What would truly convince you there is a God?

Medicine Woman said:
Lucidfox: If you ever go to the site where Jesus's tomb is look inside and you'll find no body:) If Jesus stayed dead his body would've been in his tomb but instead he rose up into heaven. His body was never found.
M*W: His body was never dead or alive, because he didn't exist.
In historical documents there is records of a man named Jesus Christ who lived in the same area the Bible said he lived in and I think those records said he was a prophet. So I at least know that there WAS a Jesus Christ. Whether he's really the son of God is up for debate but even the Jews know that a man named Jesus Christ existed, they just believe that he was a really good man but not the son of God like the Bible claimed.
Yorda said:
Life is a dream. You think it's weird if there is no above or below? You know... you think there is above and below only because of gravity and stuff... they are created by your mind, just like everything. In space there is no above or below. Anything weird about that? I'm just being hyperscientific.

You think matter exists externally only because your eyes see it? Your hands feel it... then matter is nothing but electrical signals in your brain

nothing is created by our mind... but everything is percieved by our mind...
and general human perception due to evolution is "yes the sky is above" and if it's below for you... then there's something rong with ur brain itself... such people are admitted to the asylum!
Lucidfox said:
In historical documents there is records of a man named Jesus Christ who lived in the same area the Bible said he lived in and I think those records said he was a prophet. So I at least know that there WAS a Jesus Christ. Whether he's really the son of God is up for debate but even the Jews know that a man named Jesus Christ existed, they just believe that he was a really good man but not the son of God like the Bible claimed.

if he did exist in the first place... he was just like any other saint or hermit spreading the word of god... just that people then were not as educated and unorthodox like us!