What's YOUR issue with homosexuality???


Valued Senior Member
This is to all the anti-gay people out there (the rest of you are welcome to participate as well). :)

My question for you is this:

Why do you personally disagree with homosexuality and/or same-sex marriage?

However there are rules to this post that I ask you to follow...

1) You cannot, under ANY means, refer to ANY religion or spiritual practice in your response. If your opinions are faith-based, please don't bother posting.

2) Keep it intellectual and clean. That means don't give some redneck answer like "Dem fags needs to bees puts on da boat and shipped back to Fagland" or "Only humans can be fags therefore its wrong" (homosexuality does exist in other animal species and families so don't try fighting over it). And please refrain from name calling.

I am just an open minded individual trying to understand what causes fear and hatred.
I think there is an undeniable natural aversion(for some hetrosexuals) to anyone who displays the signs of homosexuality, just as homosexuals are indeed a natural part of the animal kingdom I would say the urge to avoid sexual contact with individuals that cant result in offspring is just as natural and for some that avoidence is so strong it transposes into hatred.
As a hetrosexual I have no problems with gays and have had a known gay friend, but having said that any behaviour that says sexual display not coming from a woman is repulsive to me.
Every board I go to all the straights are constantly and relentlessly bringing up homosexuality and gays. Especially people that hate us. Are we some display in the town square for everyone to step and pronounce why they hate us or not? Does every straight person feel they have to stuff their 2cents in on our lives? Are we supposed to give a shit?
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imaplanck. said:
I think there is an undeniable natural aversion(for some hetrosexuals) to anyone who displays the signs of homosexuality, just as homosexuals are indeed a natural part of the animal kingdom I would say the urge to avoid sexual contact with individuals that cant result in offspring is just as natural and for some that avoidence is so strong it transposes into hatred.
Well written. :)

imaplanck. said:
As a hetrosexual I have no problems with gays and have had a known gay friend, but having said that any behaviour that says sexual display not coming from a woman is repulsive to me.
Completely understandable, just as sexual displays from a woman is repulsive to a homosexual male. Again, completely understandable.
If a woman makes a pass at me I'm not repulsed at all, unless she is fat & ugly. Unless she presses her virginia in my face why would I be repulsed? The straights are the ones filled with hate. UNLESS! Two Lesbians that look good wander into your fave pub. They won't be beaten to death like male homos. They get a whole different reception from breeder males. So is it really the homosexuality you hate or just gay GUYS?
Genji said:
Every board I go to all the straights are constantly and relentlessly bringing up homosexuality and gays. Especially people that hate us. Are we some display in the town square for everyone to stop and pronounce why they hate us or not? Does every straight person feel they have to stuff their 2cents in on our lives? Are we supposed to give a shit?
If it makes you feel any better Genji, I'm not straight. Seriously. :)
imaplanck. said:
As a hetrosexual I have no problems with gays and have had a known gay friend, but having said that any behaviour that says sexual display not coming from a woman is repulsive to me.
That was actually amazingly well written and precicely the way I feel. Awesomely concisely stated.
Genji said:
If a woman makes a pass at me I'm not repulsed at all, unless she is fat & ugly. Unless she presses her virginia in my face why would I be repulsed? The straights are the ones filled with hate. UNLESS! Two Lesbians that look good wander into your fave pub. They won't be beaten to death like male homos. They get a whole different reception from breeder males. So is it really the homosexuality you hate or just gay GUYS?
I completely agree. It's a paradox that has yet to be solved. :p
Genji said:
If a woman makes a pass at me I'm not repulsed at all, unless she is fat & ugly. Unless she presses her virginia in my face why would I be repulsed? The straights are the ones filled with hate. UNLESS! Two Lesbians that look good wander into your fave pub. They won't be beaten to death like male homos. They get a whole different reception from breeder males. So is it really the homosexuality you hate or just gay GUYS?
You clearly don't understand the bioevolutionary roots of this phenomenon. And who has mentioned hate here? Only you...
MZ3Boy84 said:
I completely agree. It's a paradox that has yet to be solved. :p
The guys I know LOVE GirlsGoneWild videos and porn featuring women having sex together, but they self righteously condemn MALE gay porn as a sin, an abomination! Sickening! Repulsive! I'm just sick of being the centerpeice of discussion among hateful breeders. What right do they have to make pompous remarks and holier than thou 'opinions' on our lives? If you hate us move to Iran or Saudi Arabia where we can be legally killed like dogs. And straight America? We don't give a rat's ass what you think of us. Kindly keep your opinions in your churches.
Genji said:
The guys I know LOVE GirlsGoneWild videos and porn featuring women having sex together, but they self righteously condemn MALE gay porn as a sin, an abomination! Sickening! Repulsive! I'm just sick of being the centerpeice of discussion among hateful breeders. What right do they have to make pompous remarks and holier than thou 'opinions' on our lives? If you hate us move to Iran or Saudi Arabia where we can be legally killed like dogs. And straight America? We don't give a rat's ass what you think of us. Kindly keep your opinions in your churches.
superluminal said:
You clearly don't understand the bioevolutionary roots of this phenomenon. And who has mentioned hate here? Only you...
I'LL bet I know why I just 'don't get the bioevolutionary roots' thingy! It's because I'M GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
superluminal said:
Or just a slavering, raving fanatic?
Only on threads like this where our lives are once again pasted up on the bathroom wall for all to belch out their "opinions" on our lives. Used to silence and fear from us, eh. I'm just sick of it. I'll exit the thread, I'm sure 2 more on the subject will pop up tonight.
Genji said:
Only on threads like this where our lives are once again pasted up on the bathroom wall for all to belch out their "opinions" on our lives. Used to silence and fear from us, eh. I'm just sick of it. I'll exit the thread, I'm sure 2 more on the subject will pop up tonight.
Huh? I thought it was a thread for rational and honest discourse on the opinions of straight people regarding homosexual people? Whad I miss?
Ooooooooooook. Can we play nice here for a bit?!? I created this post to have a CALM discussion about this issue, NOT to place blame or have it taken in any way. Genji, I agree with you on most of what you've said thus far, however, I ask that you stay cool. This post is NOT to blame one group or another. This was simply created to attempt an intellectual and DIVERSE discussion, not a hate-debate.
I have gay friends of both sexes. I don't feel repulsed if a woman makes a pass at me- her feelings are more likely to be hurt than mine. And it's a shame that so many gay guys are so much better looking and more sensiitive than straight guys.
Genji said:
Only on threads like this where our lives are once again pasted up on the bathroom wall for all to belch out their "opinions" on our lives. Used to silence and fear from us, eh. I'm just sick of it. I'll exit the thread, I'm sure 2 more on the subject will pop up tonight.
Jesus! What do you want? As Sup said this is a place for frank discussion not PC crap. You dont have to listen to the truth, it might help you to understand the evolutionary reasons for the hate you experience though. As we have said we who have spoken in this thread dont hate you we would at any cost want to avoid intercourse with you though.
samcdkey said:
I have gay friends of both sexes. I don't feel repulsed if a woman makes a pass at me- her feelings are more likely to be hurt than mine. And it's a shame that so many gay guys are so much better looking and more sensiitive than straight guys.
:eek: Stereo...typing? Are you typing with your 3D goggles on? Do you have your stereo on while you type?

Plus, there's a reason most women feel differently toward homosexual men and women, than men do.