What would it take to convince you that you were wrong?


Valued Senior Member
If you are an atheist, what would it take to convince you that a god existed? If you are a theist, what would it take to convince you that the god you worship didn't exist? What sort of evidence would be necessary to make you change your mind? I'm curious about this because you often here theists accuse atheists of being "close minded" and unwilling to accept any evidence for god. I think it's actually the reverse - most atheists can easily give examples of the sorts of evidence that would make them reconsider their stance, but in my experience most theists say that there is nothing that could possibly make them change their mind. But maybe I'm wrong. So...what would it take to make you reconsider your beliefs?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nothing in this world could EVER make me not believe in God. And no terrorists' knife or gun could EVER make me denounce Him.:worship:
I don't have a belief in God through reason, so I concur that it would require reason to make me change.
Nothing will make me abandon my faith in Myuu.

Unless he doesn't chip in for a pitcher.
I don't have a belief in God through reason, so I concur that it would require reason to make me change.

Same here. Too much shit doesn't add up for any belief whatsoever. Faith has no meaning when it doesn't have a solid foundation of reason, a bit of evidence and logic.
Will the walls and roof of a house stay up for very long if the foundation isn't solid? Nope.
Christianity is the best foundation I could have ever hoped to have. Thank God my parents taught me well. When you have Christ as your foundation you cannot fail.
Christianity is the best foundation I could have ever hoped to have. Thank God my parents taught me well. When you have Christ as your foundation you cannot fail.
Yeah I guess you're just a better person than all us non Christians who are going to hell. :rolleyes:
Even the most wise will contradict themselves numerous times. Because we learn from experience, so I can´t tell you what would it take me to believe that God doesn´t exist, I can tell you it´s a possibility. But if I had the answer to your question then I wouldn´t believe in God already.
The truth, is, I strongly believe in the existence of God, I know that what we see, is nothing but an image created by our brain, it is an illusion. But the unification of everything existent and non-exitent is God for me.

I don´t know what can you say to make me think that life has nothing to do with God. I never heard a thing that changed my mind so far, for me, the biggest proof of God is love.
Christianity is the best foundation I could have ever hoped to have. Thank God my parents taught me well. When you have Christ as your foundation you cannot fail.

Christ is not an organization, sometime you´ll see the truth behind it all. And the truth is, there is nobody that can tell you what is truth or not, you gotta experience it yourself, the truth.
And in what way is that proof? I'm intrigued to know your thought process on the matter.
I don't have a belief in God through reason, so I concur that it would require reason to make me change.
Well yes, clearly...but my question is about what evidence it would take to convince you, based on your powers of reason, that there was a god.
Yeah I guess you're just a better person than all us non Christians who are going to hell. :rolleyes:

I never said I was better than anyone else. Just different. I have chosen to believe. I could have said no and led a sin-filled/pagan/pathetic life. I chose God. And for that I got happiness, peace, joy beyond imagination, and all my heart's desires. Now all I want to do is get other people saved so they can experience this joy too, serve God, and go to Heaven.:D
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nothing in this world could EVER make me not believe in God.
Really? What people of another religion (say, Hinduism) were able to instantly heal people of any disease or injury through prayer, with perfect results every time? Suppose you lose your legs in a car accident, but when a Hindu stands in front of you and says a brief prayer suddenly there's a flash of light and your legs have magically reappeared?

What if the followers of another religion were magically immune to any sort of harm? Bullets fired at them simply stopped in the air for no reason, they weren't affected by disease, they could stay underwater for hours without drowning, etc?

Are you really telling me that such evidence wouldn't make you ever consider the possibility that their god was real and yours wasn't?
And in what way is that proof? I'm intrigued to know your thought process on the matter.

Love kindles love, as fire lights fire. However, from where does the first flame come? From within you, it springs beneath the dominance of sorrow... this you know.
Love is the best attainable religion. It is beautiful to love. Only the simple and pure Souls know how to love. Love is nourished with love. Arouse the flame of the spirit with the power of love.
Love ennobles man, softens his hardened heart, tames the brute in him, and makes of him a lamb.

Love is something we all taste in rare, brief moments of intimacy - which some say is a brief glimpse of actual spiritual enlightenment . . . but normally takes place in between long periods of pain, boredom, and loneliness..

When you truly love, you put yourself in second place, your beloved is the first in your heart. This is to let go of your ego, it is the easier way for a man to let go of his ego, even if is for breef moments.

It is the meaning of the phrase: "Give us this day our daily bread". It is not food Jesus is talking about. It is love, and we reject it if we are all ego, and no spirit, we gotta be open to obtain it, to make the love blossom in your heart.

God gave us love, on which is contained all the wisdom of existence.

I say: love everything, and you will know God.
Really? What people of another religion (say, Hinduism) were able to instantly heal people of any disease or injury through prayer, with perfect results every time? Suppose you lose your legs in a car accident, but when a Hindu stands in front of you and says a brief prayer suddenly there's a flash of light and your legs have magically reappeared?

What if the followers of another religion were magically immune to any sort of harm? Bullets fired at them simply stopped in the air for no reason, they weren't affected by disease, they could stay underwater for hours without drowning, etc?

Are you really telling me that such evidence wouldn't make you ever consider the possibility that their god was real and yours wasn't?

That would be the work of Satan, obviously. :rolleyes:
Really? What people of another religion (say, Hinduism) were able to instantly heal people of any disease or injury through prayer, with perfect results every time? Suppose you lose your legs in a car accident, but when a Hindu stands in front of you and says a brief prayer suddenly there's a flash of light and your legs have magically reappeared?

What if the followers of another religion were magically immune to any sort of harm? Bullets fired at them simply stopped in the air for no reason, they weren't affected by disease, they could stay underwater for hours without drowning, etc?

Are you really telling me that such evidence wouldn't make you ever consider the possibility that their god was real and yours wasn't?

This is not a fight of Gods, is a fight of men. There is only one God, and it is for everyone, from the Mayans to the Egyptians, from the Hindus to the Christians, even the atheists. It is the same true God, and to try to give a concept on what is God and what are his intentions is just a waste of time.
If you are an atheist, what would it take to convince you that a god existed?

Tricky, because if God appeared to me, I'd have to convince myself I wasn't having a psychotic episode. Too many people have used 'God told me to do it' as their defense, to just accept it really was 'God' talking or appearing to me.

So I guess several manifestations, witnessed by many people. Filmed or recorded maybe.

But a vague happy joy joy feeling? Hmm, no, I get that after running six miles or catching some righteous waves.