What would you do?

So your comment "Better a negro than a corporate whore" means ....what???? That there are no negros who are or can be corporate whores?

Baron Max
You are surely not implying that I should take any comment of the resident racist (JB) seriously, and moreover, you are surely not taking any of my answers to the resident racist seriously?

Or are you that keen on wasting your time?
Spurious, I'm sorry ..I apologize. I've been taking all of your posts seriously. So I guess now I'm either going to have to have you tell me which are serious and which are not, or else.....? Hmm, what the fuck can I do on any of your future posts? ...the ones that agree with me, I take seriously; and the ones that disagree, I just assume that ye're joking?

Baron Max
Oh dear baron,

why did you not question the post by JB suggesting I might be a negro...why oh why? Surely you knew unquestionably that my legs are like two milk bottles and my cranial capacity just average. Who else could I be but white? But yet you doubt your fellow being of colour and not the motives behind the aggrevating assault on my colour coding. You know dam well that I really want to be a negro, but luck was against me. My mother a red head, my father half arian. Oh, why was our Lord so cruel.
But let me assure you that I will not hold it against you if you take all my posts as a joke. I gladly return the favour

Your humble white servant,


I would still take a case of beer if I could get away with it, despite being white.
I'd leave some cash on the counter with a note saying that it's for such-and-such candy bar. It's not about whether the candy bar brings much profit, it's about honesty.
J.B said:
Negro thoughts.

What would I do?

I would grab the candy bar from my partner and freeze it. I would seek out this J.B. fellow by tracking his IP to his provider. As a cop, I would order the provider to give me J.B's personal information. I would bring the frozen candy bar with me to J.B's place of residence. At this point I would handcuff his sub-moron level, racist ass to the front porch railing, and shove the frozen candy bar deep into his colon (using an appropriate tamping rod of course).

Big fun!
spuriousmonkey said:
Would you honestly leave a note at the counter of walmart for a candybar?

I don't go to walmart, but if I ever did I would.

There was only one instance when I wanted to steal at a store. I needed two crayons of particular color for a class, and the box with about eight crayons cost some sublime price. I didn't have the required ammount on me at the time. The boxes of crayons weren't sealed. Fortunately, I looked up and saw crayons of the same brand sold individually.
spuriousmonkey said:
I would still take a case of beer if I could get away with it, ...

Why does that bother me so much? I just can't grasp the concept of theft being so acceptable to y'all? I mean, if you owned something, do you think that others should just take it whenever they want it? How can anyone consider that as "civilized" ...in any form of social interaction?

Hell, no, wait ....that's not even considered appropriate action in the lowest form of animal behavior. How can y'all accept it so readily? I just simply don't understand. Is this what civilized society is going to be in a few generations? ...people stealing whatever they want, and it not be "wrong"?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Hell, no, wait ....that's not even considered appropriate action in the lowest form of animal behavior. How can y'all accept it so readily? I just simply don't understand. Is this what civilized society is going to be in a few generations? ...people stealing whatever they want, and it not be "wrong"?

Baron Max
i think spurious is punching your buttons baron
I am not really.

1. If a company has a history of fucking people over stealing is not only a right, it is a duty
2. it is not worth stealing when there is a chance getting caught.
3. Petty crime doesn't pay.
spuriousmonkey said:
I do appreciate the concept of theft. That is why I wouldn't have any qualms stealing from a big company.

How big is big? And who decides what's big? And if we can all make that decision, then you must also think that it's okay for me to steal from a "Mom & Pop" store ....because I think they're "big"? And you'd support my definition of big?

Baron Max
spuriousmonkey said:
1. If a company has a history of fucking people over stealing is not only a right, it is a duty.

So two wrongs make things all right with the world? So why have laws? Why not just allow a vigilante approach to all social situations?

spuriousmonkey said:
2. it is not worth stealing when there is a chance getting caught.

Who makes that decision? And more to the point, what happens if the thief decides it's okay, but THEN gets caught? Should we just let him go with penalty? ...because he didn't think he'd be caught? Maybe we should apologize to him for catching him stealiing?

spuriousmonkey said:
3. Petty crime doesn't pay.

No, that should be "Petty crime doesn't pay too much." But if each person on the planet stole one candy bar, how much money do you suppose that would amount to? millions? billions? So you see, even petty crime can amount to loses in the range of "huge".

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
How big is big? And who decides what's big? And if we can all make that decision, then you must also think that it's okay for me to steal from a "Mom & Pop" store ....because I think they're "big"? And you'd support my definition of big?

Baron Max

It's up to you to make decisions like that.
spuriousmonkey said:
It's up to you to make decisions like that.

So ye're advocating that the criminal be the one to make the decision, and then the rest of us have to abide by it and let him go free? Interesting concept, Spurious.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
So two wrongs make things all right with the world? So why have laws? Why not just allow a vigilante approach to all social situations?

Well, dear baron. I don't see you get all excited about the US bombing the shit out of innocent civilians, but you do get excited about stealing a candybar from walmart.

Baron Max said:
Who makes that decision? And more to the point, what happens if the thief decides it's okay, but THEN gets caught? Should we just let him go with penalty? ...because he didn't think he'd be caught? Maybe we should apologize to him for catching him stealiing?
He (or she) should definitely go through what ever the legal system requires.

Baron Max said:
No, that should be "Petty crime doesn't pay too much." But if each person on the planet stole one candy bar, how much money do you suppose that would amount to? millions? billions? So you see, even petty crime can amount to loses in the range of "huge".
The point being that you should never indulge in petty crime. In the current system petty crime is punished and big crime is rewarded. Hence you technically are an idiot if you indulge in petty crime.
Baron Max said:
So ye're advocating that the criminal be the one to make the decision, and then the rest of us have to abide by it and let him go free? Interesting concept, Spurious.

Baron Max

No, what I was trying to say that it is your responsibility to make the decision to steal a candybar. Not mine. You can't hold me responsible for your actions or your thoughts.
spuriousmonkey said:
No, what I was trying to say that it is your responsibility to make the decision to steal a candybar. Not mine. You can't hold me responsible for your actions or your thoughts.
But isn't it the job of the police to help protect us from people making such illegal decisions?
The officer who does not intervene in the theft in some way is complicit in the theft and guilty, at the very least, of dereliction of duty.