What would convince you?

Other examples were given by other posters and you ignored them and said "All this talk and these atheists still don't give me examples...... " I don't care if you reply to every post but don't say things that are clearly untrue.
What examples? Only about 2 posters gave examples, the rest was just typical atheistic propaganda...

shaman_ said:
But I don’t think it should be up to atheists to define the evidence for a deity that they don’t believe in. I gave you some possible examples of evidence anyway - which you discarded. It should be up to the theists to state their evidence. There are many religions that you reject. Should it be up to you to name the evidence for the existence of Ra, Thor and Quetzalcoatl? Wouldn’t it make more sense for the believers of those religions to show you their evidence instead?
Why shouldn't it be? Atheists are the ones who reject and deny any type of evidence given...so why not define what evidence is? The reason atheists can't easily give examples is because they don't want to believe in God, this is a great strategy used by atheists, ask for evidence, deny evidence, say there can be no evidence, then say "see the reason I don't believe is because there's no evidence"

shaman_ said:
By your logic, if you don’t name the evidence for these religions then you arBe relying on pure, blind atheistic faith.
No, I don't deny the truth of any other religions, if I can't give examples of evidence then I would just say that it's unverifiable, and if it's unverifiable it means there's no way to know if it's actually true or false....just as with the many-worlds interpretation, if I can't give an example of what evidence is, then I would just say it's currently unknown whether it is true or false...

Atheists on the other hand exclusively state that God doesn't exist using nothing more than blind faith....if the existence of God is unverifiable then any swing in either direction (belief or disbelief) requires faith...

shaman_ said:
So could you suggest evidence for the existence of Ra, Thor and Quetzalcoatl? If you answer with anything sounding ‘supernatural’ I am going to dismiss it (because the supernatural doesn’t count according to you) and then say that you are relying of pure, blind atheistic faith. You are displaying the same behavior as those that you criticize.
No, I never displayed this type of behavior, IMO Ra and Quetzalcoatl really existed, when I did I ever say that they didn't exist? You must be desperate now, saying I said things I never said...

shaman_ said:
Now VitalOne, in the the past you have refused to look at an example of faith that mirrors your own. Try to see my point here. This is the argument you are putting forward.
I don't know what you're talking about at all....I don't say other religions are false because there's no evidence, I'm not like a blind atheistic fool...
Atheists are the ones who reject and deny any type of evidence given...so why not define what evidence is?
M*W: Wrong. We don't "reject and deny" evidence, if it is objective evidence that can be tested and proven.

The reason atheists can't easily give examples is because they don't want to believe in God...,
M*W: I can't imagine an atheist giving evidence for the existence of a god!

"...this is a great strategy used by atheists, ask for evidence, deny evidence, say there can be no evidence, then say "see the reason I don't believe is because there's no evidence...".
M*W: I'm an atheist. If I see some evidence that could be tested and conclusively substantiated by my peers (other atheists), I would certainly give it some further study. Until that occurs, I can't believe in dieties.

Atheists on the other hand exclusively state that God doesn't exist using nothing more than blind faith...
M*W: I doubt that atheists have "blind faith" about anything, not just dieties.

...if the existence of God is unverifiable then any swing in either direction (belief or disbelief) requires faith...
M*W: No, it doesn't. As it currently stands, there is no verifiable evidence for the existence of a god. It only "swings" toward belief through the use of "blind faith." In other words, it's the believers who have "blind faith," not the atheists.

No, I never displayed this type of behavior, IMO Ra and Quetzalcoatl really existed, when I did I ever say that they didn't exist?
M*W: This surely needs further study. I can't speak for the Aztec and Maya, but I believe Quetzalcoatl was a historic figure but Ra was not. "Ra" was a metaphor for the sun god.

I'm not like a blind atheistic fool...
M*W: No, you're not. You're just a blind fool.
Why shouldn't it be? Atheists are the ones who reject and deny any type of evidence given...so why not define what evidence is? The reason atheists can't easily give examples is because they don't want to believe in God, this is a great strategy used by atheists, ask for evidence, deny evidence, say there can be no evidence, then say "see the reason I don't believe is because there's no evidence"
Here it is again. Maybe this time you'll notice it if I make it red?

Evidence that could convince me includes:

- Miraculous occurrences, especially if brought about through prayer to a specific god. If followers of a particular religion were consistently able to perform unambiguously miraculous acts or cause them to be brought about by prayer, that would be very convincing evidence. For example, if a double-blind study showed that prayer to a specific god could increase hospital patient survival rates in a statistically significant way, I would probably convert to that religion.

