When/ how did you become an atheist?

Churches are founded upon the fallacy of argument from authority. "My daddy told me and his daddy told him so it must be true." The fact that this trail of so-called evidence leads us logically back to someone in the Stone Age seems to escape the religionists--since, by definition, they are not logical.

Well said. If Jesus existed today, not 2000 years ago, no one would believe he was the son of God or that His God was the one and only true God any more than they would believe P&T as Sons of God.
Higher? Like, further from sea level?
And further, 'higher' sounds a lot like special status, in fact, that nuance pervades the use of higher in almost all religions (and everyday speech). How have you, as an atheist, escaped this desire for special status, when you consider your thoughts higher? Or do you notice that this is a trait you share with theists. Of course many indigenous groups would disagree with your estimate of the relative heights of human and animal thought.

Anyway as someone who believes science is the only correct methodology, you should know that a giraffe's thoughts are literally higher and utterly effective in their niche. Nor can they, it seems, present a threat to the entire natural world, despite their height.

We ain't alone, of course - there are our fellow great apes, many dolphins and whales and the crow and parrot families of birds. We are special because we are the dominant species on this planet - we control a large part of the biosphere of our planet and that makes us special. Of course we aren't somehow "inherently' special - we are special by the efforts of 6 million years of our ancestors. We are higher thinking animals because we have mastered language and science - two things most other have probably not [Dolphins and whales sing, but whether they have language capable of abstract thought is unclear].
For as long as i can remeber i was skeptical of the religon my parents had forced upon me...gradually overtime they became much more agnostic...allowing me to be much more questioning of my religon in general i studied, debated...since then i have becme a " infedel" by old definition and proud of it.