What's Your Religion?

what's your religion?

  • Islam

    Votes: 6 17.6%
  • Christianity

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Baha'i

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atheism

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • Deism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sikhism

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters
I guess I misread your posts but then again, why couldn't you just say "I'm Agnostic"?

Since I'm not sure that I am agnostic.
I can not deny the existence of God.
Assumption that there is a god is a plausible assumption.
But what God? Does he religion? Or is above religion?etc...
Many questions can not answer.
No, no, no, no. Such questions are bound to lead to debates and so on, I don't want this thread to be about that. Why will you not just answer the fucking question? I mean for fuck sake.
You needed to make the poll available for more than one answer. I enjoy Buddhism and Taoism too, which are atheist religions.
well..i answered christian..but only because ppl need a label to describe what i believe and christianity is the closest to what i am..


christianity needs to be broken down into further subsections as some consider catholics to be christians.. (i dont think so)
pentacostals,seventh day adventist,mormons,non-denominational(claimed anyway the fact that they use that as a label makes them denominational..)
Agnostic Pastafarian

It should be noted that pretty much everyone here is atheist in some regards. I mean, no one believes in ALL of the Gods and Goddesses and Intergalactic Warlords .... do they? Not likely. Who going to believe in Shiva... how silly, an image to occupy the minds of Little ... Simple Peoples as they splash about in the Ganges. How cute to see them and their cute painted image of a God - and wrong.
*turns to pray towards a Bowl of Pasta (5th time today)*.
Agnostic Pastafarian

It should be noted that pretty much everyone here is atheist in some regards. I mean, no one believes in ALL of the Gods and Goddesses and Intergalactic Warlords .... do they? Not likely. Who going to believe in Shiva... how silly, an image to occupy the minds of Little ... Simple Peoples as they splash about in the Ganges. How cute to see them and their cute painted image of a God - and wrong.
*turns to pray towards a Bowl of Pasta (5th time today)*.

Fuckin hysterical, but really, get you're own jokes. I don't really understand Atheists hostility towards religion especially considering this is just a poll thread, why make these comments? You could have just said "I'm an Atheist," and moved on. Do you have some unresolved conflict with religion? Did Father Mackey touch you in the no-no bits? Or do you just generally have a pole up your ass?
christianity needs to be broken down into further subsections as some consider catholics to be christians.. (i dont think so)
pentacostals,seventh day adventist,mormons,non-denominational(claimed anyway the fact that they use that as a label makes them denominational..)

It's all essentially the same. I realize their differences but for the sake of simplicity I just put "Christianity."
Er Ja'far, where are these posts which you are quoting? Do I have a sock puppet? :eek:

edit: never mind, I just saw the ban list, I see Cheski decided on suicide by moderator. :p
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I put Atheist but i am Agnostic. This is mostly due to my parents never mentioning religion. That is really how i am with everything though.
Fuckin hysterical, but really, get you're own jokes. I don't really understand Atheists hostility towards religion especially considering this is just a poll thread, why make these comments? You could have just said "I'm an Atheist," and moved on. Do you have some unresolved conflict with religion? Did Father Mackey touch you in the no-no bits? Or do you just generally have a pole up your ass?
Well now, that'd be a bit boring and get us no where - which is where we go anyway isn't it? :shrug:

OK a little civil demonstration
*pops on rational hat*

Alright Ja'far at-Tahir, rationally speaking, I completely 100% believe that your belief system (Islam was it?) could be 100% correct. Not just some of it, ALL of it. It is possible there may exist an Allah. It is possible there may have existed a Mohammad. It is possible Mohammad may have been Allah's Prophet. It is possible that the Qur'an is the Perfect direct/indirect revelation of Allah to Mohammad.

Now then, rationally speaking, do YOU agree that it is possible (note, I didn't just ask you what you believe, but IF you believe it is possible - that is, that the possibility exists) that:
- Allah does not exist.
- The protagonist in the Qur'an never exited (aka: there never existed a Mohammad).
- That the Qur'an is full of faulty reasoning and far, far, far, from perfect.
- That the Qur'an is a human creation and not a revelation of any kind.

Well Ja'far at-Tahir? Are we going to think rationally together? Or am I left standing over here in "rational-land" by myself? You did start this thread to help us all learn something?

We gonna go somewhere?

Note: words like "perfect" are a bit non-sensible if taken to literally (in cases of literature) IMO. The perfect sonnet? :eek:
don't do it ja'far..don't reply to that post..

Quiet you :p

Don't be afraid of using your rational mind young patawan, embrace intellect and the Dark Side of the Force!

So? We going have a coffee?

Death Star Canteen

The food is hot, you'll need a tray to put the food on.
Oh, Oh, I see, the food is hot.
