What's on your iPod?

Links? Links? Ah ha, she follows links. Where can I get one. ;)

I get mine at the food market...:D

I'll have my eggs over easy, and shredded fries well crisped with my links, lads. Toasted English muffin on the side, generous with the butter, and some cherry jam.

Extra points awarded to anyone who can make a decent cup of coffee. :D A spoonful of sugar and a liberal pour of cream in that java, eh?

Here's another selection from wandering laterally, following the links.

This is the song I hope my friends will play at my funeral. A true non-religious spiritual.

When The River Meets The Sea

It's from "Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas," a 1977 Muppet TV special made from a children's storybook by Russell Hoban, with songs written by Paul Williams. Big Bird sang it at Jim Henson's funeral and it's been sung at every Muppeteer's funeral since then.

"It's Not Easy Bein' Green" and "The Rainbow Connection" are available on karaoke (and I've done "Rainbow") but I can't find this one.


Originally posted by Shogun.

There is only one problem...he doesn't shave his belly with a rusty razor!

I fail to see why this would be a problem? Can't say that I've met anyone who has been in the habit of shaving their belly?

Perhaps this is a pirate term for evisceration? Now THAT would be a problem....:eek:
I fail to see why this would be a problem? Can't say that I've met anyone who has been in the habit of shaving their belly?

Perhaps this is a pirate term for evisceration? Now THAT would be a problem....:eek:

Haha, who knows :D

It was a joke ;)

You know don't you ? You woke up from the dream . Brotherly Love Cosmic . Someone has to be the demon . I didn't choose to be . It was forced on Me by the existing world . I just wanted to be a musician . I was born to be a musician . What did they think would happen if they took Satan's Violin from him. Babies don't like it when you take there rattles away .

O.K. I got Me production worked up for you all . Complements of the Great Mother Satan Her self . She blinked at Me while I was banned . She kind of scares Me . I have lived with her for a long time and well she loves Me . She is still scary as shit . I will tell you what happened later . Maybe in the " Its Time to Baggum thread . She scares Me . I was shaking in my shoes .

Get a Wiff of this Fragrance . My red headed step child I tried to tell her she was being to harsh , but you know she convinced Me she was being quite just .
Don't take it personal Frag . It is for your own good . It will make you a better Musician
So first is my Red Headed Step Child abused By the Christian way . Listen close


O.K. this last on is My new favorite Christmas Carol .
I would love for a group of us to get together and Make it the tribute song to a special Mod that is a secret Christian Man Fraternity Member .
People are stupid Cos . I know your not so stupid after all . There are not many of people like you that can see the truth . I take back all the bad things I ever said about . To see what you see is a sign you are truly selfless and care about people . The prideful aggressors can't see it . That is the thing . You made it to heaven . I am so proud of you .

I never Know cause well to Me it looks like everyone knows already . Possessed is what they are . Puffed up with there own greedy selves

I present My new most vavorite Kiss My Ass Carol

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