Okay, so here we are in the Garden of Eden immortal, well cared for, masters of ur domain. God says don't eat of this fruit or you will die. Now a race that wasn't self destructive as we are would have left the fruit alone, but hell no we couldn't do that.
Ok, let's look at the *biblical* facts of the matter..
1) For arguments sake let's say man is "self destructive", and clearly has been since the moment of creation. Who's fault is that exactly? Mankind did not create themselves. It's like blaming a lemming for jumping off a cliff.. It isn't the lemmings fault, it's the lemmings nature as given to it by it's creator.
2) With no understanding of good and evil Adam and Eve can never be held responsible for their actions. It makes absolutely no difference whatsoever what they do because they do not understand what's right or wrong. Adam could urinate in gods face without any moral consequence. Listen to god, listen to the snake? It's irrelevant. There is no way for Adam and Eve to make an educated choice. This simply cannot be disputed. While it would probably destroy your very sense of being, it was the snake that gave you morals. When you decide to do good, when you decide to not do evil, you have the snake to thank. Your god didn't want you to understand good and evil - he wanted you like an animal.
'Then Yahweh said "Now that man has become like one of us {how many gods are there}.."
It was clearly a choice for man that man was not educated enough to make: Live forever with no morals or live for, (900 or so years at that time), with an understanding of what is right and wrong. The ten commandments would have proved useless unless they chose the latter.
I have always found it quite strange with you religious types.. You curse the being that gave you morals and bow to the one that has slaughtered more humans than any other being in the history of the universe for petty things such as man being hungry and asking for food.
How do you know he is happy with it? Oh that's right you wouldn't so are just lying out your ass teeth.
While I do not have teeth in my ass, I fail to see it's relevance to the discussion. However, when there are a billion alternative solutions, (given that he's supposedly omnipotent), and yet it consistently comes down to the slaughter of man, one can clearly see he enjoys it.
Yes, he had his followers circumcise themselves, is that any different than today? No, becuase he didn't kill anyone over that.
It is different to today. christians realise it's an idiotic command and so they ignore it. jesus said "not one dot, not one stroke" would be removed from the law, and yet christians don't pay a blind bit of notice to it.
'On the journey, when he had halted for the night, Yahweh encountered him and
tried to kill him'
It was only his circumcision that let him live, and I just find it extremely amusing that a man can be saved from being murdered by god by chopping some skin off his willy.
Now the flood was not to kill the humans but to cleanse out the demon taint that had occured.
'Yahweh regretted having made human beings on earth..'
It does
not say 'yahweh regretted making demons'. The flood was designed to destroy humans. You cannot dispute it.
He hated doing it, but it was neccesary
Oh how little you believe in the power of your god. If this being is omnipotent the word "neccesary" is redundant. He didn't want to kill humans? Just click his fingers and the demons are killed and the humans live. Bravo.
not only that it wasn't the whole planet it was one river valley
Well, you're clearly a man that doesn't believe in the 'word of god'. This is the thing with you religious types - you make it up as you go along, ignoring the bible whenever it suits you just to profess it's absolute truth in a later discussion. I find it quite sickening.
Interesting take on the Tower of Babel. Complete and utter bull shit, but still interesting take.
"Utter bullshit" isn't much of a debate.
He was stopping them from circumventing his decree, the same way police would break up a group of illegal immigrant smugglers.
I'm sorry, how do you compare "illegal immigrant smugglers" with people building a tower?
'Now Yahweh came down to see the city {he was short sighted, couldn't see it from space} and the tower that the people had built. "So they are all a single people with a single language!" Said Yahweh. "This is only the start of their undertakings! Now nothing they plan to do will be beyond them."
The only thing he stopped was mankind working together, because he feared their eventual power. It need be mentioned that nowhere did your god decree that man were not allowed to build things. There is no commandment of that nature anywhere in the bible and so your statement that they were "circumventing his decree" is gibberish or, as you like to put it, "utter bullshit". Of course I'll agree with you the very second you can show me where god said "don't make tall buildings!". No, they weren't smuggling immigrants illegally, or dealing crack cocaine, they were making a building so that they wouldn't get scattered all over the earth but would remain as one people. In short they were making a community, but god put an end to it to stop progression of mankind.
See when you actually use your mind
It's called imagination, and that's all you're using. You haven't taken the time to actually vaidate your statements, have happily negated what is written in the bible to try and make things sound better (i.e a small river valley instead of the whole world as written), and then have tried to compare people building a tower against some imaginary decree to immigrant smugglers. Come back when you actually have something of substance because your make-believe is insufficient.