What would you say if you met Him?

When it doesn't have any bearing on his judgment of us?
You believe that? It reminds me of a story about my father.

He had gone joyriding in my grandfather's car and wrecked it despite the fact that he wasn't even old enough to drive. My grandfather went out looking for him and saw him walking down the street.

"Manny, get in the car", he said. "No way, you're gonna beat me if I get in there for wrecking your car."said my father. "NO, no, no I'm not. Just get in. I just want to talk to you, I promise." said my grandfather. "Really? You promise?" said my father. "Of course, that's what I said, isn't it? I promise, I just want to talk to you. I won't hit you." replied my grandfather. "Well, alright." said my father as he got into the car.

Then, my grandfather gave my father the worst beating he's ever had in his life.
You believe that? It reminds me of a story about my father.

He had gone joyriding in my grandfather's car and wrecked it despite the fact that he wasn't even old enough to drive. My grandfather went out looking for him and saw him walking down the street.

"Manny, get in the car", he said. "No way, you're gonna beat me if I get in there for wrecking your car."said my father. "NO, no, no I'm not. Just get in. I just want to talk to you, I promise." said my grandfather. "Really? You promise?" said my father. "Of course, that's what I said, isn't it? I promise, I just want to talk to you. I won't hit you." replied my grandfather. "Well, alright." said my father as he got into the car.

Then, my grandfather gave my father the worst beating he's ever had in his life.

It's just a joke man... :cool:
Assuming that everything I said in the first post is true, respond accordingly. If I had been in any way serious, most people responding to this thread would have asked me to prove the existence of God without even replying. So just flow with it...
Assume God, the Father to be a true figure (if you wish to assume Christianity as true, do so).

We all die and our souls are transported to the clouds. Before we are sentenced, God (St. Peter doesn't do the sentencing in this version) asks if we have any last words, reminding us that it will have no outcome on your destination regardless of what you say.

What would you tell Him?

I'd ask Him which one of the Ark survivors is the ancestor of the African Pygmy?