whats the purpose...


time for change.
Registered Senior Member
Ive always wondering what the human purpose is. i understand you live and die, but why do we all strive to look for a better future when ultimately you die the same whether you are a millionare or a buddist monk? what are we suppose to accomplish while we are here, and how does it affect us if we have an afterlife or not, then honestly whats the reason of a conscious or a good heart. where do these concepts take you.
Ive always wondering what the human purpose is. i understand you live and die, but why do we all strive to look for a better future when ultimately you die the same whether you are a millionare or a buddist monk? what are we suppose to accomplish while we are here, and how does it affect us if we have an afterlife or not, then honestly whats the reason of a conscious or a good heart. where do these concepts take you.

From what angle are you using the word 'purpose' ?
umm theres a never ending cycle of reproduction birth and death.
and everyone lives and everyone dies, but what are we here to realize or come apon when no matter what you do you die the same as everyone else. is there even a ultimate outcome of millions and millions of years of nothing? is it nothing? like after live what is to come. how does a conscious help? what is its use?
umm theres a never ending cycle of reproduction birth and death.
and everyone lives and everyone dies, but what are we here to realize or come apon when no matter what you do you die the same as everyone else. is there even a ultimate outcome of millions and millions of years of nothing? is it nothing? like after live what is to come. how does a conscious help? what is its use?

Well you could say that from a evolutionary viewpoint the purpose of life on an individual level is to procreate. Survival of the genes.
But evolution in and of itself has no direction or purpose.

If you are referring to some grand purpose of why we are here, the answer is there isn't one.
Anyone that believes (a) in God will obviously dispute that though.
Because life exists for death and death exists for life. All that dies will live. All that lives will die. It does matter because ultimately we will be influenced by our own actions in our past lives.

Remember how bible says that "do that unto other what you would do unto yourself?" that is what it means...we are essentially same thing
so there is no point of being an individual or learning knowledge.
so its just a chain of evolution and we are unfortunate enough to realize it?
so there is no point of being an individual or learning knowledge.
so its just a chain of evolution and we are unfortunate enough to realize it?

Basically, yes. If you define purpose to be something 'divine'.. a 'higher purpose' or whatever.
so there is no point of being an individual or learning knowledge.
so its just a chain of evolution and we are unfortunate enough to realize it?

unfortunate?! no point?! I just told you that this cycle exists for ourselves and yet we are individuals with different consciousness at specific time interval of our lives.
think of life as this....there is a boy and a girl, they share love between each other...they are standing back to back amidst this winter frozen dunes...He warms her, she warms him. They cannot fall down or they will fall asleep the snow will cover them and they will die and the helicopter rescue will not find them...but if one leans over the other and sleeps on his shoulders sharing his warmth and than when she wakes up he leans on her should to sleep...they can survive this night. Thats how life is...except much more complex
Because life exists for death and death exists for life. All that dies will live. All that lives will die. It does matter because ultimately we will be influenced by our own actions in our past lives.

Remember how bible says that "do that unto other what you would do unto yourself?" that is what it means...we are essentially same thing

laladopi.....If you want a purpose, I'll give you one. Focus on ridding the world of religion so you, your children and your children's children never have to suffer through any more words of wisdom of a nonsensical philosophical nature or see another Bible quote as long as they live.
laladopi.....If you want a purpose, I'll give you one. Focus on ridding the world of religion so you, your children and your children's children never have to suffer through any more words of wisdom of a nonsensical philosophical nature or see another Bible quote as long as they live.

that would be her decision. You are encouraging her/him to wage war against religion.
the cycle exists for ourselves? how can one be satisfied with his accomplishments when he wont be able to benefit from it when they are dead? why do we all have the will to live, when we realize death will come...like blada yada so we have the will to reproduce the next generation of our existence but how does being an individual help? is it just being selfish? sorry if my question and babble is annoying.
the cycle exists for ourselves? how can one be satisfied with his accomplishments when he wont be able to benefit from it when they are dead? why do we all have the will to live, when we realize death will come...like blada yada so we have the will to reproduce the next generation of our existence but how does being an individual help? is it just being selfish? sorry if my question and babble is annoying.

How can we not be individuals ?
the cycle exists for ourselves? how can one be satisfied with his accomplishments when he wont be able to benefit from it when they are dead? why do we all have the will to live, when we realize death will come...like blada yada so we have the will to reproduce the next generation of our existence but how does being an individual help? is it just being selfish? sorry if my question and babble is annoying.

it is not annoying at all. Realize this (well according to how I see this world) that we exist for ourselves, when we die, we are reborn in this same world we were part of but as someone else. Our actions in past life influence our current selves because we ultimately see our own actions because we experienced them all. At the same time we are both self-conscious of ourselves at current time and thus are different individuals...Do you understand?