What's on your iPod?

i absolutely adore this instrumental: river flows in you. there are no words needed to understand it.

this is the original.

that's the thing with young talent. they all start out classically trained and then take that and get creative with it. most musicians sang in church choirs or were classically musically trained. henry especially is very talented and is part of kpop. of course, they can't all limit themselves to just classics because they are artists and artists are about reinventing and bringing something fresh or a twist on the old or expressing their own particular vision.

they are young; they have new fire in them they have to express. this is why art is reinvented every generation on some level or another dimension is added.

many people think that henry is wasting his talent on kpop but i disagree as that is an avenue for creativity. he just needs more artistic license, instead of being washed out among everyone else. he is superbly talented. well, they all have to be talented but he's got that extra dose of jenesaiquois genius that makes you stand up and notice. it's like he's a reincarnation of a musical genius. he can play many instruments, composes, dances, sings etc.

well, at least i can give koreans credit for nabbing him up as they recognize real talent. it's as if there is nothing he can't do.
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Heh, but my son is the same way. Its like there is nothing that boy can't do and excellently. Everything he does, its as if he already mastered in another life. He is also a musical genius and highly creative and so is his dry/wicked sense of humor, along with his intellectual genius. Wonder where he got all that from? My family was just enthralled with him because he makes them look/feel like a winner. Of course, since he came from me, i get no credit. I guess i was just the breeding sow. Pfft.
But did anyone notice henry lau's face and expression? Am i the only one who notices these quirks? He is reminiscent of vaudeville as if he came from a different time plus the new. In other words, he has got an interesting blend of classic and modern showmanship and what a fireball. Unique in his own way.

I bet he has aries or ascendant in his chart. Just like i knew kyuhyun was a leo moon. Thats a noble placement, leo suns not so much. It just changes flavor/texture in different houses. All my hunches of the whimsical world just run together.

The more you see the world in the abstract, the closer you are to seeing reality in its full scope.
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his voice is really good.

shouldn't everyone be born blessed with the genetic/inexplicable lottery so there are no more losers in the world to damage the scenery?

he is multi-talented (understatement) and can speak five languages fluently and he is cute/handsome, to boot. most people think it's easy as in just pick someone attractive/successful which is only a part of it, but not for people who are even more specialized and have higher standards in what they are looking for. that ultimate soulmate or the one. best way to describe it is the one you made a promise to before you incarnated. that soul that fits you exquisitely perfectly. very difficult to find.

this song is adorable and soulful. he couldn't find fame in the west in mainstream because the culture is still stupidly not progressive enough!! because western society as a whole still has a 'mental' problem/hangup with asians in the media which is fuking ridiculous. so beautiful, amazing, deserving and talented kids like this must go overseas to asia. their fuking loss. geesh!!

i don't think most people in the west realize many asians kids who grew up in the west had to go to asia to find fame because doors and opportunities were closed to them (especially mainstream), otherwise.
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i've noticed something very lame about how the average westerner thinks. it's pathetically unevolved that it's almost unbelievable that so many idiots and/or conventional/backward minds were allowed to breed so much. they have no real concept or understanding of what beauty is or how it actually works. since the entertainment industry is foremost beauty/image as well as artistic expression, it's understandable that would be paramount but the thing is, beauty is not based on a certain racial demographic or look. only those who have a limited/unsophisticated level of understanding see beauty in such concrete/categorical terms. this is where the blindspot and hangups come in. in other words, just because you have caucasian features, doesn't mean you are automatically attractive either. real beauty just does not work that way.

it's quite amazing how blind and self-unaware people can actually be to an unbelievably gross extent. i've witnessed very unattractive white people or people of other ethnicities degrade someone as unattractive just because they were asian. it's like please go take a look at yourself in the goddamn mirror before you judge. your round eyes, pale skin and or light hair/eye color is not the sole criteria for beauty. if that were the case, everyone with those features could be a top model or be attractive and that is so unrealistically not the case.

i see tons of people with these 'western' features everywhere and they are not attractive just because of that. case in point: look around walmart. there are just as many plain or ugly caucasians as are any other race. it's just that you are caucasian who is ugly instead of another race who is ugly. lmao. hello???

Yes, this means you can be white and ugly or black and ugly or hispanic and ugly or indian and ugly or asian and ugly. ugly and beautiful come in all flavors. i know i'm no genius to have noticed this but apparently i am in comparison to most because i see it all the time and what's obvious is not so obvious to many as peculiar and ridiculous as that is. honestly, i see ugly a lot more than beautiful. that's just honesty, no matter what group of people. lol

people who truly understand beauty know it's about the whole package as well as what makes a person unique. it usually has to do with the balance and symmetry of your features more than just the feature/aspect itself out of context.

asians are beautiful in their own right and in their own way. absolutely. nature weaves it's unique and own magic with it's diverse complexity in nature.

in other words, the universe is not as limited and narrow-minded as a person's limited/myopic concept of beauty. it's much more beautiful, mysterious and unique than that.
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I forgot the name of the tune and it was bugging the shiznit out of me; had youtube on autoplay...

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Anyone familiar with Sam Sparro? .............good stuff!.........:cool:

and this Netherland's own Caro Emerald.

and this excellent jazz performance by Carol Duboc.

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I'm not a Led Zeppelin fan, I they're gross. I don't even know if the band members are still alive. The only song I knew they made was Stairway to Heaven.

Anyway, had Youtube om autoplay and halfway through the song I click on the tab to see just WTF I was listening to.

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