What's Your Religion?

what's your religion?

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  • Atheism

    Votes: 12 35.3%
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    Votes: 8 23.5%

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I am not drawing links anywhere really, the Church of Satan has already stated this and has been stating this since it started in the 1960s. If you don't believe me you can email them yourself and ask them whether or not Satanism is an Atheist "religion," or philosophy.

You are linking Satanism, which is an albeit bizarre form of deism, to atheism. Yet there are both theistic and atheistic forms of Satanism; it would be a fallacy to claim there is only the one.


You mention both in the post below, but emphasize only the one thereafter.

From what I understand of Satanism, it's an Atheist "religion," and or philosophy, thus I think for the sake simplicity, that should do fine, no? Or are you talking about those reverse Christians?
whoever is not with me is against me..

isnt that in the bible?
so whoever is not with god is with satan..

atheist are not with god..

ergo they are with satan..

so equating atheist with satanist is not that big of a reach..
The fact is that if you do not believe something exists you are not "against it". That is really reading into these things.
Take Ghosts for example. If you dont believe in them you are not aginst them. That would be silly. UFO's?
The fact is that if you do not believe something exists you are not "against it". That is really reading into these things.

because satans greatest trick is convincing everyone he does not exist.
whoever is not with me is against me..

isnt that in the bible?
so whoever is not with god is with satan..

atheist are not with god..

ergo they are with satan..

so equating atheist with satanist is not that big of a reach..

That is the problem.
Satan will bring With God
Without God is not Satan.
So I do not want any God or Satan.
I will leave it to you.
whoever is not with me is against me..

isnt that in the bible?
so whoever is not with god is with satan..

atheist are not with god..

ergo they are with satan..

so equating atheist with satanist is not that big of a reach..

There is no satan so that makes no sense. How can you be "with" something that doesn't exist? The "reach " is all yours but then again you believe that there is a big all powerful guy in the sky so it is not that big of a reach..
when did i tell you what i believed??

do you really want me to tell you what i believe?
definatly not a guy in the sky..

be carefull what you ask for.....

Do you believe this?

whoever is not with me is against me..

isnt that in the bible?
so whoever is not with god is with satan..

atheist are not with god..

ergo they are with satan..

so equating atheist with satanist is not that big of a reach..

Maybe you don't believe he's in the sky but from the looks of it you do believe in a big all powerful guy (god).

And honestly for what reason should I be careful?
Do you believe this?
i assume your talking about what i wrote..
about if your not with god, your with satan..

what i believe is..
if you are not with god,you have no ammunition to defend yourself against satan, he will corrupt you..
to deny satan exists gives him ultimate control over you,so that you will be working for him and not even know it..

Maybe you don't believe he's in the sky but from the looks of it you do believe in a big all powerful guy (god).

um..the closest analogy to what i believe who god is, would be like a shared conscienceness thing..only those that believe can ever hope to tap into it.
only those looking in the right spot will find him..

And honestly for what reason should I be careful?

ask dyw..
whoever is not with me is against me..

isnt that in the bible?
so whoever is not with god is with satan..

atheist are not with god..

ergo they are with satan..

so equating atheist with satanist is not that big of a reach..

In terms of their belief system, it certainly is.
i assume your talking about what i wrote..
about if your not with god, your with satan..

what i believe is..
if you are not with god,you have no ammunition to defend yourself against satan, he will corrupt you..
to deny satan exists gives him ultimate control over you,so that you will be working for him and not even know it..

While that may be entertaining it is misleading and detrimental with regards to getting to the root of evil behavior and addressing it.

um..the closest analogy to what i believe who god is, would be like a shared conscienceness thing..only those that believe can ever hope to tap into it.
only those looking in the right spot will find him..

Dude that is almost EXACTLY the way I feel about leprechauns!!!!!!!;)
You are linking Satanism, which is an albeit bizarre form of deism, to atheism. Yet there are both theistic and atheistic forms of Satanism; it would be a fallacy to claim there is only the one.


