What would you do if you only had one day to live?

Humm, I have other concept of what glory is. Yours appears to be more in tune with suicide bombers.
And I find it strange because a few months ago you were considering working for the British government.
Humm, I have other concept of what glory is. Yours appears to be more in tune with suicide bombers.
And I find it strange because a few months ago you were considering working for the British government.

i didnt want to work for MI5/6 to help my country lol, i wanted to join purely for selfish reasons, i wanted a license to kill, cool mission objectives and a secret agent lifestyle. yeah it didnt work out big surprise.

glory is like beauty, its in the eye of the mother fucker armed with an automatic bad boy. my government has no honour, it does not hand out justice, it locks up people for defending their family. yet lets baby rapists walk free on a regular basis. the police force is a joke. they shoot innocent people and beat down little kids. our government wage war and base it on lies, i dont care about our system and the people who uphold it, screw them all right in the ass.

im not saying im going to blow anything up, im not saying im going to shoot anybody. this is a hypothetical scenario and question. wich is based on my real feelings.

(ass covered).

You really need to change your circumstances if you have that much anger in you. Shooting people is not a good last day. You need to detach from the forces that are causing you consternation and seek a new way of living.
I'd probably cry a lot and rant about how unfair it was. Screaming about how god hated me because I was an atheist.
I'd spend it talking/playing with the kids and having sex with teh hubby. Telling my Mom how much I love her.
How could god hate you for being an atheist if you don't believe god exists? The rest sounds reasonable. You certainly wouldn't go to work, would you?
How could god hate you for being an atheist if you don't believe god exists? The rest sounds reasonable. You certainly wouldn't go to work, would you?

I was being funny...I thought. :) I would try and add levity to my last day by saying it.
I wouldn't go to work. I think it would be sad that someoen would want to spend their last day doing that instead of being with friends/family. But maybe if you scuba dive for a living...
That's my point exactly. Why do you have to wait until your last day on Earth to be doing these things? Besides, you probably won't know your last day, so you should be doing these things all the time.
I'd probably spend my last day talking to bozos on SciForums - and laughing at their half-formed ideas.
That's my point exactly. Why do you have to wait until your last day on Earth to be doing these things? Besides, you probably won't know your last day, so you should be doing these things all the time.

Because saying goodbye to friends and writing testaments is not really my cup of tea to be doing all the time. ;)
borrow the answer on this question from nature!


Some species of rainforest butterflies live only one day...and they spend their life...looking for a mate and mating.
"Say goodbye to friends, write a short testament, go and meditate by the sea."
The point is you don't know when you last day is - it comes like a thief in the night. Keep watch!
Biologically impossible for a human body and mind. It takes many years to develop a grown up mind. So I'd probably be acting on instincts - eating sleeping, scratching myself and having sex - nothing particulary interesting or worthwhile. Maybe except for sleep.
The point is you don't know when you last day is - it comes like a thief in the night. Keep watch!

Except for those sentenced to death.
When it will come, I'll say hi. Doesn't bother me much.