-If a religion had followers (or a holy book) that made specific, unambiguous prophecies about events that have not yet occurred, and those prophecies came to pass. The prophecies would have to be something that was non-obvious and that didn’t require mental gymnastics to interpret.

-A holy book that contained a lot of scientific/technical information that couldn’t have been known to the people who wrote it. That would be pretty convincing evidence that the knowledge in the book was given to its authors by a “higher power”. Again, it would have to be specific information that didn’t require mental gymnastics to interpret. It would also have to be mostly correct – I wouldn’t be impressed by an ancient book that contained a few correct pieces of information and a huge number of incorrect pieces of information, because then I would assume that the authors had simply made a large number of claims and gotten lucky on a few of them.
The World, and literally, everything was created by him. Take a look around you, this was not a mistake, and there is a purpose for every creation he makes.
ok so why would god create man with niples,or apendix...
here look at all these gods mistakes

Ill tell you why,god dindt create anything,things naturaly evolved adapt to their environment and anything that dont adapt dies.its called natural selection...
Atheists often say that they would believe in God if there was evidence, so what's an example of evidence that would fully convince you that God or anything supernatural exists?
in case of xian god,
the one who believes in Jesus will "allegedly" get WHATEVER he/she wishes in prayer,
I say PROOVE it,
pray to god to give you next weeks winning lottery numbers,then send to me :D
If you can do that I promise to praise him every day,

btw what would you consider supernatural,?
imo everything that exist is NATURAL
If you can't give an example, then you're just relying on blind faith....pure blind atheistic faith...
we are relying on our senses,which havent detected any gods whatsoever yet.
What examples? Only about 2 posters gave examples, ...
..and you ignored them and pretended that no one answered. You are being dishonest.

Why shouldn't it be? Atheists are the ones who reject and deny any type of evidence given...so why not define what evidence is? The reason atheists can't easily give examples is because they don't want to believe in God, this is a great strategy used by atheists, ask for evidence, deny evidence, say there can be no evidence, then say "see the reason I don't believe is because there's no evidence"
You were given examples but ignored them. You also wont even accept anything supernatural as evidence for god. You are the one denying possible evidence.

No, I don't deny the truth of any other religions, if I can't give examples of evidence then I would just say that it's unverifiable, and if it's unverifiable it means there's no way to know if it's actually true or false....just as with the many-worlds interpretation, if I can't give an example of what evidence is, then I would just say it's currently unknown whether it is true or false...
But would you not believe in it until there was some evidence? (like an atheist)

Atheists on the other hand exclusively state that God doesn't exist using nothing more than blind faith....if the existence of God is unverifiable then any swing in either direction (belief or disbelief) requires faith...
No, many athiests think that it should be possible to prove that god/gods exists. They are atheists however because there is no evidence yet. You have chosen to accept anything and everything as evidence to confirm your belief.

No, I never displayed this type of behavior, IMO Ra and Quetzalcoatl really existed, when I did I ever say that they didn't exist? You must be desperate now, saying I said things I never said...
Actually I didn't say that but comprehension is clearly not your strong point. I was trying to make a point but, as usual, you chose not to see it.

So could you suggest what evidence you would accept for the existence of Ra, Quetzalcoatl and Thor? It can't be supernatural.

I don't know what you're talking about at all....I don't say other religions are false because there's no evidence, I'm not like a blind atheistic fool...
So you think that every religion is real? :rolleyes: You don't have a problem with every religion have different creation myths. Don't say that they are all similar because some of them are very different. All these gods working away, looking down on us and they don't get in each other's way?
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HOW explains causes.
The implication in WHY is a purpose.

That's the difference.
Science doesn't give two hoots about WHY.
Here it is again. Maybe this time you'll notice it if I make it red?

Evidence that could convince me includes:

- Miraculous occurrences, especially if brought about through prayer to a specific god. If followers of a particular religion were consistently able to perform unambiguously miraculous acts or cause them to be brought about by prayer, that would be very convincing evidence. For example, if a double-blind study showed that prayer to a specific god could increase hospital patient survival rates in a statistically significant way, I would probably convert to that religion.

-If a religion had followers (or a holy book) that made specific, unambiguous prophecies about events that have not yet occurred, and those prophecies came to pass. The prophecies would have to be something that was non-obvious and that didn’t require mental gymnastics to interpret.

-A holy book that contained a lot of scientific/technical information that couldn’t have been known to the people who wrote it. That would be pretty convincing evidence that the knowledge in the book was given to its authors by a “higher power”. Again, it would have to be specific information that didn’t require mental gymnastics to interpret. It would also have to be mostly correct – I wouldn’t be impressed by an ancient book that contained a few correct pieces of information and a huge number of incorrect pieces of information, because then I would assume that the authors had simply made a large number of claims and gotten lucky on a few of them.
Thanks, this seems good, but only the first and third ones are objectively measurable, not sure about the 2nd one...

