What would truly convince you there is a God?

Dug-T: Only thing that will convince me that he exists is if when I die, basically not knowing = waste of time thinking about all that god crap, from a book i'd rather wipe my ass with.
M*W: Welcome to sciforums, Dug-T! I look forward to more of your posts!
You say the stuff on the site is false. Yet, if scientists had the power to test those theories(for example, changing the orbit of the earth or the size of the earth)do you think any would dare to try it? All the facts on that site have sound scientific logic behind them and I've yet to find solid evidence that God does not exist. Show me a link that has solid evidence that God does not exist and I'll look it up.
Lucidfox: Jesus's body was never found and I think there was evidence that predated the Bible that proved the prophecies to be true.
M*W: And what prophecies "predated" the bible that those prophecies were true?
Luciferox: I found a website a while ago that has all kinds of proof like prophetic proof, scientific proof, etc that the Bible is true but I forgot the site url
M*W: We can all rest assured that everything on the Internet proves this crap must be true!
Luciferox: but if I find it I'll post it here because it can explain everything a lot better than I can and I think I may've gotten a couple of facts mixed up.
M*W: This is the most truthful thing I've heard you say thus far. I would agree that you have gotten a couple of faxed mixed up.
Lucidfox: I know that God exists and that Jesus is the son of God because prophecy has proven it all true. Jesus's tomb remains empty to this day :D
M*W: What prophecy has proven what to be true? Did you honestly think Jesus was going to reappear in his tomb?
If you ever go to the site where Jesus's tomb is look inside and you'll find no body:) If Jesus stayed dead his body would've been in his tomb but instead he rose up into heaven. His body was never found.
Yorda said:
only in my mind maybe!! if i want to, but what's that to do with anything anyway???????

well just tryin to imagine the world you live in...
its time for you to wake up friend!
yank said:
well just tryin to imagine the world you live in...
its time for you to wake up friend!

I already "woke up" 3 years ago when I was atheistic. Then I woke up more and became spiritual. But now I've woken up even more...
Why people read this book and take it on board is beyond belief... We humans have capability to think for ourselves, its time religious people understood this concept.

To assume anything in life is as pointless as banging my head off the wall till brain damage sets in.

Get off your high horse god people wake up smell the coffee, or a flower hey at least they are real and you see them, what does it matter if there is a god? if there is then so be it but it wont achieve nothing in your life.

It seems to me that religious people have a massive fear of the unknown and they take things onboard what others tell them....

Oh and thanks medicine woman ;)
Yorda said:
I already "woke up" 3 years ago when I was atheistic. Then I woke up more and became spiritual. But now I've woken up even more...

sorry bout this... but you're still living a dream!
yank said:
sorry bout this... but you're still living a dream!

Life is a dream. You think it's weird if there is no above or below? You know... you think there is above and below only because of gravity and stuff... they are created by your mind, just like everything. In space there is no above or below. Anything weird about that? I'm just being hyperscientific.

You think matter exists externally only because your eyes see it? Your hands feel it... then matter is nothing but electrical signals in your brain
Lucidfox: If you ever go to the site where Jesus's tomb is look inside and you'll find no body:) If Jesus stayed dead his body would've been in his tomb but instead he rose up into heaven. His body was never found.
M*W: His body was never dead or alive, because he didn't exist.
Yorda: I already "woke up" 3 years ago when I was atheistic. Then I woke up more and became spiritual. But now I've woken up even more...
M*W: Could you provide convincing evidence of this?
Lucidfox said:
Show me a link that has solid evidence that God does not exist and I'll look it up.

I feel I need to question your logic here...When has it ever been the burden of others to prove that something doesn't exist? I could make up things all day long and then make you prove they are not real. By the way, prove that a Gionisiara doesn't exist. Show me a link with solid evidence please.
The only thing that could convince me that there is a god is if I got 100 billion dollars and several hundred hot chicks right now.
*looks around*
nope. there's no god. :D
Maybe the god is having trouble replicating the newer American currency???
Yorda: I already "woke up" 3 years ago when I was atheistic. Then I woke up more and became spiritual. But now I've woken up even more...
M*W: Could you provide convincing evidence of this?
Yorda: I don't think that's possible.

But I'll tell a little... when I was a child, i thought nothing, I was nothing, I was unconscious.

When I was 15 I saw the world and it was realistic, I was scientific and interrested in the material world and how it worked... I read many scientific things and thought the idea of God was ridiculous.

3 years later I saw the world inside myself and it was very different from the world outside, I was spiritual and interrested in the inner world of humans and how it worked... I read many religious things and I understood the idea of God and the meaning of all religions...

Now, a moment later I see that the world I thought was outside is inside myself, and that there is no external reality apart from the mind. But it doesn't matter.