What would you say if you met Him?

We were always forced to pray to Mary at our catholic school. Are you trying to say that my catholic authority was wrong?!?!?!?!

I am not "trying" to say it. I am clearly stating it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Actually they also pray to Jesus, Mary, the Saints and anyone else who could "put in a good word" to God for them.
I'd thought you would have known that?:confused:

I know that a lot of false religions in this world teach their followers to say formulated repetitious prayers and they think they will be heard because of their many words, But Jesus taught against such practices

Matthew 7
7 And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.

The hail mary is the catholic equivalent of the pagan prayer wheels of tibet. Both come from the same mentality and both are useless.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Assume God, the Father to be a true figure (if you wish to assume Christianity as true, do so).

We all die and our souls are transported to the clouds. Before we are sentenced, God (St. Peter doesn't do the sentencing in this version) asks if we have any last words, reminding us that it will have no outcome on your destination regardless of what you say.

What would you tell Him?

Actually the ability to form a response to this is a bit difficult since god is accepted as a transcendental person (adhoksaja - beyond the purview of the conditioned mind and senses) - so it comes as no surprise that most of the responses to this are based on forming some mundane concept of god.

there is however numerous scriptural references of persons who having direct perception of god reflect over their previous concepts of what they though god or religiousity was all about eg -

CC Madhya 22.42: "[When he was being blessed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Dhruva Mahārāja said:] 'O my Lord, because I was seeking an opulent material position, I was performing severe types of penance and austerity. Now I have gotten You, who are very difficult for the great demigods, saintly persons and kings to attain. I was searching after a piece of glass, but instead I have found a most valuable jewel. Therefore I am so satisfied that I do not wish to ask any benediction from You.'

So your god isn't something you can communicate with then, is that right?
Yes. And based on your perception of it (no objective evidence of course) yours it the true, correct, last-word authentic one. How... arrogantly egocentric.

You just don't get it.

It is not My Religion. I did not make it. It comes from the middle east not from northern Europe. Arrogance has absolutely nothing to do with it.

The claim of exclusivity of my faith is not my claim but the claim of the founder of my faith The Messiah Jesus. To be a Christian means that one believes Jesus and when Jesus says there is no other way to the Father than through Him i believe it. Its not a matter of arrogance it is a matter of faith.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The Word of Jesus is the Authority. To all who follow Him.

Exactly. The popularity vote.

Its not a matter of arrogance it is a matter of faith.

Arrogance and religion are entwined. ie. 'this is the true word of god and all other words of gods' are BS'

And faith just means a belief in something that cannot be demonstrated, which is basically superstition, delusion, irrationality, etc.
Didn't someone say "Not enough evidence, god, not enough evidence" if they were to meet god?

Sounds like the best thing to say assuming god cared if you believed in him.
One of the major problems with Christianity: as a whole entity, it can't even agree with itself.

It’s absolutely no problem for my personal faith that others who claim to have the same faith disagree with me. Each person is responsible for their own response to God. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Assume god, to be a true figure
We all die and our souls are transported to the clouds. Before we are sentenced, god, asks if we have any last words, reminding us that it will have no outcome on your destination regardless of what you say.
What would you tell Him?
god I never believed in you from day one, clearly I was wrong.
but now physically worshipping you, would go against my morals.
now I know you exist, all the evil that has befallen this planet, since the dawn of man, you have done nothing to stop, you have killed with malice, you are the most evil creature in this universe, and you expect me to bow to you, and spend time with you, I'd rather pluck my own eyes out.
What would you say if you met Him?
Why didn't you answer all my calls!?!? I;ve been trying to contact you for years!!!

... :D