Also none of this is actual evidence of God, it's just evidence of things associated with God...so atheists will say so what if it's all true it doesn't prove that God actually exists, just that prayer and prophecies exist...

in case of xian god,
the one who believes in Jesus will "allegedly" get WHATEVER he/she wishes in prayer,
I say PROOVE it,
pray to god to give you next weeks winning lottery numbers,then send to me :D
If you can do that I promise to praise him every day,
Thanks this is very testable...but are you sure you would really believe if it really happened? I'm pretty sure most atheists would dismiss it as a coincidence if it really happened innumerable times...that's how atheists always explain answered prayers (and most questions), it's just nature + causeless chance....

I'm pretty sure atheists will say that this is not evidence of God but just evidence of prayer...

scorpius said:
btw what would you consider supernatural,?
imo everything that exist is NATURAL
So by your standards the supernatural cannot exist because you believe all there is the natural?

What I would consider supernatural is something outside of nature, something outside of the system, the cause of all causes, unborn, the origin of reality, etc....

scorpius said:
we are relying on our senses,which havent detected any gods whatsoever yet.
That's not true, why do you enjoy lying to yourself? None of the examples you gave is evidence of God, yet you haven't detected any evidence of gods (of which there cannot be, because you cannot give an example of what evidence of God is, only evidence of prayer, miracles, etc...)

..and you ignored them and pretended that no one answered. You are being dishonest.
I'm not being dishonest at all, the majority of all the replies were just atheists promoting the same type of atheistic propaganda...

shaman_ said:
You were given examples but ignored them. You also wont even accept anything supernatural as evidence for god. You are the one denying possible evidence.
I didn't really ignore them, but none of it is actually evidence of God, just evidence of miracles, prayer, etc...

shaman_ said:
But would you not believe in it until there was some evidence? (like an atheist)
No, UNLIKE the foolish atheist (who for some reason thinks themselves to be smart), if something is unverifiable (meaning there is no way to know if it's true or false), I would just say it's unknown if it's true or false...the atheist on the other hand says "Oh no, it just can't be true, everyone else is just another delusional fool, except for me"

shaman_ said:
No, many athiests think that it should be possible to prove that god/gods exists. They are atheists however because there is no evidence yet. You have chosen to accept anything and everything as evidence to confirm your belief.
No they don't, if they really think that it should be possible that god/gods exist, then they could easily give innumerable examples of evidence of God, but they can't, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, this is something hard to atheists to understand...

shaman_ said:
Actually I didn't say that but comprehension is clearly not your strong point. I was trying to make a point but, as usual, you chose not to see it.
Yes you did, you said look in the mirror, implying that I thought Ra didn't exist because there is no evidence...

shaman_ said:
So could you suggest what evidence you would accept for the existence of Ra, Quetzalcoatl and Thor? It can't be supernatural.
Yeah, I can give examples of evidence, but first I would have look up the attributes of Ra, Quetzalcoatl, etc...

Also, if I couldn't give examples of evidence, I would then they say that it's unverifiable, and if it's unverifiable (like the many-worlds interpretation), I would just say it's unknown whether Ra or Thor actually exist...you atheists on the other hand (being fools) jump to conclusion of unverifiability = false, being lovers of irrationality, abandoning reason and logic...

shaman_ said:
So you think that every religion is real? :rolleyes: You don't have a problem with every religion have different creation myths. Don't say that they are all similar because some of them are very different. All these gods working away, looking down on us and they don't get in each other's way?
No, I never said that...but most of them are real similar, the things Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Lao Tzu say are very very similar...

The creation myths are actually very similar...
God is allpowerful, right ?
Then God could make the same person win every lottery for a whole year straight, no atheist would dismiss that. Its statistically impossible.

VitalOne said:
you atheists on the other hand (being fools) jump to conclusion of unverifiability = false, being lovers of irrationality, abandoning reason and logic...

This is where ill pull out, youre just unworthy of discussion if you keep saying this kind of stuff. Its just stupid.
M*W: Wrong. We don't "reject and deny" evidence, if it is objective evidence that can be tested and proven.
Yes they do, they say any evidence of design for instance cannot be evidence of God...

Medicine*Woman said:
M*W: I can't imagine an atheist giving evidence for the existence of a god!
I'm not asking for evidence of God, I'm asking for examples of what would be evidence...for instance I can tell you what evidence of big foot or the Loch Ness monster is without believing they exist....