I know this however it was the Church of Satan that made Satanism a coherent religion and philosophy. Which is why when Satanism is mentioned I think that someone is talking about them. I know other that are "Theistic Satanists," also claim that title, it's just in my opinion they seem more like reverse Christians. But you're right that there is no one type of Satanism. The Church of Satan also is not really Deist at all; names like Satan are seen as symbolic archetypes. They don't believe in the supernatural, an afterlife, a heaven or hell, or God.
whoever is not with me is against me..

isnt that in the bible?
so whoever is not with god is with satan..

atheist are not with god..

ergo they are with satan..

so equating atheist with satanist is not that big of a reach..

Actually, that isn't my argument at all and that's not what I'm saying and you have no clue what the fuck I'm talking about obviously. If you don't believe me then again, go and email the Church of Satan and ask them yourself. They don't believe in God, Satan, an afterlife or the supernatural or any of that. Thus they are, Atheistic, like it or not, there it is. I am also not making any big deal out of this either nor am I trying to make it appear like Atheism is evil or any of that nonsense.

Is a sufficient variety of Satanism, atheists or theistic.

Contents [hide]
1 Theistic Satanism
1.1 Luciferianism
1.2 Palladists
1.3 Our Lady of Endor Coven
2 Atheistic/Deistic Satanism
2.1 LaVeyan Satanism
2.2 Symbolic Satanism
3 Pseudo-Satanism
3.1 Casual or adolescent satanism
4 Organizations
4.1 The Church of Satan
4.2 First Satanic Church
4.3 Temple of Set
4.4 Order of Nine Angles
4.5 Dragon Rouge
4.6 Typhonian Order
5 Before modern Satanism
5.1 In the Middle East
5.2 In Christian cultures
6 Relationship to popular music
7 See also
8 References
9 Further reading
10 External links

I alread admitted and agreed there is more than one Satanism however what I am also saying is that organizations such as the First Church of Satan, The Temple of Set and so forth same after that. Not to mention, I wouldn't call the Temple of Set Satanist either, I have spoken to some of their members and they have rejected the title despite Aquino's former membership in the Church of Satan. The Church of Satan was the first organization to make Satanism a coherent religion and philosophy and they have recieved recognization in the US, something I don't think any other Satanic organization (that I'm aware of) has. All in all, I would say that they are the most legitimate group out there and the largest organization out there thus when talking about Satanists it's not unreasonable or whatever to assume you're talking about the Church of Satan.
Ja'far at-Tahir is, of course, quite right. Satan in this case is an archtype of the skeptic, like Korihor from the Book of Mormon.
ja'far said:
The Church of Satan was the first organization to make Satanism a coherent religion and philosophy and they have recieved recognization in the US, something I don't think any other Satanic organization (that I'm aware of) has. All in all, I would say that they are the most legitimate group out there and the largest organization out there thus when talking about Satanists it's not unreasonable or whatever to assume you're talking about the Church of Satan.
Living and learning about 1960s religion in the US - - - -

I'm going to just assume that whenever you mention "science" you are talking about Ron Hubbard's Scientologist Church, OK? It's the most legitimate science-based religion out there, it's received recognition by the US government, it's the first and largest to make a coherent religion out of science, so your criteria for co-option of any relevant nouns are met.
I'm going to just assume that whenever you mention "science" you are talking about Ron Hubbard's Scientologist Church, OK? It's the most legitimate science-based religion out there, it's received recognition by the US government, it's the first and largest to make a coherent religion out of science, so your criteria for co-option of any relevant nouns are met.

That's silly. I already admitted that there is more than one Satanism and more than one Satanic group out there, I was merely explaining why I thought when someone said Satanism, they were talking about the Church of Satan. I don't think it's unreasonable to have done this. Come on now.

Whatever, the jokes on me, blah, blah, blah, happy now? Are we done?