When will the world end?

The Flemster

Unstoppable sex machine
Registered Senior Member
As there are many different religions and views represented on here, and because I can neither be arsed nor tricked into researching the answer myself, I was wondering when the various texts and tomes predict the world will end and, more interestingly, how?

I presonally am not religious at all and I believe we're all doomed to by wiped out by a bloody big asteroid in 2014. June 2nd to be precise.
Any other bids?

The Flemster.
NewsFlash Saturday, 6th February 2083...
Emperor George W. Bush after celebrating yet another successful life extension crashed his newly created weapon for the war on terror into Luna City. Whilst not forgetting the poor lunarians this had catastrophic consequences for the peoples of Earth, with the break up of the weapon and the moon they didn't stand a chance.Created by the Fox NewsBot...

Neverland Mars Base
Faceless Robot: Would you like me to put your head next to the window to read the news to you Michael?
Michael: Yes please, I wonder how the children are taking the latest allegations against me, it's crazy you know, I'm just a head. Ok lets hear the news...
it looks like the first link doesn´t load - you can find it on a yahoo/google search on:
"sun astronomy wikibooks "
The Flemster said:
As there are many different religions and views represented on here, and because I can neither be arsed nor tricked into researching the answer myself, I was wondering when the various texts and tomes predict the world will end and, more interestingly, how?

I presonally am not religious at all and I believe we're all doomed to by wiped out by a bloody big asteroid in 2014. June 2nd to be precise.
Any other bids?

The Flemster.
The world will end at the EXACT same time, the instant, you die.

And you would have to be a fool to think otherwise.
Genep, I also said that already. ;)

When did the world begin?.

The world began the day I became aware of it!. ;)

The world's not going to end, but be transformed, and it says in the Bible that no one knows when or ever will know when except for God Himself. Who cares anyway? What difference does it make? Live everyday like it's your last because it just might be, and like it has been said here already, that day will be the end of this world for you.
Actually god is dead, so the world for him ended long time ago. Or better yet god never was.

The next major asteroid that we can't predict or the sun going nova.

Religions have been making claims for the end of the world being just around the corner for thousands of years. Gosh what a surprise - we are still here.
I don't know if this world is going to ever come to an end physically. But it is sure going to come to an end as it currently is. Date? God Knows. ;)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The Flemster said:
As there are many different religions and views represented on here, and because I can neither be arsed nor tricked into researching the answer myself, I was wondering when the various texts and tomes predict the world will end and, more interestingly, how?

I presonally am not religious at all and I believe we're all doomed to by wiped out by a bloody big asteroid in 2014. June 2nd to be precise.
Any other bids?

The Flemster.
yes it is true. many patriarchal religions believe 'the world will end'....and as you yourself reveal, even in the materialistic secularworld this fear is modified to fit

but really madly deeply the origins and maings of te world ending lie very deep. IF materialistic science would get over its mental illness myth and understand so-called shcizophrenia. it is seen how namy visions from people being daignosed as having a biological isease are really in process of natural healing. when one looks at some reported visions what do we find? why, we fidcover visions of world enidng...!!!!....and when we say look at te vast research of Dr Grof who has thousands of cases who hve explored consciousness via psychedelic and non-psychedelic experiential techniques, what do we find...? that pople also have experienced visions of the end of te world

so what does all tis evidence point to? Ro the fact tat tis experince of end of the world was never really meant to be taken literally as the end of EARTH, but is a deep experience we can have which is symbolizing death and rebirth.

Patriarchal religions and followers have the tendency to literalize myth, and experience, hence we have te worry of 'when is the world gonna end?'...
Godless and genep,
Godless said:
The world will end; the day you die.
genep said:
The world will end at the EXACT same time, the instant, you die.

And you would have to be a fool to think otherwise.
Just wondering, what's your definition of dying? Because if the world ends, does it restart after you are revived after being clinically dead? :eek: Of course, I'm getting what you're trying to say, but how does being revived fit in the equation? :D

Adstar said:
I don't know if this world is going to ever come to an end physically. But it is sure going to come to an end as it currently is. Date? God Knows. ;)
M*W: There is no specific date as far as we will know. Jesus allegedly said, "I am the Alpha and the Omega," and "I will be with you always, even to the end of the Age."

The Alpha and the Omega: If the Sun/Sun of God/God could speak, it would have said: "I am the first and the last. I created all things. I am the Sign of Aries, and I am the Sign of Pisces (the first and the last signs of the zodiac). I am all space and time. I will be with you always, even to the end of the Age of Pisces. Then I will become the Age of Aries all over again. No one gets to 'the Father' (the Sun) except by the cosmological signs I created who orbit eternally around me."
Godless said:
Ren; if you are revived, then technically you were not dead. ;)
What's your perception of "being dead" to experience the "end of the world" then? Being clinically dead doesn't seem to satisfy your perception of death. =P

On a sidenote, I think the world will end to the first successor of the title "World Conqueror/Dominator." And somewhere along the line, I hope to hold that title. ;)
