of this world for you.
The Bible is complete and utter tripe. Sure, the OT recorded some events of historical accuracy, such as the Assyrian Invasions and the Hewbrew-Phillestine wars (the Phillestines were infact Myceneans, who did grow to around 7 feet tall, and with those plumed helmets, Goliath would look pretty damn close to 9 feet high, a giant compared to the 5' 4" Bronze Age Israelites)...but when you get right down to it, most of the stuff in Biblical texts defy reality...anthropomorphic incindiary shrubbery...radioactive children...rain that would really snap a battleship in half not do shit to a wooden boat...
Utter BS.

Nope...the earth is going to be destroyed in some five billion years when the sun either goes supernova or goes blackhole.
Dan-tenerife said:
If it those miss us it will hit another Planet wat will make us change our planet or worse damage it badly u never underestimate the power of anything untill u see it hapen !!! :p
M*W: Could you please repeat that in English?
Lori_7 said:
The world's not going to end, but be transformed, and it says in the Bible that no one knows when or ever will know when except for God Himself.

The Bible doesn't say it'll be transformed, but that there will be a new heaven and a new Earth.
Who cares anyway? What difference does it make?

I care, and it makes a massive difference. This is the thing with you fundies, you're so eager to get to the next life and world, that you don't pay any attention to this one.
Dan-tenerife said:
If it those miss us it will hit another Planet wat will make us change our planet or worse damage it badly u never underestimate the power of anything untill u see it hapen !!! :p
You been drinkin', boy? :bugeye:
The Flemster said:
As there are many different religions and views represented on here, and because I can neither be arsed nor tricked into researching the answer myself, I was wondering when the various texts and tomes predict the world will end and, more interestingly, how?

I presonally am not religious at all and I believe we're all doomed to by wiped out by a bloody big asteroid in 2014. June 2nd to be precise.
Any other bids?

The Flemster.

there are different prophecies in religion like chirstanity, islam and jewdas through these prochecies one can perdict the dooms day. there are such events that are diffiened in islam and chirstainty that has to happened before the end of the world.

Bleed said:
The Bible doesn't say it'll be transformed, but that there will be a new heaven and a new Earth.
M*W: "As above, so below."

"... a new heaven and a new Earth," is a reference to the end of the "AGE," or the end of a complete cycle around the sun until a new age begins again. What occurred in the heavens (skies) is reflected on Earth, or at least that's what early humans believed.
The Norse Ragnarok has a higher likelihood of happening than the Christian version of Armageddon.
The world freezes over, and people go nuts and fights each other. Makes sense to me. All that's needed is that damn asteroid to whack us upside the head, and cause an ice-age...
Medicine Woman said:
What occurred in the heavens (skies) is reflected on Earth, or at least that's what early humans believed.

Heavens doesn't mean "skies", it means within, in consicousness. The same laws work inside as outside. "there's nothing hidden which will not become manifest"

No Christian thinks that he comes to the "sky" when he dies, he thinks he comes to "heaven".

Early people thought that gods were in heaven, but among the early people there were initiates who knew there were no gods and the god everyone referred to was in our minds (heavens) That is the self.

Quran: "He created Seven heavens ,one above the other, do you see any fault in the work of the Merciful?

Those 7 "heavens" are mentioned in many places and they are levels of consciousness, they're also related to the 7 chakras.

"Ancient and Baladi Egyptians believe that the universal energy matrix consists of nine realms, which are commonly classified as seven heavens (metaphysical realms) and two earths (physical realms)."

The negative and positive. Mirror.
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Heavens doesn't mean "skies", it means within, in consicousness. The same laws work inside as outside. "there's nothing hidden which will not become manifest"

No Christian thinks that he comes to the "sky" when he dies, he thinks he comes to "heaven".

From a biblical perspective, "heaven" refers to the big black expanse above our heads. Life part II was not in 'heaven', but in Jersulem part II, on planet earth part II.