When do babies get a soul?


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
when do babies get souls? If its at conception, what happens when the ovum splits into 2? Does each get half a soul or does one get it all and the other has none?
when do babies get souls? If its at conception, what happens when the ovum splits into 2? Does each get half a soul or does one get it all and the other has none?
M*W: There are at least three answers to your question.

1) The christian version is that the soul is there from the time of conception.

2) The metaphysical version is that the soul is there for all eternity.

3) The atheist version is that there is no soul to begin with.

4) The reality version is that what has been mistaken for the "soul" is nothing more than bioelectric energy with a religious spin on it. I prefer this version.
when do babies get souls? If its at conception, what happens when the ovum splits into 2? Does each get half a soul or does one get it all and the other has none?

It comes slowly with time, I got my consciousness when I was 2 years old while riding a bus and looking in a window at a cinema theater...I imagined myself inside the cinema, and became conscious of myself.
when do babies get souls? If its at conception, what happens when the ovum splits into 2? Does each get half a soul or does one get it all and the other has none?

the symptom of the soul is life (materially there is no difference between a dead body and a living body - they are composed of the same compounds)

an ovum that splits into two doesn't amount to much unless there are two souls to enter it
the symptom of the soul is life (materially there is no difference between a dead body and a living body - they are composed of the same compounds)

an ovum that splits into two doesn't amount to much unless there are two souls to enter it

So a baby doesn't get a soul until it is able to live on its own. So by saving premies are we forcing them to have a soul when they aren't ready?
well, i'll add to that list...

5.) The american government version is at 18, when one suddenly becomes 100% responsible for their actions.

I mean think about it, a soul knows good and evil, but the state decides you don't REALLY know this completely till you're a legal adult :D
4) The reality version is that what has been mistaken for the "soul" is nothing more than bioelectric energy with a religious spin on it. I prefer this version.
And, thus, the "soul" initiates when the body first develops a functioning, sentient brain, which regulates and emanates those electric pulses.
Depends from case-to-case, but generally between the end of the second and beginning of the third trimester.
So a baby doesn't get a soul until it is able to live on its own.

So by saving premies are we forcing them to have a soul when they aren't ready?

the symptom of the soul is life

if there is no soul to enter into an ovum, it doesn't make it to the stage of even being a zygote
When the Soul Train rolls into town, Baby.

when do babies get souls? If its at conception, what happens when the ovum splits into 2? Does each get half a soul or does one get it all and the other has none?

I'd think when that baby hears James Brown for the first time is when its got soul! :D

the symptom of the soul is life
What do you mean by life?

What is a soul?

A bacterium is alive - does it then have a soul?

If souls "enter" a living organism where do these souls come from?

Is there an infinite supply of souls and what are they doing while waiting for physical form?

If there is a finite supply would that mean that at some point a person could be born without a soul, and what would that mean?

If these questions seem daft then that is because they are. The soul concept is simply pure nonsense.

Consciousness and self-awareness (you) are mainatained and generated by the brain. When the brain is irreparably damaged then you will cease to exist.

What function would a soul perform that a brain cannot?

Isn't the soul concept an unfortunate ignorant leftover from the times when the mechanism of neural networks had not been discovered? Up until then no one could imagine how emotions and thoughts could orignate other than something magical. It is surely time to put these silly ideas of a soul behind us and move on.