whats the purpose...

well clearly, i'm serious when i say "ive gathered thoughts" i dont know alot of people with different ideas about purposes, most people just say "its the fun you have in between" im not settling for that answer and i still continue to look for the truth.

and oh i just realized you (draqon) were hitting on me. :thumbsup:
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well, no offense or anything but i didnt join this forum to meet guys, im sure your a sweet guy and :rolleyes:everything but im takeen by like this amazing man.
"Purpose" is a concept that one can adopt or bestow upon another being or thing. It is not inherent in the being or thing itself. Therefore, while humans may adopt purposes for themselves, or bestow purpose upon another human or a thing, we - and the entire universe - have no inherent purpose. None whatsoever.
and your responding to someone that has given her heart to someone else already.
im sorry. anyhow you discover any new findings of a truthful soul?
well laladopi...sweet talking or not...these are my hardcore facts. Just wanted to share with you the stagnant reality
I just want to find common understanding and not that I am asking for love but more of a social condescending nurturing help, thats not much to ask...especially in these days...when girls at age 18 already are "taken"...
i a social understanding is what you were getting at?
sure, i would be delighted to share common beliefs and our differences.
who are you to judge about my love and my age.
i a social understanding is what you were getting at?
sure, i would be delighted to share common beliefs and our differences.
who are you to judge about my love and my age.

oh you see, thats just what I am talking about...Never even a thought crossed my mind of having any sort of stereotyping be in any sort of way describing the members of the respectful community of Sciforums, no just a peculiar notion of life from my perspective of the women I see around me...their short lived love and crumbled pieces of hyperactive life. Those who rise high real fast, fall fast too.
17 and 21...

Wait to marry until you have lived with some one at least 2 years.

If it doesn't work out be honest and break up before you move on to some one else.

It doesn't matter what their mouth says about loving you. What matters is how well you treat each other.

If you look for pupose, you will never find it.
If you make your purpose, you will never run out of it.