When/ how did you become an atheist?

I'm getting more and more suspicious about this John99 character. Is he or is he not a troll?

If you're not a troll John... Why is this difference so hard to understand. I believe Dyw expressed it like this:
"One is lack of belief the other is contrary belief"
What makes you think I'm a troll?

I'll tell you what makes me think you are.... You keep asking questions about the simplest things. If i say that a blank sheet of paper is white you go "PROVE IT" if Dyw says 2+2 is 4 you go "BUT WHAT IS 1+1?"
I'm getting more and more suspicious about this John99 character. Is he or is he not a troll?
In John's defence I'd have to say that it's my firm belief that he's not a troll. At least not deliberately.
He is, however, the single most uneducated (as opposed to least educated) person I have ever come across*.
Not only does he lack knowledge he's seemingly completely unaware that he lacks knowledge, and does nothing to remedy that lack.
This is also reflected in his "thinking processes" - they appear to be as retarded (and I use that word specifically) as his "education".
He is a true example of all-round incompetence, with the added "bonus" that he can't even recognise his incompetence.

* There's one other contender on this forum, but, fortunately, I haven't ever met anyone approaching either of these two in real life.

Edit: and I just noticed he called you a sock puppet. This is another standard of John's. He appears to believe that any poster who disagrees with him is a sock puppet. You can look forward to regular repeats of this accusation over the next year or so.
What makes you think I'm a troll?

I'll tell you what makes me think you are.... You keep asking questions about the simplest things. If i say that a blank sheet of paper is white you go "PROVE IT" if Dyw says 2+2 is 4 you go "BUT WHAT IS 1+1?"

i didnt say you were a troll...did I? Nor do i acknowledge the word troll. If that were the case were all trolls. Does not dissuade my belief you are socky.

I can live with that. I already mentioned to Dyw in several PMs that it kinda annoys me how much we think alike. Sometimes we make almost similar posts simultaneously. I don't know if you noticed this?
I find it funny. Which regular do you think is using YoYoPapaya as fake account?
Could be anyone.
I was accused of being Stryder's sock.
Because of the "obvious" similarities (and exact pronunciation match :eek:) of our two names. Of course to get this "exact" match John had to misspell my name and then mispronounce his misspelling, but... after that it was obvious to everyone.
Dywyddr used another member name around two years ago but makes no difference to me.
And that name would be...?

Why dont you repost the exact content word for word so we can examine it. I know i am right though.
Except that you've done nothing (despite requests to do so) to support this contention.
How many other times have you "known" you were right? And failed completely to provide any evidence whatsoever?
Could be anyone.
I was accused of being Stryder's sock.
Because of the "obvious" similarities (and exact pronunciation match :eek:) of our two names.


Of course to get this "exact" match John had to misspell my name and then mispronounce his misspelling, but... after that it was obvious to everyone.

This post actually made me laugh out loud. I will never again say you don't have humor.