When/ how did you become an atheist?

Ok... Now it makes sense.

You're still wrong though, but now it might be possible to explain to you why.
I think you confused him YYP. He spent a long time looking at this thread then logged out.
Well as we used to say when we were teenagers: it's not hard to confuse a stupid person.
I had no idea dwy was a mod? Is this true??? Lol.

Anyway...................is an athiesm thread appropriate in the religious subfora??? Thats my first question before I say anything else.
But I was trying to do the exact opposite. Maybe he left the thread because he finally understood what we meant?
I had no idea dwy was a mod? Is this true??? Lol.

Anyway...................is an athiesm thread appropriate in the religious subfora??? Thats my first question before I say anything else.

That's a good question.

The title suggests that people should write when they abandoned religion. As such, I guess it'd still be within the subforums context.

Good morning Joey. How are you?
Maybe he left the thread because he finally understood what we meant?
You mean: yet one more occasion where he realised he was wrong[sup]1[/sup] and bowed out instead of acknowledging the fact. Or, possibly (and more likely), he's (temporarily[sup]2[/sup]) stumped for a come back.

1 For a given value of "wrong". This is John, after all.
2 Which may or may not be a long period. He's been known to just stop participating in threads when unable to rebut.
I am the kind of guy that thinks the best possible of my fellow man. I think John will come back and admit he was wrong, thanking us for explaining it to him in such patient and polite manner.
So if anti-theist topics are allowed am I allowed to go in the biology subfora with anti-science shit or am I just going to get shitted on. You tell me dwy. Your the ex-mod.

And Im doing okay I cant complain papaya thx 4 asking :)
I can't answer for the mods of course. But I think you will get an answer like: "The religion and other philosophy forums are all subforums of sciforums. Sciforums is (as the name suggests) a place where you discuss things scientific. In the religion and philosophy subforums, you can comment things like religion from a scientific and philosophic perspective as well as from a religious perspective."
What do you call people who believe in UFO's?

Could be many names or at least a few. The can have a website, a newsletter, t.v show but if peple do not believe in UFO's would they name themselves?

It isnt that simple. An Atheist believes something does not exist, what if he\she were convinced something does not exist?

Basically it is like acknowledging that there may be some possibility because if there were no possibility then why apply a name to something that does not\never did exist? You cant make one, you cant say "one day one will exist".

In other words not convinced. If that is true and it must be because you do not give names to things that you know do not and have never have existed then why is there a name for it? Why call yourself\describe yourself\name yourself after something when your position is it does not exist?

How about this: I am a lamp. But wait humans are not lamps, why call yourself a lamp?

There is a name for atheism because of all the religious people and religions that exist in society. It's like the prohibitionists, they took a stand that alcohol was bad for society. Atheists tend to take the position that religion is bad for society. I agree there is something empty about the concept, since unlike religion it does not contain moral codes or a grand mythology, but many feel that other philosophies like secular humanism can fill the void.
So if anti-theist topics are allowed am I allowed to go in the biology subfora with anti-science shit or am I just going to get shitted on. You tell me dwy. Your the ex-mod.
It depends on what you mean by "anti-science shit", of course.
If you come up with something that goes against current knowledge, or something that hasn't even been thought of by science you can certainly post it.
And then you will be expected to support that contention.
Y'know, the way we keep asking asking people to support their claims here in this sub-forum (a sub-forum of a science-led board).

ALL claims are subject to challenge. If they don't hold up then they (and you if you persist) will be dismissed.
For example here and here.
No but strangely atheists are growing in numbers in the UK for instance.


It is not clear how "no religion" nd "atheism" mean essentially the same.