What would truly convince you there is a God?

fahrenheit 451

Registered Senior Member
What would truly convince you there is a God?

Many people point to the miracles in the Bible as sure proof of God. Others tell of personal experiences that have once and for all convinced them (usually based around a warm, fuzzy feeling).
Common examples of miracles that I am sure you have probably heard of are:

* Uncommonly fast (even overnight) healing of broken bones.
* Crosses of light in church windows (visible when there is an external light source).
* Jesus turning water into wine.
* Survival in extreme situations.
* Visions of saints, the Virgin Mary etc.
* Jesus walking on water.

Now, only in the last 100 years have we been able to create lasers, jet engines, holograms, CAT scanners, mobile phones and televisions. A few centuries ago, this sort of technology would have been considered either a heavenly miracle, or the work of Satan.

Imagine what we will be able to do in 500 years, if we continue expanding our knowledge at the present rate. A civilisation a million years more advanced than us would certainly be able to accomplish things that would seem utterly miraculous (or magical) compared with our current level of technology.

Most of the miracles listed above, and probably many others you can think of, are limited by the laws of physics. Most of them could simply be accomplished by the crew of the Enterprise on Star Trek, which is obviously fictional but certainly still within the bounds of reason.

Now, I'm not suggesting that all so-called miracles are caused by playful aliens, just that they are certainly not absolute evidence of divine intervention by a being that is not constrained by any natural laws. It is quite reasonable to imagine an advanced technology that could be responsible for any given miracle, even raising the dead.

The above miracles would be a lot more impressive (although still not outside the laws of physics) if they weren't so limited. For example:

* Instant healing of massive physical injury, while under supervision of hospital staff.
* 30 foot crosses of fire above the church, with no source of fuel or ignition.
* Jesus turning water into petrol (not available in those days, and requires a lot of effort to produce).
* Survival in impossible conditions (being blown into tiny pieces).
* Visions of saints projected on all available media, over the entire planet at once.
* Jesus swimming under-water for ten miles.

It is difficult to envisage a "miracle" that could not easily be reproduced by a sufficiently advanced technology - something that could only possibly be performed by a truly omnipotent being. A suggestion I heard once was to alter the speed of light throughout the universe (but how could we measure it all over the universe?). The only miracle I can think of that could truly convince me that there is an omnipotent being would be for that being to grant me omnipotence.

What would convince you?

But if something weird ("miraculous") happens in this world... it instantly becomes natural. otherwise it couldn't have happened. IMO there can't be anything "supernatural".

Still, these kind of unknown natural effects convince people taht there is a god. either everything is a miracle or nothing is. people think they know everything and can explain everything... they think it's not a miracle that they can lift their hand, because they've gotten used on such "everyday things".

One thing is kind of convincing... if you imagine being born on an island, where there's nothing but you. your parents leave you when you're born. you survive. when you grow older and become conscious of yourself, maybe you start thinking... wtf? what is this place and why am i here?? this naturally gets you thinking about god. some kind of 'higher power' must have made you and this world.

the thing when Jesus walked on water and turned water into wine really get me thinking that this world is metaphysical in our minds... spiritual... and if we know our mind thoroughly, maybe we can do such things.
answer to title (What would truly convince you there is a God?)
ya' know, I don’t think anything could. at least nothing pops into my mind.
If God is God, God is not good. If God is good, God is not God. There is nothing that a God can do to convince me that he is worthy of worship, even if he can prove to me that he exists.
The clouds would have to part, and a heavenly light filter down accompanied by celestial trumpets, as God comes down to me and says, "hey, I'm God, I made everything...".
This booming voice coming down from the clouds, "You piss me off!"
My reaction would not be to worship him, though, but I'd have a couple questions.
Nothing really would convince me that some sort of supernatural being exists.
we're all just small components of this universe... god stays silent to everything we say here. he is completely calm and unchanged.

we are not even capable of speaking of god. we think we speak of a god, but we do not know god, so we can't speak of him.
I still feel convinced that God is a space alien with advanced technology, and Jesus is the result of artificial insemination. Something along those lines. Call me crazy if you want. Your thread just made me think about that.
what would convince me???
prove this statement false -
"if god has unlimited power then he can create something more powerful than himself...
if he does so, he's no longer the most powerful...
and if he doesn't then he wasn't the most powerful in the first place...
either ways he can't possibly exist!"
OverTheStars said:
I still feel convinced that God is a space alien with advanced technology, and Jesus is the result of artificial insemination. Something along those lines. Call me crazy if you want. Your thread just made me think about that.

There are actually books about that believe it or not.
and there are many people out there who do believe that we were created by aliens!
the preacher said:
what could convince me of a god.
absolutely nothing.

See? It's not God's fault and it's not organized religion's fault...it's not my, or any other Christians fault. Witnessing does no good, evidence does no good...why? Because you don't want to know, that's why. You don't want proof....you don't want the truth. You can't handle the truth. So when it's all said and done, it doesn't come down to logic, history, scripture, testimony, evidence, or proof...it all just comes down to what you want to believe. Because idiots believe whatever they want to, whether it makes sense or not...whether it's actually true or not....they're not the least bit concerned about what the truth really is.
yank said:
and there are many people out there who do believe that we were created by aliens!

Hey....anything but Jesus right? lol
yank said:
and there are many people out there who do believe that we were created by aliens!

if we're created by aliens, what created the aliens? i don't think jesus was a space alien... i thought so at first when i heard of him, but not anymore. i think jesus was a reincarnation of a giant race which lived on earth. jesus didn't inherit the size of the giant race, only the mind. these giants didn't have super advanced technology but they were very advanced spiritually. these giants are a misunderstood race... and there are perfect reasons for that.

Lori_7 said:
Hey....anything but Jesus right? lol

most people don't understand spiritual things like god, so they have to find something which sounds more logical. people are still very physical, i was too, i only believed in a cold material universe, but i'm not like that anymore.
Lori_7 said:
Because idiots believe whatever they want to, whether it makes sense or not...whether it's actually true or not....they're not the least bit concerned about what the truth really is.
You've just described (most) followers of god. :D

What would convince me?
First you have to define "god" - and then define a test that would irrefutably prove his existence - and for each god it might be different.

A bona fide miracle, as Farenheit 451 suggests, would be a start.
And before anyone says "But what about those in the Bible!" - I could write a book with some "miracles" in it - but noone would believe them. And the only difference between my book and the Bible is 2,000 years or so.
I believe in an impersonal and decentralized God, which is the same as saying that all of existence exhibits a unified coherency. Which is the same as Tao. Which the Christians would say can't be called a God at all, not if you can't talk to it.