What would you do?

You have to pick your battles. So far the law is on the side of the big criminals.

I use windows (thinking about linux).

I use openoffice and notetab.

I don't have a phone (the phone company was bitching when I wanted to have a phone line installed and therefore I told them to fuck off ).

brand of food:I like home cooked meals.

1 out of 4. Shoot me.
You have to pick your battles. So far the law is on the side of the big criminals.
Agreed. Although I don't think Communism is the answer, I definitely sympathize with the Reds under the bed. The common working man is screwed, while the managers and stock holders collect for his hard work. Nevertheless, that doesn't justify theft. The working man loses out when idiots engage in petty theft, because...

1. The corporations raise their prices.

2. The corporations lower their wages.

I use windows (thinking about linux).
Microsoft is a huge corporation. You're allowing them to operate, and abuse the working class. You're furthering the cause of capitalism. Sucks to be you. You support stealing candy bars to hurt huge corporations, but it doesn't cross your mind to stop actively sponsoring them by buying their products? Hmmm.

I use openoffice and notetab.
I'm not aware of those products. However, I'm willing to bet that they are also corporations, whose managers and stock holders make money on the backs of small time programmers.

brand of food:I like home cooked meals.
But you still buy specific brands of food to cook. What company produces the raw meat you purchase? What about the bread? And the cheese? More often than not, they come from huge corporations, not small businesses and bakeries.
mountainhare said:
But you still buy specific brands of food to cook. What company produces the raw meat you purchase? What about the bread? And the cheese? More often than not, they come from huge corporations, not small businesses and bakeries.

I usually go to 'Wards' which has mostly produce and meat from local farmers and manufacturers. Slightly more expensive though than the big brand stuff.
mountainhare said:
Agreed. Although I don't think Communism is the answer, I definitely sympathize with the Reds under the bed. The common working man is screwed, while the managers and stock holders collect for his hard work. Nevertheless, that doesn't justify theft. The working man loses out when idiots engage in petty theft, because...

1. The corporations raise their prices.

2. The corporations lower their wages.

The answer is the level the playing field. Give the average man more rights and take away the 'criminal' rights of big companies. But we all know that isn't going to happen because the big companies have the money to maintain the current situation. And realistically the current situation is more and more sliding towards them in light of globalization and destruction of social welfare systems all over the world in the name of economic growth.
emtkooter said:
Suppose that for whatever reason, your clearing a grocery store during the middle of the night. After you clear the store, you and your partner are headed out. On the way out, your partner grabs a candy bar and eats it. What do you do?
Grab and eat one m'self. Not like anyone can do anything about it. We'd above the law, because we'd be the law.
One of two possible scenarios, both of which apply to my best interests:

1. If I knew that the security cameras were shut off, and that we were all alone, and that the owner of the store I knew beyond a doubt would not count the stock so acutely the next morning, I'd help myself to a snack.

2. But considering any of the above were there, I'd do the "right" thing, just so I can keep people's trust--regardless of what my true intentions were.