whats the purpose...

yea ive acquired some important points from you draqon and your ideas have started a branch of new thinking in my thought process...
Ive always wondering what the human purpose is.

Objectively it's to persist. Subjectively it's whatever you want it to be.

i understand you live and die, but why do we all strive to look for a better future when ultimately you die the same whether you are a millionare or a buddist monk?

A better future gains you greater effectiveness at collecting energy; thus, promoting your chances of reproduction.

what are we suppose to accomplish while we are here,...

Objectively to collect energy and reproduce. Subjectively it's whatever you want.

...and how does it affect us if we have an afterlife or not,...

Don't know. There's no model of physics that even suggests an afterlife would be possible.

then honestly whats the reason of a conscious or a good heart. where do these concepts take you.

A conscience is the result of the human behavior of judgment. We judge each other via some basic questions: "Are you mean?" (the primary question) and "Are you valuable" (the secondary question)? People with a "good heart" are more likely to be judged as being not mean and being very valuable; thus, contributing to the success of our species.
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can someone tell me the point of our existence is?
how did everything come about (including the universe)?
what is to come from everything?
why are we here?

im sure no one can give me a satisfying explanation but...
can someone tell me the point of our existence is?

The point of our existence is to define the point of our existence, we are free so much to do anything we want that we feel like we have nothing at all to live for...that is how much freedom there is.

how did everything come about (including the universe)?

Supposevly the big bang...but thats scientific. It all did not come to be...it all was and is and will be. Meaning the future created the past. And all is a cycle.

what is to come from everything?

Another cycle of universe and us in it with some different variation

why are we here?

We are here to live, we on very slim chances for our existence, yet we exist because universe allows our existence and favors it.
im only 17, maybe i need some more discovering to do.
i really have no idea what to expect throughtout life and death.

Then stop worrying and just get on with living , doing the things that interest you the most. Don't concern yourself with death as much as with life and living!! ;) :)
its a matter of whats the meaning of all this suffering?

what suffering? you mean exercise and learning?

whats the point of living life when it wont matter in the end?

what end? there is no end, there is only now. this eternal moment.

can someone tell me the point of our existence is?

to enjoy your existence.

how did everything come about (including the universe)?

first nothing was EVERYTHING that existed and then suddenly EVERYTHING was there.

what is to come from everything?

nothing, anything and something.
can someone tell me the point of our existence is?
how did everything come about (including the universe)?
what is to come from everything?
why are we here?

im sure no one can give me a satisfying explanation but...

Lala, you ignore any answer but the one you agree with.
So let's hear your own thoughts on it..
can someone tell me the point of our existence is?

I did in post #47. To recap, objectively it's to persist. Subjectively it's whatever you want.

how did everything come about (including the universe)?

The universe inflated (that's all we know for sure). How reality is what it is remains unknown; however, most (if not all) models of reality suggest it to be a timeless ever-changing prescence of information.

what is to come from everything?


why are we here?

Our parents reproduced.

im sure no one can give me a satisfying explanation but...

I would prefer to give you truth rather than something that feels satisfying to you.
i think, my thoughts should be more organized and clear to form a more solid question, that i am looking for.
The purpose of humans?
Might I ask what is the purpose of birds, or dogs, or worms, or plants?