What's the point of prayer.


Registered Senior Member
Source: World Values Survey.

Of 1421 Australians, 75% who belong to a religious institution and are active members, rate their health as good or very good.

Of 1421 Australians, 75% who don't belong to a religious insitution, rate their health as good or very good.

So if you are an active member of a religious organisation then it's safe to say you should be treated better by god, at least in regards to having your prayers answered concerning your health of all things.

However you are just as likely as your friendly neighbourhood athiest, to be in good health or bad health. Your religious beliefs and prayers make no difference.

So my question is, what the hell is the point of prayer? You don't get anything you ask for, even when it's something like "god please don't give me cancer".

I know the explanation that "prayer is only answered if it's god's will". So basically that's like saying "if god was going to do it already, then the prayer will be answered". That makes prayer absolutely pointless. If you don't ask: god will do his will, if you do ask: god will do his will... so what's the difference of praying?

Unless you want to say that prayer brings you closer to god in your relationship with him. But you can read the bible or sing a song for that.

So what's the point of prayer?
You just answered your own question...

There is no point to prayer.. It clearly doesn't work.
Prayer give you hope that things will improve/get better. I guess thats something.

Has it ever worked for you? If it hasn't, wouldn't that just equate to false hope?

I believe every one has prayed at least once in their lives, even if they are atheist now...

I wonder how many could say their prayers came true?
Prayer times for me are the best times in the day. I focus only on God, glorify him, thank him and ask him for help. The heightened concentration on God during prayer is great. It is very refreshing. It is like food for the spirit. I know the difference between believing and not and between praying and not. It feels great this way. I cannot imagine my life without belief anymore. It is like light for the soul.
Dunno never tried.

You never tried?... Not once?

I'm an atheist these days...But, I was raised Catholic.

I prayed many times back in those days... Nothing, zip, nada..

But, if it makes people feel good to pray, more power to them.
You never tried?... Not once?

I'm an atheist these days...But, I was raised Catholic.

I prayed many times back in those days... Nothing, zip, nada..

But, if it makes people feel good to pray, more power to them.

yeah, i'm with this train of thought.
if it makes them feel better..then Amen to that.

i used to pray when i was little, often for more toys or candy, come to think of it.....I DID get more toys and candy..so maybe it does work??!!!! hhhmmmmm...
maybe i should start praying again!!!
yeah, i'm with this train of thought.
if it makes them feel better..then Amen to that.

i used to pray when i was little, often for more toys or candy, come to think of it.....I DID get more toys and candy..so maybe it does work??!!!! hhhmmmmm...
maybe i should start praying again!!!

For more toys and candy?.... Think bigger..... Beer maybe?

Just be sure to share, if it works.
Praying, to many, is like meditation and do so to try and center themselves and bring some peace of mind to themselves.

Unless you want to say that prayer brings you closer to god in your relationship with him. But you can read the bible or sing a song for that.

So what's the point of prayer?
You answer it in the bit in bold (in fact there are numerous scriptural commentaries that equate reading scripture and singing devotional songs as prayer)

actually if good health was a prime consequence of prayer one could then ask what is the point, since even good health is an experience contextualized by death, old age and disease
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See this is all well and good.

But none of your reasons given are the main reasons put forward by those that advocate prayer.

I've read books on prayer, like "Don't just stand there, pray something" and they come from the position that if a church gets together and prays, healing can happen, problems can be solved, etc... etc...

A majority of Christians hold this view of prayer.

But the data shows that this is simply not true. Even if you see the value of prayer as meditation or a way to get closer to your imaginary friend, you still have to admit that the way the vast majority of religious people see prayer is wrong.


Read those reviews put forward by Christians who have read that book on prayer. They say things like:

"I happened on this book when I was dealing with a particularly bad patch in my life and it gave me the courage to pray and have faith that things can change, and they did!."

Or they go on about the power of being a prayer warrior and the effectiveness of intercessory prayer.

But the fact is, praying doesn't change anything in anyones life any more than not praying does.

That book specifically gives examples of how prayer solved money problems for the church. How prayer helped people get well. Etc...

And these are the views of prayer held by so many. And they are wrong.
You never tried?... Not once?

I'm an atheist these days...But, I was raised Catholic.

I prayed many times back in those days... Nothing, zip, nada..

But, if it makes people feel good to pray, more power to them.

I'm like you...in most cases praying is like signing an online petition...it doesn't really do anything, but makes the person feel like they are doing something to help.

However, prayer can help in some cases...in the "placebo effect" kinda way. From what I understand having a positive outlook about something like major surgery can affect the outcome. While the prayer itself may not do anything, the positive mental effects it has on someone knowing they are being prayed for may actually help the outcome. IMHO.
I barely ever pray - in the sense of kneeling and asking God for things.

I think I have seriously prayed only once. I had a big crush on someone, but there was no future for the relationship, so after over a year of relationship torture and having tried out all kinds of things, I eventually prayed that God would take those feelings away from me and bless the other person.
It worked, overnight.
You don't get anything you ask for, even when it's something like "god please don't give me cancer".
So what's the point of prayer?

I would say it all depends on what it is you ask for.

I never understod why some people ask for health, money, or other material comforts.
I would say it all depends on what it is you ask for.

I never understod why some people ask for health, money, or other material comforts.

You could pray for world peace, or a new car..

Doesn't really matter, the prayer will go unanswered anyway.
What is "world peace"? I have no idea what world peace would look like, or whether it is even possible. Is it an absence of armed combat, or does it also include that there be no murders, no stealing, no poverty?
So why would I pray for something about which I have little or no idea what it is?
Pray for ANYTHING that you personally have no control over..

Let me know how that works out for ya..

That simple enough for you?
Pray for ANYTHING that you personally have no control over..

Are there any things which could affect you, but which you truly have no control over whatsoever?

I don't think so.

Even if we consider an asteroid hitting planet Earth - there is a number of people who wish for the destruction of the planet, so their wishes/prayers and mine would be in conflict. Given this, I would have to pray that they would stop having such destructive wishes/prayers, but that would be in conflict with allowing for everyone to have free will, and praying for others not to have free will is selfish, to say the least.
Are there any things which could affect you, but which you truly have no control over whatsoever?

I don't think so.


So, what you're saying here is, is that there is nothing that can have an effect on us, that we have no control over?

That's a pretty bold statement... And incorrect as well..

We have control over cancer, for instance?