=Medicine*Woman said:
M*W: I doubt that atheists have "blind faith" about anything, not just dieties.
Faith is "belief without evidence", believing that an unverifiable claim is definitely false requires blind faith...

Medicine*Woman said:
M*W: No, it doesn't. As it currently stands, there is no verifiable evidence for the existence of a god. It only "swings" toward belief through the use of "blind faith." In other words, it's the believers who have "blind faith," not the atheists.
No, believing that an unverifiable claim is definitely false requires blind faith...

Medicine*Woman said:
M*W: This surely needs further study. I can't speak for the Aztec and Maya, but I believe Quetzalcoatl was a historic figure but Ra was not. "Ra" was a metaphor for the sun god.
Ra was probably an Egyptian high-priest King, a pharaoh, in ancient Egypt pharaohs were considered to be gods, so it is likely that Ra was probably a pharaoh...
God is allpowerful, right ?
Then God could make the same person win every lottery for a whole year straight, no atheist would dismiss that. Its statistically impossible.
If this happened I'm pretty sure atheists and skeptics would say there must be some type of cheating involved with the lottery company...and it probably wouldn't convince you or any other atheists of anything...they would just say "yeah so what, things like this with a very small probability of happening are bound to happen sometimes"

Enmos said:
This is where ill pull out, youre just unworthy of discussion if you keep saying this kind of stuff. Its just stupid.
Why is it stupid...atheists enjoy criticizing theists all the time, it's about time someone pointed out the irrationality of atheism...it's the same thing with you atheists it's ok for atheists to criticize and make fun of theists all the time, but if a theist criticizes atheism "oh no, you're unworthy of discussion if you say that"
If this happened I'm pretty sure atheists and skeptics would say there must be some type of cheating involved with the lottery company...and it probably wouldn't convince you or any other atheists of anything...they would just say "yeah so what, things like this with a very small probability of happening are bound to happen sometimes"

Why is it stupid...atheists enjoy criticizing theists all the time, it's about time someone pointed out the irrationality of atheism...it's the same thing with you atheists it's ok for atheists to criticize and make fun of theists all the time, but if a theist criticizes atheism "oh no, you're unworthy of discussion if you say that"

You are going to dismiss any 'evidence' we can come up with that way.
I see no point in continuing the discussion.
Atheists often say that they would believe in God if there was evidence, so what's an example of evidence that would fully convince you that God or anything supernatural exists?

'and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well'

So, if a theist is willing to come round to my house and drink deadly poison that I provide them then I would certainly be quite convinced. If they came round to my house and touched a verified cancer patient and their cancer instantly vanished, again I would be quite convinced.

I have indeed offered many theists deadly poison but they always turn it down. I wonder why.
You are going to dismiss any 'evidence' we can come up with that way.
I see no point in continuing the discussion.

I'm not dismissing any evidence, I'm just asking for examples that would actually fully convince atheists...but do you seriously believe that atheists will believe in God if some guy wins the lottery 100 times in a row? Rather it will be dismissed just as I described....atheists will say "There's still no reason to think that God or anything supernatural was involved, it's just a god-did-it explanation"
'and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well'

So, if a theist is willing to come round to my house and drink deadly poison that I provide them then I would certainly be quite convinced. If they came round to my house and touched a verified cancer patient and their cancer instantly vanished, again I would be quite convinced.

I have indeed offered many theists deadly poison but they always turn it down. I wonder why.

Thanks this is a good example of evidence....it's measurable and testable...but technically only proves that someone is immune to poison...
I'm not dismissing any evidence, I'm just asking for examples that would actually fully convince atheists...but do you seriously believe that atheists will believe in God if some guy wins the lottery 100 times in a row? Rather it will be dismissed just as I described....atheists will say "There's still no reason to think that God or anything supernatural was involved, it's just a god-did-it explanation"

Not if it was a controlled experiment ! With a 1000 or more theists praying for it, and strict control over the lottery process by both atheists and theist.
You can pick a similar experiment too, if you want. It would most likely have to involve a lot of praying and a strict control over the process by both theists and atheists.

Ofcourse, if God were to appear in public that would convince atheists as well, like i pointed out earlier.

What kind of evidence do you think we will accept then ?
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Besides, if God is all-powerful couldnt he just make us belief in him if he wanted. And since we dont belief isnt that what God actually wants ?
Thanks this is a good example of evidence....it's measurable and testable...but technically only proves that someone is immune to poison...

Not really, no. There are ways to check for immunity and this is clearly where the beauty of repeat testing comes into play, (which is sorta highlighted with Enmos' 100 lottery wins). Still, if you are willing to come here and drink deadly poison do let me know. Hell, I'll come to you. You up for that?