What would you do?


Registered Member
I'm in school to become a cop, and I remember a theoretical question that one of my professors asked the class a few semesters back. It went as follows....

Suppose that for whatever reason, your clearing a grocery store during the middle of the night. After you clear the store, you and your partner are headed out. On the way out, your partner grabs a candy bar and eats it. What do you do?

He did not want an answer, but rather wanted us to ask ourselves what we would do. I've already figured out what I would do, but I'd like to know what you would do.

The law does not deal with trivia and neither do I. If it were my store I'd let it be known that you can have a candy bar but you can't walk out with a case of beer.
i would tell him that he either pay for it when he gets his check
or i would inform management

in either case i would distance myself from him
Well, it's theft, isn't it? Aren't you/he taking something that does NOT belong to you and without any permission as evidenced by the fact that the candybar is for sale.

What bothers me so much is how people can continually dismiss the theft of some item like that without giving it much thought .....because if YOU can forgive a candybar, why can't someone else forgive, say, a case of beer? Or two cases of beer?

Baron Max
spuriousmonkey said:
I grab two candybars and eat them, and stuff a few in my pockets.

Well, that's okay for YOU, Spurious, because your nation provides everything and anything that you need or want anyway! :)

Baron Max
I think I'd make a point of paying for it for him/her... .the FIRST time... and letting him/her know I hoped there wouldn't be a second.
Dreama said:
I think I'd make a point of paying for it for him/her... .the FIRST time... and letting him/her know I hoped there wouldn't be a second.

How would you pay for it? You can't just leave the money on the counter because then when they show up there would be extra money laying around. They wouldn't know what to do with it and it would probably raise some questions.

You can't go in the next day and pay for it cuz they would know that you are taking stuff.

It's a difficult situation. What to do with a corrupt police officer?
Is there an internal disciplinary code or set of rules one could turn to?
water said:
It's a difficult situation. What to do with a corrupt police officer?

I don't think it's a difficult situation at all ...not in the least! It was petty theft and there's simply no way around that issue ...he took/stole something that didn't belong to him.

water said:
Is there an internal disciplinary code or set of rules one could turn to?

Of course there is ...and that should be the very first stop. As it's petty theft, I'm sure that the authorities would simply make him go back, admit it and pay for it. But that action should go on his record ...he's a thief!

Look at it this way: If we forgive that one officer, then isn't that saying that all of the thousands of police officers in the country can take a candy bar from a store any time they want to???? How can you let the ONE officer off the hook, while expecting all of the others not to do the same things?

Baron Max
emtkooter said:
On the way out, your partner grabs a candy bar and eats it. What do you do?


First I would ask if my partner knows the person who owns the store and find out if he had been told in the past that he could help himself to a small snack. Many store owners do give cops freebies just because they appreciate the job they do.

If no such relationship existed, I would say to my partner that the man who owns the store is trying to make an honest living and while small in its action, it all adds up in the end. Then I would drop the issue.
I would tell him to pay for it, or I will report him.

By him stealing the candy bar in front of me, he has involved me in this crime.
emtkooter said:
You can't go in the next day and pay for it cuz they would know that you are taking stuff.

Yes, you can go back the next day and pay for it.
Baron Max said:
Well, it's theft, isn't it? Aren't you/he taking something that does NOT belong to you and without any permission as evidenced by the fact that the candybar is for sale.

What bothers me so much is how people can continually dismiss the theft of some item like that without giving it much thought .....because if YOU can forgive a candybar, why can't someone else forgive, say, a case of beer? Or two cases of beer?

Baron Max

A case of beer is also ok, unless it is from a small neighbourhood grocery store. Publix or so is fine.
spuriousmonkey said:
Better a negro than a corporate whore.

How so? Please explain.

It would also be nice to hear your definition of "corporate whore". Because as you've used it, you seem to be saying/implying that only white people can be "corporate whores". Surely ye're not saying that, are you?

Baron Max