When/ how did you become an atheist?

For myself? As much as Religion\Religious people. Even if they did...or do, i cant remember when it happened.
Yeah right.
You have UFO believers influencing national politics, setting up churches, trying to tell you to worship Zog the Green etc.
Spouting off in newspapers that society is going to hell unless you follow their book. :rolleyes:
It is the same thing.
Still wrong. Please show why you think this is the case.

If there is a difference then show it.
One is "I don't believe that god exists", the other is "I believe god does not exist".

The first is a lack of belief, the second is a contrary belief.
Yeah right.
You have UFO believers influencing national politics, setting up churches, trying to tell you to worship Zog the Green etc.
Spouting off in newspapers that society is going to hell unless you follow their book. :rolleyes:

You asked the question. I have never been influenced or coerced to change my opinion due to religion or religious people.

In politics those types would exist regardless of religion. Un the U.S you have conservatives but these people would still be conservative regardless. Just as many conservatives are not any religion but also different religions.
You asked the question. I have never been influenced or coerced to change my opinion due to religion or religious people.
I think you'll find that you actually have, Society as a whole (as was stated earlier) is influenced by religion.

In politics those types would exist regardless of religion.
So what? They wouldn't have religion as a "justification".

That's the "best" you can come up with?
No actual refutation?
Same old (stupid) John99...
If you told me the society you were referring to and explained how it was influenced by religion that would help.

1) Since I specifically stated YOU, which society could I mean?
2) Are you telling me that you're totally unaware of the influence of religion throughout US history? And the influence it still has today?*

Start here, and here. Or pick up a history book or turn on the TV..

* On the other hand why am I surprised at this? You seem to be unaware of most of reality.

And I'm still waiting for a reasoned argument against my post #262.
It isnt that simple. An Atheist believes something does not exist, what if he\she were convinced something does not exist?

Basically it is like acknowledging that there may be some possibility because if there were no possibility then why apply a name to something that does not\never did exist? You cant make one, you cant say "one day one will exist".

In other words not convinced. If that is true and it must be because you do not give names to things that you know do not and have never have existed then why is there a name for it? Why call yourself\describe yourself\name yourself after something when your position is it does not exist?

How about this: I am a lamp. But wait humans are not lamps, why call yourself a lamp?

Come on John, all those terms and names already existed before all of us on this forum were even born. For those of you that want to believe in God, I'm sure you have your reasons. The fact is when I die, my whole life will not have been based on a fantasy belief in a fictitious God, and I will have lived as part of the percentage of people trying to lift the human race up out of it's primitive beginnings of believing in fairy tail Gods or a single God “WHATEVER”
Come on John, all those terms and names already existed before all of us on this forum were even born. For those of you that want to believe in God, I'm sure you have your reasons. The fact is when I die, my whole life will not have been based on a fantasy belief in a fictitious God, and I will have lived as part of the percentage of people trying to lift the human race up out of it's primitive beginnings of believing in fairy tail Gods or a single God “WHATEVER”

That is understandable. I think that at some point you become what you are against though. I cant see a time when all people will not believe in at least the possibility of a higher power..well weather i can see it or not, it is not going to happen.

You also have various cults that spring up and will continue to because it only takes a handful of people and one leader.
That is understandable. I think that at some point you become what you are against though. I cant see a time when all people will not believe in at least the possibility of a higher power..well weather i can see it or not, it is not going to happen.
Why is it not going to happen?
That is understandable. I think that at some point you become what you are against though. I cant see a time when all people will not believe in at least the possibility of a higher power..well weather i can see it or not, it is not going to happen.

You also have various cults that spring up and will continue to because it only takes a handful of people and one leader.

This is fallacious. It's like saying that because I have only seen white swans in my life, only white swans exist.
Some of the nature systems have reached higher electro-bio-chemical-mechanical forms capable of wider sensing and higher thought considerations. A plant or a snail may but sense sun, moisture, light, dark, insects, warm, cold, ph…

There are such hierarchies in man-made forms, too, such as in a car versus a bike.

Theists may be unsettled as just being a part of organic nature, as they are never so humble but desire special status, even to the point of being God-made and having reward.

Whence this desire to be special?