whats the purpose...

ur such an ass...I actually take time and think about this :rolleyes:

and that's the best you can do? Oh by the way, calling somone an ass on the internet is so ridiculous, did you hope to insult me? on the friggin' internet? Are you implying I don't think also? :shrug:

laladopi, is not finding a purpose really bothering you? or do you have want you 'd like to share.
no i dont want memories and body forever? its a matter of whats the meaning of all this suffering? whats the point of living life when it wont matter in the end?
psychoticepisode, what do you mean by immortality being a purpose?

The ultimate goal, to live life forever in real time in a real place. Your purpose, should you choose to accept it, is to do what you can to stop death, increase lifespans and generally help out the rest of us mere mortals.

Sounds like a job but it is really a metaphor for a goal. Find something you want to chase and go get it. If immortality is what you think you could be best at discovering then go for it.
no i dont want memories and body forever? its a matter of whats the meaning of all this suffering? whats the point of living life when it wont matter in the end?

well than let me ask you a question...this end you speak of...what is it? because death is not an end...it is a beginning of new life.
is my existence to make sure i want to be alive long enough to reproduce the next generation of human life?
and like what the fuck psychotic episode are you just writing posts to piss people off?
this thread doesnt involve you at all, i dont understand why you feel the need to reply when you dont give a shit about my thoughts. yet your adding to this.
and like what the fuck psychotic episode are you just writing posts to piss people off?
this thread doesnt involve you at all, i dont understand why you feel the need to reply when you dont give a shit about my thoughts. yet your adding to this.

im only 17, maybe i need some more discovering to do.
i really have no idea what to expect throughtout life and death.
im only 17, maybe i need some more discovering to do.
i really have no idea what to expect throughtout life and death.

throughout life expect everything you want from it by doing everything you can for it. And death...don't think about it. By the way I am 21...if ur a girl and need a lonely boyfriend...I am here 4 u.
Ceasefire over? I wish lala was sensitive to my thoughts too. Sniff. Imagine putting a thread on an internet forum and not wanting certain individuals to respond. Segregationist.