What's on your iPod?

I love you the mostest because you have my roots she , well except for maybe Chimpkin . She is special . She sees what the rest of us refuses to look at. I can't believe some of symbolism you post girl . Snap shots of my very existence.

Can you really ever escape your roots . We act the the way do for that very reason is the only conclusion I can come up with . So you got big roots dear . Let the sun shine in

I got a song special for you my dear

Why, thank you Me, for such kind sentiments, and I quite agree that Chimpkin is a very special person. There are quite a number of special people at this forum and I quite enjoy watching where people connect and the details they share. The internet is a marvelous thing for allowing us to connect, though there be continents or oceans between us. A good thing, to share, to learn, to conceptualize and to reflect.

One small problem Me.....the song you posted will not play at this end. It says that it is unavailable. Did you perhaps just upload this recently? Is it something by yourself and your band? Just wondering, because sometimes it takes a song a while to load into the system, so I will try the link again later.
If it is a song that is already on YouTube, perhaps you could send me the name and I will try to track it down from this end.

dude that is the shit. That is the best of heavy metal for me . Course the drummer talked to Me back always on my space . He gave Me words of encouragement so you could see why I be partial to them guys . I like that new shit they come out with too . That one song I don't know what it is called Concrete Angel Me thinks. Made Me think of Joshua my right hand concrete man . Hunter extraordinaire. He lost his privilege for a one more year Me thinks

So then the Haiti quake happened and now I look at that song in a new light
Why, thank you Me, for such kind sentiments, and I quite agree that Chimpkin is a very special person. There are quite a number of special people at this forum and I quite enjoy watching where people connect and the details they share. The internet is a marvelous thing for allowing us to connect, though there be continents or oceans between us. A good thing, to share, to learn, to conceptualize and to reflect.

One small problem Me.....the song you posted will not play at this end. It says that it is unavailable. Did you perhaps just upload this recently? Is it something by yourself and your band? Just wondering, because sometimes it takes a song a while to load into the system, so I will try the link again later.
If it is a song that is already on YouTube, perhaps you could send me the name and I will try to track it down from this end.
Iron and wine is the band and the song is Tree By the River
Iron and wine is the band and the song is Tree By the River

Thanks, Me.

I checked out a couple of versions and thought that I would post this link, as it is recorded live and impromptu in a music store. It has quite a pleasing ambiance, and as a musician yourself, I'm sure you can relate to the challenges of playing live, complete with the minor faux pas as they occur. :) That's what makes music unique. It's never the same twice, when it's played live, and each occasion is special in it's own way.


A very nice song. Thank you for posting it. You seemingly do know my roots. :cool:
Soiltary Man


wolves hide in the bushes out in front of were horses run little red riding hood . Better to see you with my dear . Wa Ha Ha Ha

Wolves, you say......

I am an honorary member of the Wolf Clan.

My family used to live on the land, trapping and hunting. Wolves might try to snag a family dog or cat, but in my years in the Yukon, they have not ventured to attack a horse in a paddock nor presented any threat while out on the land.

Young ones are sometimes curious but the adults tend to be rather wary.

Last night two cross fox kits were playing tag and hide and seek around a couple of snow mounds across the parking lot while I was on break. After a few minutes, I made a squeak like a vole or mouse, and from 100 yards away, they headed straight toward where I was standing, tucked in against the doorway of the store.

I was one with the building, slowed heart and breathing, and one of them came within eight feet of me, without giving any sign of notice.

The wind was in my favor and I was very still. It's not common to see cross foxes, let alone in pairs playing downtown. :cool:
Working Class Hero


As soon as your born they make you feel small,
By giving you no time instead of it all,
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school,
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool,
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years,
Then they expect you to pick a career,
When you can't really function you're so full of fear,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV,
And you think you're so clever and classless and free,
But you're still fucking peasents as far as I can see,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
There's room at the top they are telling you still,
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill,
If you want to be like the folks on the hill,
A working class hero is something to be.
A working class hero is something to be.
If you want to be a hero well just follow me,
If you want to be a hero well just follow me.
Wolves, you say......

I am an honorary member of the Wolf Clan.

My family used to live on the land, trapping and hunting. Wolves might try to snag a family dog or cat, but in my years in the Yukon, they have not ventured to attack a horse in a paddock nor presented any threat while out on the land.

Young ones are sometimes curious but the adults tend to be rather wary.

Last night two cross fox kits were playing tag and hide and seek around a couple of snow mounds across the parking lot while I was on break. After a few minutes, I made a squeak like a vole or mouse, and from 100 yards away, they headed straight toward where I was standing, tucked in against the doorway of the store.

I was one with the building, slowed heart and breathing, and one of them came within eight feet of me, without giving any sign of notice.

The wind was in my favor and I was very still. It's not common to see cross foxes, let alone in pairs playing downtown. :cool:
big bad Wolves and horses is all dependent on the tasty morsel sitting on the horse . We let the Horse run free as he devourer the lushes morsel with much passion . Comp Chomp Chomp . Oh so good ! Let Me take just a little more in Me mouth . Yeah melts like chocolate . Butter in my Hand . Like kneading bread . Shu away horse, not now . The wolf is busy !Go eat some hay Horse . Yum Yum Chomp Chomp
I see them all the time at the mall...



Sly segue, cosmic, LOL.....

Now I know why I see a considerable number of gents hanging around malls, contentedly sitting on the provided seating while, presumably, their women folk shop. Some of the best things in life are free, for those who know where to look.

Here's an old Bluegrass classic... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss96c453Yqs
Sometimes, I just follow links and stumble upon items of interest, as in this song by an artist I have never heard before....

Two Really Good Albums

The Dead Weather, Horehound; and The New Pornographers, Together.

Now playing: The New Pornographers, "My Shepherd".